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(SUmcntarp (Elasstcs.
Adapted for the Use of Beginners
Rev. C. G. DUFFIELD, M.A.,
All rights reserved
First Edition 1SS3.
Reprinted January and April 1SS4, 1SS5, 1886.
1888, 1SS9, 1891, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1899.
) Introduction,
.\ Note on Eutropius,
Chronological Table, -
Directions for Translating,
Rules of Agreement, -
-' Directions for Parsing,
<I Eutropii Historia Romana,
<sy Exercises, -
— ^ Notes,
^ Index,
^N) Maps — Rome,
The Roman Empire,
♦ 71
This book is intended for pupils in quite an elemen-
tary stage. The text of Eutropius has been much
abridged, and most, if not all, of the diflficult passages
and unusual constructions have been either omitted
or altered.
While quite agreeing in the use of dictionaries for
upper forms, the Editors are of opinion that for small
boys it causes great waste of time, and much mental
confusion, without any corresponding advantage. As
a rule boys cannot understand how a word can be used
in more than one sense; they take the first meaning
given in the dictionary, and if it is not the meaning
required by the context, so much the worse for the
sense. WTien boys come to such an age that they
are able to realize the necessity of making a fit choice,
the working of the dictionary is no doubt a valuable
mental exercise.
Some seek to meet the objection to the use of
dictionaries by having a vocabulary arranged alpha-
betically with selected meanings; but for beginners
this plan has several drawbacks. In order to get all
the benefit possible from a construing lesson, the
meaning of the Latin words should be known both in
the context and also separately, and it is for this
reason that many teachers make their boys write
down the words when they have looked them out,
and so form their o^vn vocabulary. But young boys
do not copy faithfully, and if the words have been
learnt off from these home-made vocabularies, a large
crop of errors will have been stored up. The winnow-
ing process is not an easy one.
These considerations have decided the Editors to
adopt the plan of arranging the vocabularies in the
order of the text. The boys can here learn the voca-
bulary to a lesson after the construing has been made
clear to them, and thus get to know the words both
in the context and independently of it. If the master
always gives part of the hour to an examination in
the back vocabularies, the knowledge of his pupils
will increase rapidly.
Should it be found that the learning of so many
words is apt to produce a confused rather than a
clear knowledge, the master can make his boys mark
the important words only to be learnt, the rest being
considered in the context alone. In this way some of
the root words of the language will become familiar,
and the beginner's memory may escape the danger of
the conflisfon which comes of trying to remember too
many words at once.
As a rule no word is given more than once in the
vocabulary. If it has been forgotten, it must be sought
for again, by means of the index, in the place where
it first occurred: thus the principle of "connecting the
known with the unknown " is insisted upon.
Marks of quantity have been placed over those
syllables only where it is possible for a boy to make
a mistake in pronunciation.
TVTiat may be considered by some to be a more
valuable feature of the book are the exercises, which
consist of five or six sentences made up of words
occurring in the chapter with which the exercise runs
parallel, or of words but lately used. The tendency
always is to make the sentences too hard. Every
teacher of any experience knows the value of closely
connecting the translation and composition lesson,
and is also painfully aware of the difiiculty of making
up the required sentences during the lesson. It is
hoped, therefore, that this saving of time and labour
on the part of the teacher will be duly appreciated.
It is suggested that the translation of any chapter
and the exercise on that chapter should be done on
the same day, and, if possible, during the same
An English-Latin vocabulary has been purposely
omitted. The average boy will prefer to look out a
word in a vocabulary rather than exercise his thought;
and even if he has to look back to the text for the
word, it will be another link forged between the
translation and composition.
The notes, which, as a rule, boys make but little
use of, ^vill, it is hoped, be found to contain all that
is necessary. They are not copious, and do not pro-
fess to take the place of the master's explanation.
Very little is known of Eutropius, and his summary
of Roman History is the only work of his that has
been preserved. It was written in the reign of the
Emperor Valens, to whom it is dedicated, sometime
between A.D. 364 and 378. The work, which con-
sists of ten books, commences with the foundation of
Rome by Romulus and terminates with the death of
the Emjjeror Jovian, A.D. 364. Eutropius is said to
have been secretary to the Emperor Constantino the
Great, and from a remark which he drops in the
tenth book, we learn that he served under the
emperor Julian in his ill-fated expedition against the
Persians, A.D. 363 (x. xvi. i. Julianus...Parthis intulit
helium, cui expeditioni ego qiwqiie interfui). As might
be expected from the nature of his undertaking,
his style is simple and terse, and his language well
chosen; as a historian his judgment is cool and
Kome founded, - . . ^ . . . 753
The Seven Kings reigned, - - - . 753-509
The Romans drove out their kings, - . . . 509
The dictatorship introduced, - ■ - . . 501
"War with Veii, - - • - . . . 483
Decemvirs appointed, - - . . . . 451
Camillus dictator, ----.. 405
Capture of Rome by the Gauls, .... 390
Battle of the Caudine Forks, - • - . . 32I
The Samnites defeated, ---... 290
War with Pyrrhus, ----.. 281
The Romans masters of all Italy, - - . . 275
First Punic War, ---... 263
Second Punic War, ---... 218
Battle of Zama, ---•-.. 202
Macedonian War, ----.. 2OO
War with Antiochus, ----.. 192
The Romans conquerors of the East, - - . . 190
Third Punic War, -.-.._ 149
Carthage destroyed, ...... 146
War with Jugurtha, ...... in
Cimbrian War, - - - . . . . i05
Civil War between Marius and SuUa, - - - - 88
Wars with Mithridates, - - . . . 83-74
Catiline's Conspiracy, - • - . . - 63
Caesar's conquest of Gaul, • - - . -56
Civil War between Caesar and Pompey, - - - 49
Pompey defeated at Pharsalia, - - - - - 48
Death of Caesar, - - - - . - 44
Triumvirate of Octavianus, Antony, and Lepidus, - - 43
Defeat of Brutus and Cassius at Philippi, - - - 42
Antony defeated by Octavianus at Actium, - - - 31
Octavianus proclaimed Emperor under the title of Augustus
Caesar, - - .... 29
1. Pick out the finite verb (the predicate) and find out its
voice, mood, tense, number, and person.
2. Find the subject or subjects with which it agrees. Trans-
3. If the verb is incomplete, find the object or completion
4. See if the subject is enlarged by any of the methods
mentioned below ; if it is, translate, taking the enlargements
with the subject.
5. See if the object is enlarged; if it is, translate, taking
the enlargements with the object.
6. Take the extensions of the predicate. Translate.
7. Translate finally, putting in the introductory conjimc-
tions or other words not yet taken.
The subject may be
1. A noun.
2. A pronoun (perhaps understood in the verb).
3. An adjective.
4. An infinitive mood.
5. A phrase.
The subject may be enlarged by
1. An adjective or participle.
2. A noun in apposition.
3. A noun in the genitive case.
4. A relative clause.
5. A participial phrase.
The object or completion may consist of a phrase, or of any
of the parts of speech which can form a subject.
The object may be enlarged in the same way as the subject.
The predicate may be extended by
1. Adverb.
2. Ablative case.
3. Preposition and its case.
4. Adverbial sentence.
Rules oi' Agreement.
1. The verb agrees with its subject in number and person
(and gender in the compound tenses).
2. The adjective agrees with its substantive in gender,
number, and case.
3. The relative agrees with its antecedent in gender and
number ; for case it looks to its own verb.
1. Verb. Person, number, tense, mood, and voice, from
(give the parts). Agrees with , its subject.
2. Noun. Case, number, and gender, from , of the
declension. Give the reason for the case.
3. Adjective. Case, number, and gender, from and is
declined like . It agrees with its substantive .
Give the comparative and superlative.
4. Relative. Case, number, and gender, from . It
agrees with its antecedent , Give the reason for the
1. ROMANUM imperium a Romulo exordium habet ;
qui, Yestalis ^drginis filius et Martis, cum Romulus.
Remo fratre uno partu editus est. Is, octo- ^'^' '^^^'
decim annos natus, urbem exiguam in Palatino monte
constituit post Trojae excidium anno trecentesimo nou- -
agesirao quarto. 2. Condita civitate, quam ex nomine
suo Romam vocavit, haec fere egit : multitudinem fini-
timorum in civitatem recepit; centum ex senioribus
elegit, quorum consilio omnia ageret, quos Senatores
nomina\^t propter senectutem. Tunc, quum ipse et lo
populus uxores non habeiont, invitavit ad spectacu-
lum ludorum vicinas urbi nationes, atque earum vir-
gines rapuit. 3. Commotis bellis propter raptarum
injuriam, Caeninenses vicit, Antemnates, Crustuminos,
Sabinos, Fidenates, Veientes : haec omnia oppida t 15
§ A
urbem cingunt. Et quum, orta subito tempestate.
non com2)aruisset, anno regui tricesimo septimo, ad
deos transisse creditus, consecratus est. Deinde
Romae per quinos dies senatores imperaverunt ; et,
20 his regnantibus, annus unus completus est.
4. Postea Numa Pompilius rex creatus est, qui
Numa bellum nullum quidem gessit, sed non minus
Pompilius. ... T-. 1 ^ •
B.C. 716. civitati quam Komulus proiuit ; nam et leges
Romanis moresque constituit, qui consuetudine proeli-
25 orum jam latrones ac semibarbari putabantur ; annum
descripsit in decern menses ; et infinita Romae sacra
ac templa constituit. Morbo decessit quadragesimo
tertio imperii anno.
5. Huic successit Tullus Hostilius. Hie Albanos
30 Tullus vicit, qui ab urbe Roma duodecimo milliario
B.C. 674 absunt ; Veientes et i^idenates, quorum alii
sexto milliario absunt ab urbe Romana, alii octavo
decimo, bello superavit ; urbem ampliavit, adjccto
Caelio monte. Quum triginta duos annos regnasset,
35 fulmine ictus, cum domo sua arsit.
6. Post hunc Ancus Marcius, Numae nepos, suscepit
Ancus imperium. Contra Latinos dimicavit; Aven-
Marcius. . ...... x • 1
B.C. 640. tinum montem civitati adjecit et Jamculum;
Ostiam condidit. Vicesimo quarto anno imperii morbo
40 periit.
7. Deinde regnum Priscus Tarquinius accepit. Hie
Tarquinius numerum senatorum duplicavit; circum Romae
Priscus. T./^-ii-i-k ... .,
B.C. 616. aedincavit ; ludos Romanos mstituit, qui ad
nostram memoriam permanent. Vicit idem etiam
Sabinos; primusque triumphans urbem intravit. Muros 45
fecit et cloacas ; capitolium inchoa^dt. Tricesimo
octavo imperii anno per Anci filios occisus est, regis
ejus cui ipse successerat.
8. Post hunc Servius Tullius suscepit imperium,
genitus ex nobili femina, captiva tamen et Servius co
° ■'■ Tullius. '^
ancilla. Hie quoque Sabinos subegit; montes b.c.578.
tres, Quirinalem, Yiminalem, Esquilinum, urbi ad-
junxit; fossas circum miirum diixit. Primus omnium
censum ordinavit, qui adhuc per orbem terrarum in-
cognitus erat. 9. Sub eo Roma, omnibus in censum 55
delatis, habuit octoginta quattuor millia civium Rom-
anorum, cum his qui in agris erant, Occisus est
quadragesimo quinto imperii anno, scelere generi sui
Tarquinii Superbi, filii ejus regis cui ipse successerat,
et filiae suae, quam Tarquinius habebat uxorem. 60
10. Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, septimus atque
ultimus regum, Volscos superavit: Gabios et Tarquinius
, , . Supeibus.
Suessam Pometiam subegit ; cum Tuscis b.c. 534.
pacem fecit; et templum Jovi in capitolio aedifi-
cavit. Postea, Ardeam oppugnans, in octavo de-65
cimo milliario ab urbe positam, imperium perdidit.
Nam quum filius ejus, Tarquinius junior, nobilis-
simi Collatini uxorem injuria affecisset, eaque de
injuria marito, et patri, et amicis questa fuisset, in
omnium conspectu se occidit. 11. Propter quam 70
causam Brutus, parens, et ipse Collatinus populum
concita-sdt, et Tarquinio ademit imperium. Mox
exercitus quoque qui Ardeam cum ipso rege
oppugnabat eum reliquit ; veniensque ad urbem
7 5 rex, portis clausis, exclusus est. Quumque impera-
visset annos viginti quinque, cum uxore et liberis
suis fugit.
12. Hinc consules coepere, pro uno rege, duo h^c
causa creari; ut, si unus malus esse voluisset, ab
Soaltero coerceretur. Et placuit ne imperium longius
quam annum haberent; ne per diuturnitatem potestatis
insolentiores redderentur. Fuerunt igitur anno primo,
expulsis regibus, consules Lucius Junius Brutus et
Tarquinius Collatinus, maritus Lucre tiae. 13. Sed
85 Tarquinio Collatino statim sublata dignitas est ;
placuerat enim ne quisquam in arbe maneret qui
Tarquinius vocaretur. Ergo ex urbe migravit ; cujus
in locum factus est Valerius Publicola consul. Com-
mo\dt tamen bellum urbi Romanae rex Tarquinius, qui
90 fuerat expulsus, et, collectis undique multis gentibus,
ut in regnum posset restitui dimicavit. 14. In prima
pugna Brutus et Aruns, Tarquinii filius, invicem se
occiderunt. Bomani tamen ex ea pugna victores
recesserunt. Brutum Romanae matronae, defensorem
95 pudicitiae suae, quasi communem patrem, per annum
luxerunt. Nono anno post reges exactos, quum gener
Tarquinii, ad injuriam soceri vindicandam, ingentem
collegisset exercitum, nova Romae dignitas Dictatorship
-r^. n -n 1 introduced.
est creata, quae Dictatura appellatur. Lodem b.c. 501.
anno etiam Magister equitum factus est, qui dictator! 100
15. Octavo decimo anno postquam reges ejecti
ei ant, expulsus ex urbe Quintius Marcius, rj^^ voiscians
dux Romanorum qui Coriolos ceperat, ^^ ^°"^^"^-
Volscorum civitatem, ad ipsos Yolscos contendit iratus;
et auxilia contra Eomanos accepit. Quum Romanos 105
saepe vicisset, usque ad urbem accessit ; et oppugna-
visset etia-m patriam suam, legatis qui pacem petebant
repudiatis, nisi ad eum mater Yeturia et uxor Yolumnia
ex urbe venissent, quarum fletu et deprecatione supe-
ratus, removit exercitum. no
16. Kaesone Fabio et Tito Yirginio consulibus, tre-
centi nobiles homines, qui ex Fabia gente Warvdth
erant, contra Veientes bellum soli suscepe- b.c. 483.
runt. Itaque profecti omnes nobiles in proelio con-
ciderunt. Unus omnino superfuit ex tanta faniilia, 115
qui propter aetatem puerilem duci non potuerat ad
pugnam. 17- Sequenti anno quum in Algido monte
Romanus obsideretur exercitus, L. Quintius Cincin-
natus dictator est factus, qui, agrum quattuor jugerum
possidens, manibus suis colebat. Is quum in agris 120
arans esset inventus, sudore deterso, togam praetextam
accepit, et, caesis hostibus, liberavit exercitum. Postea
Decemvirs imperium consulare cessavit, et pro duobus
appointed ti i r» •
B.C. 451. consulibus decem facti sunt, qui summam
[25 potestatem haberent, Decemviri nominati.
18. Post viginti deinde annos Veientes rebella-
camiiiug veruut. Dictator contra ipsos missus est
Dictator. -^ • ^ .11 • •
B.C. 405 Furius Camillus, qui primum eos vicit acie ;
mox etiam civitatem diu obsidens cepit, antiquissimam
i3oItaliae atque ditissimam. 4. Post earn cepit et Faliscos,
non minus nobilem civitatem; sed commota est ei
in'V'idia, quod praedam male divisisset, damnatusque
ob earn causam et expulsus civitate est.
19. Statim Galli Senones ad urbem venerunt; et
135 Rome taken Romauos apud flumen Alliam victos secuti,
^^ bv the Gauls. ^
B.C. 390. etiam urbem occupaverunt ; neque defend!
quidquam nisi capitolium potuit. Quod quum diu
obsedissent, et jam Romani fame laborarent, a Camillo,
qui in vicina civitate exsulabat, victi suntdJ postea
i4otamen, accepto etiam auro ne capitolium obsiderent,
recesserunt ; quos secutus Camillus ita cecidit, ut et
aurum, quod his datum fuerat, et omnia militaria signa
revocaret. 20. Titus Quintius dictator adversus
Gallos, qui in Italiam venerant, missus est. Hi trans
145 Anienem fluvium consederant. Nobilissimus de sena-
toribus, Titus ManKus, Galium ad singulare certamen
provocantem occidit ; torquem aureum sustulit, et in
collo suo imposuit ; qua de re in perpetuum sibi
et posteris cognomen Torquati accepit, Galli fugati
sunt. Mox per C. Sulpicium dictatorem etiam 150
victi sunt. 21. Mox quum legiones profectae
essent ad versus G alios, duce Lucio Furio Camillo,
quidam ex Gallis unum e Eomanis, qui esset
optimus, provocavit. Turn se Marcus Valerius,
tribunus militum, obtulit; et quum processisset 155
armatus, corvus ei in galea consedit. Mox, commissa
adversus Galium pugna, idem comis alis et unguibus
Galli ocTilos verberavit : ita ut, a tribuno Valerio
interfectus, non solum victoriam ei, sed etiam nomcn,
dederit ; nam postea idem Corvinus est dictus, ac 1 60
propter hoc meritum annorum trium et viginti consul
est factus.
22. Jam Eomani potentes esse coeperunt. Bellum
enim apud Samnitas gerebatur, qui medii sunt samnite
inter Picenum, Campaniam et Apuliam. L. ^^^- 165
Papirius Cursor cum honore dictatoris ad id bellum
profectus est. Qui quum Eomam rediisset, Q. Fabio
Jdaximo, magistro equitum, quern apud exercitum
reliquit, praecepit, ne se absente pugnaret. lUe,
occasione reperta, felicissime dimicavit, et Samnitas 170
dele\dt. Ob quam rem a dictatore capitis damnatus,
quod se vetante pugnasset, ingenti favore militum et
populi liberatus est. 23. Postea Samnites Romanos,
apud Furculas Caudinas anoiistiis locorum Battle of the
, Caudine Forks.
conclusos, ingenti dedecore vicerunt et sub b.c. 321. 175
jugum miserunt. Pax tamen a senatu et populo soluta
est, quae cum ii)sis propter necessitatera facta fuerat.
Postea Samnites victi sunt a L. Papirio consule
septem millia eorum sub jugum miss a. Papirius de
1 80 Samnitibus triumphavit. Eo tempore Appius Claudius
censor Aquam Claudiam induxit, et viam Appiam
24. Inter jectis aliquot annis, Tarentinis, qui jam
in ultima Italia sunt, bellum indictum est. His ut
185 auxilium feiret, Pyrrhus, Epiri rex, in Italiam venit.
Tum primum Eomani cum transmarino hoste dimi-
caverunt. Missus est contra eum consul Publius
Valerius Laevinus, qui, quum exploratores Pyrrhi
cepisset, jussit eos per castra duci, ostendique omnem
190 exercitum, tumque dimitti, ut renuntiarent Pyrrlio
quaecunque a Eomanis agerentur. 25. Commissa
mox pugna, quum jam Pyrrhus fugeret, elephantorum
auxilio vicit, quos incognitos Romani expaverunt; sed
nox proelio finem dedit. Laevinus tamen per noctem
1 95 fugit. Pyrrhus Romanos mille octingentos cepit, eosque
summo honore tractavit: occisos sepelivit; quos quum
adverso vulnere et truci viiHu mortuos jacere vidisset,
tulisse ad coelum manus dicitur cum hac voce, se
totius orbis dominum esse potuisse, si tales sibi milites
200 contigissent. 26. Postea Pyrrhus, junctis sibi Samni-
tibus, Lucanis, Briittiis, Romam perrexit ; omnia
ferro ignique vastavit ; Campanium depopulatus est ;
atque Praenesten venit milliario ab iirhe octavo
decimo. Mox terrore exercitus, qui cum consulc
sequebatur, in Campaniam se recepit. Legati ad 205
Pyrrhum de redimendis captivis missi, ab eo honorifice
suscepti sunt ; captivos sine pretio Eomam misit. 27.
Unura ex legatis Eomanorum, Fabricium, sic admiratus
est, ut, quum eum pauperem esse cognovisset, quarta
parte regni promiss^ sollicitare voluerit, ut ad se 2 1 o
transiret ; contemptusque a Fabricio est. Quare quum
Pyrrlius ingenti Itomanonim admiratione teneretur,
legatum praecipuum virum, Cineam nomine, misit, qui
pacem acquis conditionibus peteret, ita ut Pyrrhus
partem Italiae, quam jam armis occupaverat, obtineret. 215
28. Inter jecto anno, contra Pyrrhum Fabricius est
missus, qui prius inter legatos sollicitari non rj^g integrity
potuerat, quarta parte regni promissa. Tum, °^ Fabncius.
quum vicina castra ipse et rex haberet, medicus
Pyrrhi ad eum nocte venit, promittens veneno Pyrrhum 220
se occisurum, si sibi aliquid poUiceretur ; quem Fabri-
cius vinctum reduci jussit ad dominum, Pyrrhoque
dici quae medicus spopondisset. Tum rex, admirans
eum, dixisse fertur, " Ille est Fabricius qui difficiHus
ab honestate quam sol a cursu suo averti potest." 225
29. Tum rex in Siciliam profectus est. Fabricius,
\dctis Samnitibus et Lucanis, triumphavit. Consules
deinde Manius Curius Dentatus et Cornehus Lentulus
adversus Pyrrhum missi sunt. Curius exercitum ejus
superavit; ipsum Tarentum fugavit ; castra cepit. E0230
die caesa sunt hostium ^^ginti tria rnillia. Curius
Dentatus in consulatu triumphant. Primus Romam
elephantos quattuor duxit. Pyrrhus etiam Tarento
mox recessit, et apud Argos occisus est.
FIRST PUNIC WAR. B.C. 263-241.
235 30. Quinto anno belli Punici, quod contra Afros
gerebatur, primum Romani, Caio Duilio et Cneio
Cornelio Asino consulibus, in mari dimicaverunt,
paratis navibus rostratis, quas Liburnas vocant.
Consul Cornelius fraude deceptus est. Duilius, com-
2 4oniisso praelio, Carthaginiensium ducem vicit; triginta
et unam naves cepit, quattuordecim mersit ; octo
millia hostium cepit, tria millia occidit : neque uUa
victoria Romanis gratior fuit, quod, invicti terra, jam
etiam mari plurimum possent.
245 31. Lucio Manlio Volsone, Marco Atilio Regulo
Regius, consulibus, bellum in Africam translatum est
B.C. 255. contra Hamilcarem, Carthaginiensium ducem.
In mari est pugnatum, victusque est ; nam perditis
sexaginta quattuor navibus, retro se recepit : Romani
250 viginti duas amiserunt : sed quurn in Africam trans-
issent, consules usque ad Carthaginera processerunt ;
multisque vastatis, Manlius victor Romam rediit, et
viginti septem millia captivorum reduxit. Atilius
Regulus in Africa remansit, et saepius victor, septua-
2.1^.5; ginta quattuor civitates in fidem accepit.
32. Turn victi Carthaginienses pacem a Romanis
petierunt, quam quum Regulus nollet nisi durissimis
conditionibus dare, Afri auxilium a Lacedaemoniis
petierunt, et, duce Xanthippe, qui a Lacedaemoniis
missus fuerat, Regulus ita victus est, ut duo millia2 6o
tantum ex omni Romano exercitu superessent ; quin-
genti capti sunt, triginta millia occisa ; Regulus ipse
in catenas conjectus. 33. Postea Metellus in Sicilia
Afrorum ducem, cum centum triginta elephantis et
magnis copiis venientem, superavit; viginti millia 265
liostium cecidit ; viginti sex elephantos cepit, reliquos
errantes per Numidas, quos in auxilium habebat,
collegit et Romam deduxit ingenti pompa. 34. Post
haec mala Carthaginienses Regulum ducem, quem
ceperant, petierunt, ut Romam proficisceretui', et 270
pacem a Romanis obtineret, ac permutationem capti-
vorum faceret. Ille Romam quum venisset, inductus
in senatum, nihil quasi Rom anus egit, dixitque, se ex
ilia die, qua in potestatem Afrorum venisset, Romanum
esse desiisse. 35. Itaque et uxorem a complexu2 75
removit, et senatui suasit, ne pax cum Poenis fieret.
Itaque obtinuit. Nam Afros, pacem petentes, nohiit
admittere; ipse Carthaginem rediit, utferentibusque
Romanis, ut eum Romae tenerent, negavit, se in ea
urbe mansurum, in qua, postquam Afris servierat, 280
dignitatem honesti civis habere non posset. Regressus
igitur ad Africam omnibus suppHciis exstinctus est.
\J36. Caio Lutatio Catulo, Aulo Postumio Albino con-
sulibus, anno belli Punici ^dcesimo tertio, Catulb bellum
285 contra Afros commissum est. Profectus est cum tre-
centis navibus in Siciliam. Afri contra ipsum quadrin-
gentas paraverunt. Lutatius Catulus navem aeger
ascendit, vulneratus enim in pugna superiore fuerat.
Contra Lilybaeum pugnatumest ingenti \drtute Roman-
2 9oorum; nam septuaginta tres Carthaginiensium naves
captae sunt, centum viginti quinque demersae ; triginta
duo millia hostium capta, tredecim occisa ; infinitum
auri argentique pondus in potestatem Romanorum re-
dactum. Ex classe Romana duodecim naves demersae.
295 Statim Carthaginienses pacem petierunt, tributaque
iis pax.
37. Bellum Punicum secundum Romanis illatum
The Carthaginians est per Hauuibalem, Carthasriniensium
under Hannibal. -^ . .
B.C. 218-202. ducem, qui Saguntum, Hispaniae urbem
300 Romanis amicam, oppugnare aggressus est. Huic
Romani per legatos denuntiaverunt, ut bello abstineret :
is legatos admittere noluit. Romani etiam Cartba-
ginem miserunt, ut mandaretur Hannibali ne bellum
contra socios populi Romani gereret. Saguntini interea,
305 fame victi cap ti que ab Hannibale, gravissimis poenis
afficiuntur. 38. Tum Publius Cornelius Scipio cum
exercitu in Hispaniam profectus est ; Tiberius Sem-
pronius in Siciliam. Bellum Carthaginiensibus in-
dictum est. Hannibal, relicto in Hispania fratre
Hasdrubale, Pyrenaeum transiit; Alpes, arlhuc in ea3io
parte invias, sibi patefecit. Traditur ad Italiam octo-
ginta millia peditum, et viginti millia equitum, septem
et triginta elephantos adduxisse. Sempronius Grac-
chus, cognito in Italiam Hannibalis adventu, e Sicilia
exercitum Ariminum trajecit. 39. Publius Cornelius 315
Scipio Hannibali primus occurrit : commisso praelio,
fugatis suis, ipse vulneratus in castra rediit. Sem-
pronius Gracchus, quum apud Trebiam Battle of the
n- • ' • X n 1 m Trebia.
amnem connixisset, \incitur. Inde ad Tus- b.c. 218.
ciam veniens, Hannibal Flaminio consuli occurrit: 320
ipsum Flaminium interemit; Eomanorum viginti quin-
que millia caesa sunt; ceteri diffugerunt. Missus
adversus Hannibalem postea a Romanis Q. Fabius
iNlaximus. Is eum, differendo pugnam, ab impetu
fregit, et mox, inventa occasione, vicit. 325
40. Quingentesimo et quadragesimo anno a condita
urbe L. Aemilius Paullus, P. Terentius Varro contra
Hannibalem mittuntur, Fabioque succedunt, qui
ambos consules monuit, ut Hannibalem, calidum et
impatientem ducem, non alitor \dncerent, quam proe- 330
Hum differendo. Verum quum impatientia Yarronis
cousulis apud vicum qui Cannae appellatur, Battle of
in Appulia pugnatum esset, ambo consules b.c. 216.
vincuntur. 41. In ea pugna tria millia Afrorum
pereunt ; magna pars de exercitu Hannibalis sauciatur. 335
Nullo tamen proelio Romani graviora damna accepe-
runt : periit enim in eo ^milius Paulus consul ; con-
sulares et praetorii viginti, senatores capti aut occisi
triginta, nobiles viri treceuti, equitum tria millia et
340 quingenti : ita ut tres modios aureorum annulorum
Carthaginem mitteret, quos e manibus equitum Eo-
manorum, senatorum, militum detraxerat. Interea
in Hispania, ubi frater Hannibalis Hasdrubal reman-
serat cum magno exercitu, ut eam totam Afris subi-
345 geret, a duobus Scipionibus, Eomanis ducibus, vincitur,
perditque in pugna triginta quinque millia hominum.
42. Decimo anno postquam Poeni in Ttaliam vene-
rant, Hannibal usque ad quartum milliarium urbis
accessit; equites ejus usque ad portam. Mox consulum
350 metu, cum exercitu venientum, Hannibal ad Cam-
paniam se recepit. In Hispania a fratre ejus Hasdru-
bale ambo Scipiones, qui per multos annos victores
fuerant, interficiuntur ; exercitus tamen integer man-
sit ; casu enim magis erant, quam virtute, decepti.
355 43. Tandem ad Hispanias Publius Cornelius Scipio
Scipio in Hiittitur, filius PubHi Scipionis qui ibidem
Spam, ijgii^jjj gesserat, annos natus quattuor et viginti,
vir Eomanorum omnium et sua aetate et posteriori
tempore fere primus. Is Carthaginem Novam capit,
360 in qua omne aurum et argentum et belli apparatum
Afri habebant. Anno decimo quarto postquam in
Italiam Hannibal venerat Scipio, consul factus, in
Africam mittitur; cui viro divinum quiddam inesse
existimabatur. adeo ut putaretur etiam cum numinibus
365 habere sermonem. 44. Is Syphacem, Numidiae regem,
qui se Afris conjunxerat, capit. Syphax, cum nobi-
lissimis Numidis et infinitis spoliis, a Scipione Eomam
mittitur ; qu§, re audita, omnis fere Italia Hannibalem
deserit : ipse a Carthaginiensibus in Africam redire ju-
betur, quam Scipio vastabat. Ita anno septimo decimo 370
ab Hannibale Italia liberata est, quam flens dicitur
reliquisse. Infertur a Scipione et Masinissa, alio rege
Numidarum, qui amicitiam cum Scipione fecerat, Car-
thagini bellum. 45. Hannibal tres exploratores ad
Scipionis castra misit, quos captos Scipio circumduci 375
per castra jussit, ostendique totum exercitum, mox
etiam prandium dari, eosque dimitti, ut renuntiarent
Hannibali quae apud Eomanos vidissent. g^ttie of zama.
Interea proelium ab utroque duce instruc- ^•^- ^^^
turn est, quale vix ulla memoria fuit, quum periti-380
simi viri copias suas ad bellum educerent. Scipio
victor recedit, paene ipso Hannibale capto, qui primum
cum multis equitibus, deinde cum viginti, postremo
cum quattuor, evasit. Post id certamen pax cum
Carthaginiensibus facta est. Scipio Eomam rediit, et 385
ingenti gloria triumpha\at, atque Africanus ex eo
appellari coeptus est.
46. Transact© Punico bello, secutum est Macedo-
nicum contra Philippum regem. Quin- Macedonian War
gentesimo et quinquagesimo primo ^^ ^^- -qq
anno ab urbe condita T. Quinctius Flamininus
adversus Philippum rem prospere gessit ; pax ei data
est. Transacto bello Macedonico secutum est Syriacum
War with Antiochus. contra Antiochum regem, P. Coraelio
395 ^'^' ^^^' Scipione, M'. Acilio Glabrione con-
sulibus. Huic Antiocho Hannibal se junxerat, Car-
thaginem, patriam suam, metu, ne Eomanis traderetur,
relinquens. M'. Acilius Glabrio in Achaia bene
pugnavit. Castra regis Antiochi noctuma piigna
400 capta sunt, et ipse fugatus est.
47. Turn Scipio Africanus fratri suo L. Comelio
Scipioni consuli legatus contra Antiochum profectus
est. Hannibal, qui cum Antiocho erat, navali proelio
victus est. Ipse postea Antiochus circa Sipylum ad
405 Magnesiam, Asiae civitatem, a consule Cornelio
Scipione ingenti proelio fusus est. Quinquaginta
millia peditum, tria equitum eo certamine ex parte
regis occisa sunt. Tum rex Antiochus pg^ce is made.
pacem petiit, quae data est a senatu. ^•^- ^^^•
410 Hannibal, qui victo Antiocho, ne Eomanis traderetur,
ad Prusiam, Bithyniae regem, fugerat, repetitus etiam
ab eo est per T. Quinctium Flamininum. Et quum
tradendus Eomanis esset, venenum bibit et apud
Libyssam in finibus Nicomediensium sepultus est.
415 48. Tertium deinde bellum contra Carthaginem sus-
Third Punic cipitur, anuo quiuquagesimo primo postquam
B.C. 149. secundum Punicum bellum transactum erat.
Hi profecti Carthaginem oppugnaverunt. Contra eos
Hasdnibal, dux Carthaginiensium, dimicabat. Pha-
mea, dux alius, equitatui praeerat Carthaginiensium. 420
Scipio tunc, Scipionis Africani nepos, tribunus ibi
militabat. Hujus apud omnes ingens metus et
reverentia erat. Nam et paratissimus ad dimicandum
et consultissimus habebatur. Itaque per eum multa
prospere a consulibus gesta sunt, nee quidquam magis42 5
vel Hasdrubal vel Phamea vitabant, quam contra earn
Romanorum partem committere, ubi Scipio dimicabat.
49. Quum igitur clarum Scipionis nomen esset,
juvenis adhuc consul est factus et contra Carthaginem
missus. Is eam cepit ac diruit. Spolia ibi inventa, 430
quae variarum civitatum excidiis Carthago collegerat,
et ornamenta urbium, quae sua recognoscebant,
civitatibus Siciliae, Italiae, Africae reddidit. Ita Car-
thago septingentesimo anno, postquam con- Destruction of
dita erat, deleta est. Scipio nomen, quod b.c. 146.' 435
avus ejus acceperat, meruit, scilicet ut propter virtutem
etiam ipse Africanus junior vocaretur.
50. Q. Pompeius deinde consul a Numantinis,
quae Hispaniae civitas fuit opulentissima, superatus,
pacem ignobilem fecit. Post eum C. Hostilius Man- 440
cinus consul iterum cum Numantinis pacem fecit
infamem, quam populus et senatus jussit infringi, atque
ipsum ^lancinum hostibus tradi, ut in illo, quem
auctorem foederis habebant, injuriam soluti foederis
vindicarent. Post tantam igitur ignominiam, qua a 445
Numantinis bis Eomani exercitus fuerant subjugati,
P. Scipio Africanus secundo consul factus et ad
Numantiam missus est. 51. Is primum militem
vitiosum et igiia\Tim, exercendo magis quam puniendo,
4^0 Destruction of sine aliqua acerbitate correxit; turn multas
^ Numantia. ^^. . . . -in
B.C. 133. Hispamae civitates partim bello cepit, par-
tim in deditionem accepit ; postremo ipsam Numan-
tiam, diu obsessam, fame confecit et a solo evertit,
et reliquam provinciam in fidem accepit. Eo tempore
455 Attains rex Asiae, frater Eumenis, mortuus est,
heredemque populum Romanum reliquit. Ita imperio
Romano per testamentum Asia accessit.
52. P. Scipione Nasica et L. Calpurnio Bestia con-
warwith sulibus, Jugurthae, Numidarum regi, bellum
460 B.C. 111." illatum est, quod Adherbalem et Hiempsalem,
Micipsae filios, fratres suos, reges et populi Romani
amicos, interemisset. Missus adversus eum consul
Calpurnius Bestia, corruptus regis pecunia, pacem cum
eo flagitiosissimam fecit, quae a senatu improbata est.
465 Postea contra eundem, insequenti anno, Spurius Post-
umius Albinus profectus est. Is quocjue per fratrem
ignominiose contra Numidas pugnavit. 53. Tertio
missus Q. Caecilius Metellus consul exercitum ingenti
severitate et moderatione correctum, quum niliil in
470 quenquam cruentum faceret, ad disciplinam Romanam
reduxit. Jugurtham variis proeliis vicit, elephantos
ejus occidit vel cepit, multas civitates ipsius in dedi-
tionem accepit. Et quum jam bello finem positurus
csset, successum est ei a C. Mario. Is Juguilham et
Bocchum, Mauritaniae regem, qui aiixilium Jugurthae475
ferre coeperat, pariter superavit. 54. Aliquanta er
ipse oppida Numidiae cepit, belloque tenninum posuit,
capto Jugurtha per quaestorem suum Comelium
Sullam, ingentem virum, tradente Boccho Jugurtham,
qui pro eo ante pugnaverat. Et duo trium^thi de 480
Jugurtha, primus per Metellum, secundus per Marium,
acti sunt. Ante currum tamen Marii Jugurtha cum
duobus filiis ductus est catenatus, et mox jussu Death of
consulis in carcere strangulatus. b.c. 106.
&b. Dum bellum in Numidia contra Jugurtham 485
geritur, Eomani consules M. Manlius et Q. The cimbrUm
Caepio a Cimbris et Teutonibus et Tigurinis b.c. 165.
et Ambronibus, quae erant Germanorum et Gallorum
gentes, \dcti sunt juxta flumen Ehodanum, et ingenti
intemecione attriti, etiam castra sua et magnam 490
partem exercitus perdidenmt. Timor Eomae grandis
fuit, ne iterum Galli Romam venirent. Ergo Marius
post victoriam Jugurthinam secundo consul est factus,
bellumque ei contra Cimbros et Teutonas decretum
est. Tertio quoque ei et quarto delatus est consulatus, 495
quia bellum Cimbricum protrahebatur. Sed in quarto
consulatu collegam habuit Q. Lutatium Catulum. bQ.
Cum Cimbris itaque conflixit, et duobus proeliis du-
centa millia hostium cecidit, octoginta miilia cepit et
5ooducem eorum Teutobodum, propter quod meritum
absens quinto consul est factus. Interea Cimbri et
Teutones, quorum copia adhuc infinita erat, ad Italiam
transierunt. Iterum a C. Mario et Q. Catulo contra
eos dimicatum est, sed a Catuli parte felicius. Nam
505 proelio, quod simul ambo gesserunt, centum quadra-
ginta millia, aut in pugna, aut in fug^, caesa sunt,
sexaginta millia capta. Eomani milites ex utroque
exercitu trecenti perierunt. Tria et triginta Cimbris
signa sublata sunt. Is belli finis fuit. Triumphus
5ioutrique decretus est.
57. Anno urbis conditae sexcentesimo sexagesimo
The Civil and secuudo primum Eomae bellum civile
Mithridatic Wars. ^
B.C. 88. commotum est, eodem anno etiam Mitn-
ridaticum. Causam bello civili C. Marius sexies con-
5 1 5 sul dedit. Nam quum Sulla consul contra Mithridaten
gesturus bellum, qui Asiam et Achaiam occupaverat,
mitteretur, isque exercitum in Campania paulisper
teneret, ut belli socialis, quod intra Italiam gestum
fuerat, reliquiae tollerentur, Marius afFectavit, ut ipse
520 ad bellum Mithridaticum mitteretur. Qu^ re Sulla
commotus cum exercitu ad urbem venit. 58. lUic
contra Marium et Sulpicium dimicavit. Primus urbem
Romam armatus ingressus est, Sulpicium interfecit,
Marium fugavit, atque ita, consulibus ordinatis in
525futurum annum Cn. Octavio et L. Cornelio Cinna, ad
Asiam profectus est. Mithridates enim, qui Ponti rex
erat, primo Nicomeden, amicum populi Eomani,
Bithynia voluit expellere, senatuique mandavit, bellum
se ei propter injurias, quas passus fuerat, illatunim.
A senatu responsum est jVIithridati, si id faceret, 530
fore ut bellum a Eomanis et ipse pateretur. Quare
iratus Cappadociam statim occupavit, et ex ea Ario-
barzanen, regem et amicum populi Eomani, fuga\at.
59. Mox etiam Bithyniam invasit et Paphlago-
niam, pulsis ex ea regibus, amicis populi Eomani, 535
Pylaemene et Nicomede. Inde Ephesum contendit,
et per omnem Asiam literas misit, ut, ubicunque
inventi essent cives Eomani, uno die occiderentur.
Postea commisso proelio contra Archelaum, Mithri-
datis in Achaia ducem, ita sum vicit, ut ex centum 540
viginti miilibus vix decern Archelao superessent, ex
Sullae exercitu quattuordecim tantum homines inter-
ficerentur. Hac pugna cognita, ^lithridates septua-
ginta millia lectissima ex Asia Archelao misit, contra
quern Sulla iterum commisit. Primo proelio quin-545
decim millia hostium interfecta sunt. Secundo
omnes Mithridatis copiae exstinctae sunt, Archelaus
ipse triduo nudus in paludibus latuit. Hac re audita,
Mithridates cum Sulla de pace agi jussit. 60. Sed
quum legati a rege iVIithridate, qui pacem petebant, 550
venissent, non aliter se daturum Sulla esse respondit,
nisi rex, relictis iis, quae occupaverat, ad regnum
suum rediisset. Postea tamen ad colloquium ambo
venerunt. Pax inter eos ordinata est, ne Sulla ad
bellum civile festinans a tergo periculum habere t. 555
Nam dum Sulla in Achaia atque Asi^ Mithridatem
vincit, Marius, qui fugatus erat, et Cornelius Cinna,
unus ex consulibus, bellum in Italia reparaverunt, et
ingressi urbem Eomam nobilissimos ex senatu et
560 consulares viros interfecerunt, multos proscripserunt,
ipsius Sullae domo eversa, filios et uxorem ad fugam
compulerunt. 61. Uni versus reliquus senatus ex
urbe fugiens ad Sullam in Graeciam venit, orans, ut
patriae subveniret. Ille in Italiani trajecit, bellum
565 civile gesturus adversus Norbanum et Scipionem con-
sules. Et primo proelio Norbanum vicit non longe a
Capua. Inde etiam ad Scipionem se convertit, et
ante proelium totum ejus exercitum sine sanguine in
deditionem accepit. Sed quum Romae mutati consules
57oessent, Marius, Marii filius, ac Papirius Carbo con-
sulatum accepissent, Sulla contra Marium juniorem
dimicavit, et, viginti millibus ejus occisis, quadringentos
de suis perdidit. Mox etiam urbem ingressus est.
Marium, ]\Iarii filium, Praenesten persecutus, obsedit,
575 et,^d-..iiiQi;tem compulit. 62. Cn. quoque Carbo,
consul alter, ab Arimino ad Siciliam fugit, et ibi per
Cn. Pompeium interfectus est, quem adolescentem
Sulla atque annos unum et viginti natum, cognita ejus
industrii, tantis exercitibus praefecerat, ut secundus a
580 Sulla haberetur. Occiso ergo Carbone, Siciliam Pom-
peius recepit. Transgressus inde ad Africam Domitium,
Marianae partis ducem, et Hiarbam, regem Mauri-
taniae, qui Domitio auxilium ferebat, occidit. Post
liaec Sulla de Mithridate ingenti gloria triumphavit.
Cn. etiam Pompeius, quod nulli Eomanorum tributum 585
erat, quartum et ^dcesimum annum agens, de Africa
triumphavit. Hunc finem habuerunt duo bella funes-
tissima, Italicum, quod et sociale dictum est, et civile,
quae ambo tracta sunt per annos decem.
63. Inter jectis aliquot annis, mortuus est Nico-590
medes, rex Bithyniae, et per testamen- TMrd Mithndatic
tum populum Eomanum fecit heredem. b.c. 74.
Mithridates, pace rupta, Bithyniam et Asiam mrsus
voluit invadere. Adversus eum ambo consules missi
variam habuere fortunam. Cotta apud Chalcedonem 595
victus ab eo acie, etiam intra oppidum coactus est et
obsessus. Sed quum se inde Mithridates Cyzicum
transtulisset, ut, Cyzico capta, totam Asiam inva-
deret, Lucullus ei alter consul occurrit. Ac dum
Mithridates in obsidione Cyzici commoratur, ipse 600
eum a tergo obsedit, fameque consumpsit, et multis
proeliis vicit, et postremo Byzantium, quae nunc Con-
stantiuopolis est, fugavit. . Navaii quoque proelio
duces ejus Lucullus oppressit. Ita una hieme et
aestate a Lucullo centum fere millia regis exstincta6o5
64. Dum haec geruntur, piratae omnia maria infes-
tabant ita, ut Romanis, toto orbe victoribus, sola
Davigatio tuta non esset. Quare id bellum Cn.
Pompeio decretum est. Quod intra paucos menses 6 1 o
ingenti et feKcitate et celeritate coufecit. Mox ei
delatum bellum etiam contra regem Mithridaten et
Tigranen. Quo suscepto, Mithridaten in Armenia
minore nocturno proelio vicit, castra diripuit; quadra-
615 ginta millibus ejus occisis, viginti tantum de exercitu
suo perdidit et duos centuriones. Mithridates cum
uxore fugit et duobus comitibus. Neque multo post,
quum in sues saeviret, seditione Pharnacis, filii sui,
apud milites ad mortem coactus, venenum hausit.
620 Hunc finem habuit Mithridates. Periit autem apud
Bosporum, vir ingentis industriae consihique.
Qb. M. Tullio Cicerone oratore et C. Antonio
Conspiracy of cousuHbus, L. Sergius CatiHua, nobiHs-
Catiliue. . . . . , . .. . . . ,
B.C. 63. simi generis vir, sea mgenu pravissimi, ad
625 delendam patriam conjuravit cum quibusdam, claris
quidem, sed audacibus viris. A Cicerone urbe expul-
sus est. Socii ejus deprehensi in carcere strangulati
sunt. Ab Antonio, altero consule, CatiHna ipse proelio
victus est et interfectus.
630 QQ' Julius Caesar, qui postea imperavit, cum L.
Caesar's foreign Bibulo cousul est factus. Decreta est ei
^B.c. 56.* Gallia et lUyricum cum legionibus decern.
Is primo vicit Helvetios, qui nunc Sequani appellantur,
deinde vincendo per bella gravissima usque ad Ocea-
635 num Britannicum processit. Domuit autem annis
novem fere omnem Galliam, quae inter Alpes, flumen
Rhodanum, Ehenum et Oceanum est, et circuitu patet
ad bis et tricies centena millia passuum. Britannis
mox beilum intulit, quibus ante eum ne nomen quidem
Romanorum cognitum erat, et eos quoque victos, 640
obsidibus acceptis, stipendiarios fecit. Galliae autem
tributi nomine annuum imperavit sestertium quadrin-
gentieSj Germanosque trans Ehenum aggressus im-
manissimis proeliis vicit. Inter tot successus ter male
pugnavit, apud Arvemos semel praesens et absens in 645
Germania bis. Nam legati ejus duo, Titurius et
Aurunciileius, per insidias caesi sunt.
67. Hinc jam bellum ci\dle successit exsecrandum
et lacrimabile, quo praeter calamitates, civil war between
... . , . Caesar and Pompey.
quae in proeliis acciderunt, etiam b.c. 49. 650
populi Eomani fortuna mutata est. Caesar enim
rediens ex Gallia victor coepit poscere alterum con
sulatum atque ita, ut sine dubio aliquo ei defer-
retur. Contradictum est a Marcello consule, a Bibulo,
a Pompeio, a Catone, jussusque dimissis exercitibus655
ad urbem redire. Propter quam injuriam ab Arimino,
ubi milites congregatos habebat, adversum patriam
cum exercitu venit. Consul es cum Pompeio sena-
tusque omnis atque universa nobilitas ex urbe fugit et
in Graeciam transiit. Apud Epirum, Macedonian!, 660
Achaiam, Pompeio duce, senatus contra Caesarem
bellum paravit. 68. C^ssar vacuam urbem ingressus
dictatorem se fecit. Inde Hispanias petiit Ibi
Pompeii exercitus validissimos et fortis- g^ttie of Pharsaiia.
simos cum tribus ducibus, L. Afranio, b.c. 48. 55^
M. Petreio, M. Varrone, superavit. Inde regressus
in Graeciam transiit, adversum Pompeiiim dimicavit.
Primo proelio victus est et fugatus, evasit tamen, quia
nocte interveniente Pompeius sequi noluit, dixitque
^7° Caesar, nee Pompeium scire vincere, et illo tantum die
se potuisse superari. Deinde in Thessalia apud Phar-
saliam, productis utrimque ingentibus copiis, dimica-
verunt. 69. Nunquam adhuc Komanae copiae in
Death of Pompey. ^^^"^ ^^^^6 Hiajores, neque melioribus
675 B.C. 48. ducibus convenerant, totum terrarum
orbem facile subacturae, si contra barbaros ducerentur.
Pugnatum tamen est ingenti contentione, victusque
ad postremum Pompeius et castra ejus direpta sunt.
Ipse fugatus Alexandriam petiit, ut a rege Aegypti,
680 cui tutor a senatu datus fuerat propter juvenilem ejus
aetatem, acciperet auxilia. Qui, fortunam magis quam
amicitiam secutus, occidit Pompeium, caput ejus et
annulum Caesari misit. Quo conspecto, Caesar etiam
lacrimas fudisse dicitur, tanti viri intuens caput et
685 generi quondam sui.
70. Mox Caesar Alexandriam venit. Ipsi quoque
Ptolemaeus parare voluit insidias, qua causa regi
belluni illatum est. Victus in Nilo periit, inventum-
que est corpus ejus cum lorica aurea. Caesar Alexan-
690 dria potitus regnum Cleopatrae dedit, Ptolemaei sorori.
Rediens inde Caesar Pharnacem, Mithridatis Magni
filium, qui Pompeio in auxilium apud Thessaliam
iuerat, rebellantem in Ponto atque multas populi
Eomani provincias occupantem, vicit acie, et postea ad
695 mortem coegit
71. Postea Caesar Romam regressus quarto se con-
sulem tecit, et statim ad Hispanias est War with Pompey'a
profectus, ubi Pompeii filii, Cnaeus et b.c. 45.
Sextus, ingens helium reparaverant. Multa proelia
fuerunt, ultimum apud Mundam civitatem, in quo 700
adeo Caesar paene victus est, ut, fugientibus suis, se
voluerit occidere, ne post tantam rei militaris gloriam
in potestatem adolescentium natus annos sex et quin-
quaginta veniret. Denique, reparatis suis, vicit. Ex
Pompeii filiis major occisus est, minor fugit. 705
72. Inde Caesar, bellis civilibus toto orbe compositis,
Romam rediit. As^ere insolentius coepit et Death of
, . Caesar
contra consuetudinem Romanae libertatis. B.c.44.
Quum ergo et honores ex su^ voluntate praestaret, qui
a populo antea deferebantur, nee senatui ad se venienti 710
assurgeret, aliaque regia ac paene tyrannica faceret,
conjuratum est in eum a sexaginta vel amplius sena-
toribus equitibusque Romanis. Praecipui fuerunt inter
conjuratos duo Bruti, ex eo genere Bruti, qui primus
Romae consul fuerat et reges expulerat, C. Cassius et7i5
Servilius Casca. Ergo Caesar, quum senatus die inter
ceteros venisset ad curiam, tribus et viginti \'ulneribus
confossus est,
73. Anno urbis septingentesimo fere ac nono, inter-
fecto Caesare, bella civilia rej^arata sunt. Per- Antony and -20
cussoribus enim Caesaris senatus favebat. b.c. '43
Antonius consul partium Caesaris civilibus bellis op-
primere eos conabatur. Ergo, turbata republica, multa
Antonius scelera committens a senatu hostis judicatus
725 est. Missi ad eum persequendum duo consules, Pansa
et Hirtius, et Octavianus adolescens, annos decern et
octo natus, Caesaris nepos, quern ille testamento here-
dem reliquerat et nomen suum ferre jusserat. Hie est,
qui postea Augustus est dictus et rerum potitus.
73oQuare profecti contra Antonium tres duces vicerunt
eum. Evenit tamen, ut victores consules ambo more-
rentur. Quare tres exercitus uni Caesari Aug-usto
paruerunt. 74. Fugatus Antonius, amisso exercitu,
confugit ad Lepidum, qui Caesari magister equitum
73c fuerat et turn copias militum grandes habebat. A quo
susceptus est. Mox, Lepido operam dante, Caesar cum
Antonio pacem fecit, et, quasi vindicaturus patris sui
mortem, a quo per testamentum fuerat adoptatus,
Eomam cum exercitu profectus, extorsit, ut sibi vicesimo
7 40 anno consulatus daretur. Senatum proscripsit cum
Antonio et Lepido et rempublicam armis tenere coepit.
Per hos etiam Cicero orator occisus est multique alii
nobiles. 75. Interea Brutus et Cassius, interfectores
Battle of Caesaris, insrens bellum moverunt. Erant
742 B.C. 42. emm per Macedomam et Orientem multi exer-
citus, quos occupaverant. Profecti sunt igitur contra
eos Caesar Octavianus Augustus et M. Antonius, re-
manserat enim ad defendendam Italiam Lepidus.
Apud Philippos, Macedoniae urbem, contra eos pugna-
venmt. Primo proelio victi sunt Antonius et Caesar, 750
periit tamen dux nobilitatis Cassius ; secundo Biutum
et infinitam nobilitatem, quae cum illis bellum gesserat,
victam interfecenint. Ac sic inter eos divisa est res-
publica, ut Augustus Hispanias, Gallias et Italiam
teneret, Antonius Asiam, Pontum, Orientem. 76. In- 755
terim a Sexto Pompeio, Cn. Pompeii Magni filio, ingens
bellum in Sicilia commotum est, iis, qui Death of
. . Sextus Pompeius.
superfuerantex partibus Bruti Cassuque, b c 45.
ad eum confluentibus. Bellatum est per Caesarem
Augustum Octa\ianum et M. Antonium adversus76o
Sextum Pompeium. ^ Pax postremo convenit. Interim
Pompeius pacem rupit, et navali proelio Wctus, fugiens
ad Asiam, interfectus est. Antonius, qui Asiam Orien-
temque tenebat, repudiata sorore Caesaris Augusti
Octaviani, Cleopatram, reginam Aeg}^ti, duxit uxorem. 765
Contra Persas ipse etiam pugnavit. Primis eos proeliis
\icit, regrediens tamen fame et pestilentia labora\'it et,
quum instarent Parthi fugienti, ipse pro ^^cto recessit.
77. Hie quoque ingens bellum ciWle commo\'it, cogente
^ixore Cleopatra, regina Aegypti, dum cupiditate cattie of 7 70
muliebri optat etiam in urbe regnare. Victus b.c. 31.
est ab Augusto navali pugna clara et illustri apud
Actium, qui locus in Epiro est, ex qua fugat in
Aegyptum et, desperatis rebus, quum omnes ad August-
um transirent, ipse se interemit. Cleopatra sibi aspi- 775
dem admisit et veneno ejus exstincta est. Aegyptus
per Octavianum Augustum imperio Romano adjecta
est, praepositusque ei Cn. Cornelius Gallus. Hunc
primum Aegyptus Romanum judicem habuit. Ita.
780 Octavianus bcllistoto oibe confectis, OctavianusAufifUstus
' Emperor. t- i i •
B.C. 27. Eomam rediit, duodecimo anno, postquam
consul fuerat. Ex eo rempublicam per quadraginta
et quattuor annos solus obtinuit. Ante enim duodecim
annis cum Antonio et Lepido tenuerat. Ita ab initio
785 principatus ejus usque ad finem quinquaginta sex anni
fuere. Obiit autem septuagesimo sexto anno morte
communi in oppido Campaniae Atella. Romae m
campo Martio sepultus est.
1. Romulus was the son of a Vestal Virgin.
2. He built a city on the Palatine hill.
3. A small city was built in the 394:th year.
4. Romulus had a brother Remus.
1. The Senators will call the city Rome.
2. He receives one hundred virgins into the city.
3. He founded a state on account of the multitude.
4. He himself had not a wife.
5. They will bear off one hundred of their virgins.
1. All these nations surrounded the city.
2. The Sabines will stir up a war.
3. There were tempests for five days.
4. While he was reigning the seventh year was com-
5. After a war had been stirred up the neighbouring
nations were conquered.
1. The son of Pompilius will wage a great war.
2. The wars did not benefit the empire.
3. Eomulus was thought to be a god.
4. The king will divide the year into ten months.
5. The temples of Eome were thought to be sacred.
1. The city, being struck by lightning, was burnt.
2. The Eoman senators will conquer the Alban
thieves ;
3. of whom some will not wage war with the sena-
tors, others will be absent from the city.
4. The house has been enlarged, and is six miles from
6 and 7.
1. They fought against Numa's nephew.
2. Mount Aventine was added to the State.
3. Ancus Martius will receive the kingdom after
Tullus HostiHus.
4. A circus having been built at Rome, Tarquinius
established games.
5. On account of the circus the 'games will remain in
our memory.
6. Tarquinius Priscus was the first to make walls and
sewers at Rome.
7. They were the first to enter the city in triumph.
8. The Sabines also conquered the same (man).
1. Servius Tullius was the son of a noble woman.
2. Servius Tullius, the Koman king, subdued the
3. He enlarged the city by joining three hills (to it).
4. He was the first also who subdued the Sabines.
5. Hitherto the census had been unknown throughout
the whole world.
1. All the Romans were entered on the census (list).
2. Servius Tullius was killed by the wicked act of
his son-in-law, the son of a king.
3. The son and daughter of a king killed SerWus
Tullius in the forty-fifth year.
4. Under Servius Tullius the King, Rome vriW have
84,000 citizens.
5. Tarquinius will have the daughter of a king for a
1. Tarquinius Superbus was the last of the Roman
2. Ardea was situated eighteen miles from the city of
3. His son Tarquinius inflicted an injury on the wife
of the most noble Collatinus.
4. The son of Tarquinius -wronged the wife of
5. The wife of Collatinus, whom the younger Tar-
quinius had wronged, killed herself openly.
1. They took the kingdom away from Tarquinius.
2. The gates having been closed, the king with his wife
and children was shut out.
3. On this account Tarquinius fled with his wife and
4. The king will leave his army in the city.
5. The king's children will flee into the city.
1. It is resolved that the Consul do not hold the
power longer than a year.
2. Collatinus began to excite the people.
3. If one consul wishes to be wicked he is restrained
by the other.
4. After the king had been driven out Collatinus was
5. It was resolved that he should not have the power
more than a year.
1. It is resolved that no one shall remain in the city.
2. All therefore removed from the city.
3. A man who was called Valerius will be made
4. The dignity made him too insolent.
5. Having collected many men Tarquinius stirs up a
6. He fights a battle in order that he may be restored
to power.
1. However Brutus and^Talj^inius kill one anoUier,
in turn. \^/^v
2. Tarquinius did not withdraw
3. Brutus was mourned for by the Roman matrons as
the defender of their chastity.
i. Man)^ nations were collected from all sides.
5. The dictatorship was a new dignity at Eome.
6. The dictator withdraws as a conqueror from the
1. The Romans drove Quintius Martins from the
2. The Volsci, whose city Quintius had taken, received
the Roman leader.
3. They themselves gave him help against the
4. When he had come up as far as the city of Rome
he withdrew his army.
5. Being angry he rejected the messengers who were
seeking peace.
6. But he was overcome by the weeping and prayers
of his mother Yeturia and his wife Volumnia,
who came to him out of the city.
1. When K. Fabius was consul a war was undertaken
against the Veientes.
2. Those who were of the Fabian gens set out alone
against the enemy.
3. Three hundred noble men will fall in the battle.
4. One was not taken to battle on account of his
5. "When Fabius is consul, wars will be undertaken.
1. Cincinnatus used to possess a field of two acres.
2. He is found ploughing, he kills the enemy and
frees the army.
3. Ten men called Decemvirs received the chief
4. The Koman army was besieged on Mount Algidus.
5. The Eomans will cultivate (their) fields with their
own hands.
1. The Romans sent Camillus (as) dictator against the
2. The Veientes will be conquered in battle.
3. The Romans had besieged the most ancient city of
4. I shall stir up envy against Camillus.
5. The booty being badly divided, the Romans ex-
pelled Camillus.
6. The city having been captured, the Romans divided
the spoil.
1. The Senonian Gauls came and seized the city.
2. The Romans were not able to defend anything
except the Capitol.
3. They blockaded the city and the Romans were dis-
tressed with hunger.
4. After they had been conquered by Camillus they
5. Camillus followed and recovered the gold which
he had given them.
6. Afterwards all the standards were recovered.
1. The Gauls withdrew and encamped on the other
side of the river Anio.
2. A Gaul challenged T. Manlius, one of the most
noble senators, to single combat.
3. T. Manlius took away his golden collar and placed
it on his own neck.
4. The surname Torquatus was given to him and to
his posterity for ever.
5. The Gauls will have been conquered by C.
1. The Roman legions set out against the Gauls
under the leadership of Camillus.
2. A certain Gaul having challenged the best man
of the Romans to single combat, M. Valerius
offered himself.
3. AYhen he was armed a raven settled on his helmet.
4. This raven struck the Gaul's eyes so that he killed
5. Therefore the Gaul was not killed by Valerius alona
6. This victory gave him the name Corvinus,
1. The master of the horse began to be powerful.
2. Q. Fabius Maximus fought a battle, the dictator
being absent.
3. The Eomans will have set out to this war under
the leadership of L. Papirius Cursor.
4. He found an opportunity and returned to Rome.
5. Q. Fabius Maximus was not condemned to death
by the people.
6. The Samnites might have fought successfully.
1. When the Romans had been conquered by the
Samnites they were sent under the yoke.
2. The Samnites made peace with the Romans who
had been conquered.
3. The Romans received a great disgrace at the
Caudine Forks.
4. In that year the Appian Way was constructed by
5. The Samnites will have shut up the Romans in the
1. Having been made consul, he declared war against
the Tarentines.
2. In order to bring them help Pyrrhus comes into
3. An enemy from over the sea then, for the first
time, fou2:ht with the Romans.
4. The Romans sent P. Valerius Lae^us against
5. PjTihus' scouts were taken and led through the
Roman camp.
6. They were sent away to report to Pyrrhus what
the Romans were doing.
1. The elephants from over the sea were a help to the
2. Then Laevinus flees and night puts an end {dare
finem) to the combat.
3. Pyrrhus began to take many Romans.
4. All the Romans who were slain were buried by
5. The fierce faces of the dead were seen by P}Trhua
6. Pyrrhus says that he is able to be lord of the whole
1. The city having been laid waste by fire, Pyrrhus
came to Praeneste.
2. The army fled through fear of the elephants.
3. He honourably received the ambassadors sent about
restoring the army.
4. The captives will be sent to Rome.
5. The captives followed the consul from tlie city into
6. The Samnites will betake themselves to Pyrrhus.
1. Fabricius, one of the ambassadors, admired Pyrrhus.
2. I know that you are so poor that you are despised
by the Eomans.
3. Pyrrhus promised a quarter of the kingdom to
4. He bribed the Eomans to seek peace.
5. I shall send Cineas to seek peace on fair terms.
6. Fabricius, a poor man, was not despised by Pyrrhus.
1. The King of Epirus was not able to bril^e Fabricius
by promising him a fourth part of the kingdom.
2. Pyrrhus' doctor promised to kill his lord with
3. But Fabricius would not give him poison.
4. Wherefore he was bound and led back to Pyrrhus.
6. It is very difficult to turn Fabricius from honesty.
6. He is reported to have said, " I can turn the sun
from his course."
1. Fabricius did not conquer the king of Sicily.
2. The king then fled to Sicily with his army.
3. Ourius brought to Eome four elephants, which the
Eomans dreaded.
4. Curius was made consul with Cornelius Lentulus.
6. They set out against Pyrrhus and conquered his
6. Pyrrhus ordered his army to be led back to
1. The Eomans had not fought on the sea.
2. They prepared beaked vessels which they called
Liburnian (galleys).
3. Duilius the consul is reported to have said, " I will
conquer the Carthaginian general."
4. And in the fifth year of the war he did beat the
5. Thirty ships were taken by the Romans.
6. This victory on the sea was very pleasing to the
1. L. Manlius Volso and M. Atilius Regulus were
afterwards made consuls.
2. They carried the war over into Africa, and a battle
was fought on the sea.
3. They conquered, but lost many ships.
4. Pyrrhus had fled to Tarentum, and Hamilcar fled
as far as Carthage.
5. After many ships had been destroyed, the Romans
returned to Rome.
6. Tvventy-seven thousand captives were led back by
the Roman general.
1. Regulus granted peace on very hard conditions.
2. The Lacedaemonians sent an army as a help to the
3. The Romans sought peace from the Lacedaemonian
leader Xantippus.
4. *Only two thousand of the whole Roman army
5. The Lacedaemonians threw Eegukis into chains.
6. Regulus the Roman was unwilling to be captured,
1. Metellus was the leader of the Romans in Sicily.
2. He brought six elephants into Sicily.
3. The general might have led the army to Rome
with great ceremony.
4. The elephants were wandering through the camp
at night.
5. Twenty thousand of the enemy coming into Sicily
were captured.
1. After this battle the Carthaginian general returned
to Rome.
2. The Romans made an exchange of prisoners with
the Carthaginians.
3. The Carthaginians asked Regulus to return to the
4. He says that war is a great evil {malum).
5. Regulus, when he had returned to Carthage, ceased
to be a Roman.
6. Being brought into the Senate he said that he had
returned to the city to ask for peace.
1. I shall advise the Senate not to make peace with
the Carthaginians
2. The consul advised the Senate to make peace with
the Carthaginians.
3. After seeking peace Regulus returned to Carthage.
4. He advises the Carthaginians, seeking })eace, to
return to the city.
5. The consul said that he would not be a slave to the
6. He said that he could not hold the position of an
honourable citizen at Carthage.
1. The Africans were preparing twenty-three ships
against Catulus.
2. The Romans had lost twenty-two ships in a former
3. Twenty-five African ships were sunk by the
4. They took also 32,000 prisoners.
5. The valour of the Roman army was unlimited.
6. The Romans brought back to Rome a great weight
of gold and silver.
1. The Carthaginians sank twelve vessels of the
Roman fleet.
2. Soon afterwards Hannibal, the Carthaginian general,
besieged Saguntum.
3. The Romans sent notice to Hannibal to abstain
from war.
4. The Romans are sending notice to Hannibal to
abstain from war.
5. The ambassadors come to Carthage to seek peace.
6. The ambassadors came to Carthage to seek peace.
1. Tiberius Sempronius declared war against the Car-
2. Tiberius Sempronius is reported to have declared
war against the Carthaginians.
3. Hannibal sent his brother Hasdrubal into Spain.
4. Hannibal left 20,000 infantry in Spain.
5. Hannibal is said to have crossed the Alps with
80,000 infantry.
6. On the arrival of Hannibal the soldiers betook
themselves to the camp.
1. Scipio meets the Carthaginians ; his men flee and
he himself is wounded.
2. A battle having been fought near the Trebia, Sem-
pronius Gracchus returned to the camp.
3. The Carthaginians slew 25,000 Eomans.
4. He defers the fight and the enemy is conquered.
5. An opportunity of fighting was found.
6. Flaminius met the Carthaginians near the Trebia.
1. Both the villages were called Cannae.
2. I shall advise the consuls to send a skilful general
into battle.
3. By delajdng the battle you will conquer.
4. A battle was fought at Cannse in the 540th year.
5. He adi^ised the consul to delay the battle.
6. A city was founded in Apulia.
1. The Romans suffered great loss in the battle near
2. 3,500 cavalry were either captured or slain,
3. Hannibal sent three pecks of gold rings to Carthage.
4. The consul with twenty senators perished in that
5. The enemy were dragging off the rings from the
hands of our cavalry.
6. No senators were wounded in that great battle.
1. Hannibal with his cavalry was approaching the
2. They slew his brother Hasdrubal.
3. After a consul had come into the camp, Hannibal
withdrew into the city.
4. The two Scipios ha\ang been conquered, the con-
sul will remain in the camp.
5. The enemy was conquered more through their own
terror than through the bravery of the Romans.
1. Publius Cornelius Scipio, the son of Publius Scipio,
was twenty-four years old.
2. The Africans will keep all their gold in New
3. The Africans were removing all their gold into
New Carthage.
4. He is thought to be the first man of his age.
5. Scipio was sent to carry on war in Spain.
6. There is something divine in a good man.
1. He was the son of Masinissa, the King of the
2. He is said to be the son of Masinissa, the King of
the Numidians.
3. The Carthaginians are said to have left Italy-
4. Hannibal, the Carthaginian, made a friendship with
Scipio, the Eoman general.
5. When this was heard, he was ordered to retire into
6. Scipio is said to have freed Italy.
1. The consul sent a scout to report to the genera!
what he had seen.
2. I shall give the consuls a breakfast and send them
3. Three scouts were sent by Hannibal to Scipio's
4. I have hardly seen more skilful generals.
5. The city being captured Scipio led his forces to
6. After breakfast the scouts were led through the
1. The Punic War was soon ended.
2. A war with the Macedonians will follow.
3. The Carthaginians will have joined themselves to
the enemy after the battle.
4. After the founding of the city, Antiochus was made
5. I will leave the city for fear it should be handed
over to the enemy.
6. The enemy having been put to flight, the Romans
granted peace to Antiochus.
1. A general sets out as legate to the consul.
2. Scipio will conquer Hannibal in a naval battle.
3. A king of Magnesia, a city of Asia, was slain in
that battle.
4. Fifty men had been given to the consul Cornelius
5. The army flees that it may not be taken by Han-
6. The Romans fought a great battle near ISIagnesia.
1. War has been undertaken against Carthage.
2. Hannibal was in command of the cavalry which
was defeated.
3. He is considered most skilful in ruling.
4. The city was successfully besieged by Scipio
5. Hannibal avoided that part of the Roman army
where Scipio was fighting.
6. The fear of another general was very great.
1. Scipio was made consul when a young man.
2. The city of Carthage was destroyed by him.
3. The Carthaginians collect the spoils which they
recognise as their own.
4. They afterwards destroyed the ornaments which
they found there.
6. Scipio, the Roman general, was called Africanus.
6. The Romans recognised the valour of all their
1. After this ignoble peace, the Romans restored the
spoils to the enemy.
2. The consul commands them to break the treaty.
3. The author of the treaty was handed over to the
4. The Romans were again avenging the broken
5. The disgrace was so great that the author of the
treaty was punished.
6. The Romans made peace with the Numantini, who
were a people of Spain.
I. You will not correct soldiers by punishing (them).
2. The cities of Spain were partly taken by the army
and partly worn out by famine.
3. The city, having been besieged, was overthrown.
4. At the death of Attalus, the Romans were left his
5. By giving the province to the Romans, Attalus
made them very rich.
6. Without the will of Attalus the Romans would not
have been very rich.
1. The Romans made war against Jugurtha, because
he slew his brothers.
2. Adherbal and Hiempsal, friends of the Romans,
were slain by Jugurtha.
3. The consul makes a peace (of) which the Senate
4. It is a most disgraceful thing to bribe a soldier
with money.
5. The brothers of Jugurtha, king of the Xumidians,
were slain by him.
6. In the consulship of Bestia, peace was made "vnth
1. Metellus, although he corrected the army with
great severity, put no one to death.
2. When many cities had been captured an end was
put to the war.
3. Metellus wiU be succeeded by Marius.
4. Jugurtha having been conquered, the elephants
were slain or captured.
5. I am about to put an end to that bloody war.
6. The consul began to correct the army.
1. The town of Numantia will be taken, and an end
will be put to the war.
2. Jugurtha was betrayed to the Eomans by Bocchus.
3. The consuls led Jugurtha in chains through the
4. The general captured two cities, the first through
Metellus, the second through Marius.
5. In the consulship of Marius two triumphs were
6. By order of the consuls, the general will celebrate
a triumph.
1. WTiilst the Eomans carried on war in Numidia,
they were beaten with great slaughter by the
2. Marius defeated the Cimbri and Teutones, who
were tribes of the Gauls.
3. There is a great fear among the enemy that they
will be beaten by the Romans.
4. I shall have Catulus (as) my colleague.
5. The Romans will offer the consulship to Marius.
6. A large part of the army was destroyed near the
river Rhone.
1. The Romans made Marius general in his absence.
2. A more successful battle was fought in Italy.
3. Whilst Marms engages with the Cimbri, both the
consuls pass over into Italy.
4. Either Marius or Catulus captured the standards.
5. Out of either army many were slain.
6. For this service the Romans will make Marius a
1. In the sixty-second year after the foundation of the
city the Romans stirred up war.
2. Sulla, when consul, stirred up war at Rome.
3. The consul will be sent to carry on the war in
4. Marius was made consul six times.
5. I strive to be made consul.
6. The Social War was carried on in Italy.
1. He was the first to set out from the city.
2. I shall enter the city of Rome in arms.
3. Cinna slew Sulpicius, who had been appointed con
sul for the ensuing year.
4. Mithridates declared to the Senate that he would
banish the consul from Pontus.
5. If the Romans were to do that, they would suffer
many injuries.
6. Answer was returned to me, that it would come to
pass that the consul would be driven out of the
1. The kings will be driven out of the city, and will
be sent to Ephesus.
2. Wherever Sulla fought his army conquered.
3. Out of Sulla's army only one hundred survived.
4. When the letter is sent, I shall hasten to Ephesus.
5. When the affair was known, the kings were driven
out of the city of Ephesus.
6. The general orders the battle to be commenced.
1. Messengers were sent by King Mithridates suing
for peace.
2. Messengers are sent by King Mithridates to sue for
3. Sulla replied that he would return to Eome.
4. Sulla replies that he will not return to Rome.
5. Both the generals hasten to the camp, which they
6. The house of one of the consuls was overthrown.
1 . The Senate prays Sulla to help his country.
2. Sulla will fight against Marius and destroy his army.
3. But he will lose many of his own men.
4. He replies that he -will not lose many of his own
6. Sulla comes to Italy to besiege Praeneste.
6. I shall help Sulla when about to carry on a civil
1. When Pompey was twenty years old he was placed
in command of the army.
2. Carbo replies that he will bring^help to Domitius.
3. He came to Domitius that he might bring help to
4. This war was protracted for twenty-one years.
5. His industry was so great that he was placed over
(praeficio) both armies.
6. The glory of Sulla was great, but that of Pompey
was greater.
1. At the death of Nicomedes the peace was broken.
2. The king made his own son his heir.
3. The consul met him near Chalcedon.
4. And while he was besieging him he killed himself.
5. Lucullus replies that the army is being wasted with
6. Nearly a thousand men were killed in one battle.
1. While this was being done, war was declared
against Pompey.
2. And when it was undertaken, the enemy was con-
quered in a battle by night.
3. Mithridates lost his army together with two cen-
4. When he had fled to the city the king took poison.
5. He was a man of greater industry but of less skill
6. The camp near the Bosphorus was destroyed in a
sedition among the soldiery.
1. The consul will .banish from the city Cicero, a man
of very noble disposition.
2. He will be sent to destroy the city.
3. The city was taken and destroyed.
4. He was sent to apprehend the consul.
5. The consul will capture and slay Catiline.
6. Catiline will be banished from the city by the consul.
1. Afterwards Caesar was made king.
2. The Helvetii whom Caesar conquered were after-
wards called Sequani.
3. In three years Caesar will have conquered almost
all the Germans.
4. Not even Caesar would have conquered the
5. The ambassadors were put to death in the absence
of the consul.
6. War was declared against the Britons, and the
legates, having fought three unsuccessful battles,
were slain.
1. A disaster befel the consul when returning from
2. The consulship was offered to Caesar, so that he
might prepare for war in Gaul.
3. If Bibulus is consul, I shall not return to the
4. Caesar began to demand that the Senate should not
declare war.
5. Under the leadership of Marcellus the fortune of
the Roman army changed.
6. Caesar had been opposed by all the Senate.
1. Having entered the city, Caesar will demand the
2. WTien night comes on, the enemy will return to the
3. Caesar said that he did not wish to pursue the
4. The consuls say that they mil cross over into
5. The people say that they will make him dictator.
6. The general said that the army had been put to
1. Caesar said that he had never before led a greater
2. A battle was fought and the consuls were slain.
3. I shall ask to receive help from the Senate.
4. Pompey is about to destroy the camp.
5. Caesar was said to have shed tears on account of
his good fortune.
6. By reason of his (good) fortune the Romans made
him consul.
1. Caesar says that he will come to Alexandria to de-
clare war against the king.
2. I shed tears when I beheld the body of the consul.
3. "We gained possession of the enemy's camp (occt^pc).
4. Caesar wishes to be of assistance to Cleopatra.
5. Phamaces was conquered and put to death.
6. The people gave the consul a golden cuirass.
1 . Caesar sets out to Spain to renew the war there.
2. The consuls fled that they might not be slain by
the enemy.
3. His renown in warfare was so great that he was
made consul four times.
4. When he was fifty years old he had gained great
renown {consequor).
5. Caesar said that he would set out to Munda.
6. Out of Caesar's many battles the last was greatest.
1. Caesar acted most arrogantly at Eome.
2. Therefore the rest conspired against Caesar.
3. The people will confer honours according to their
own will.
4. He used not to rise to the king.
5. Twenty-three Eomans will have been driven out.
6. Caesar received twenty-five wounds from the con-
1. The two consuls will attempt to set out to Rome.
2. Caesar's assassins committed many crimes.
3. They ordered Caesar's nephews to bear his name.
4. He replies that Caesar will leave his nephew his
heir by will.
5. It turned out that the enemy was defeated in the
civil war.
6. When many crimes had been committed, they were
considered to be enemies by the consuls.
1. When both the armies had been lost, the consuls
made peace.
2. Many other nobles vnW set out with the army.
3. Caesar will force the Senate to give him two armies.
4. Caesar adopted his nephew who was eighteen years
5. Caesar will receive large forces from Lepidus.
6. The Romans are about to avenge Caesar's death.
1. They will remain in Italy to defend the cities.
2. Augustus and Antony will set out against Caesar's
murderers, whom they will put to death.
3. The State will have been divided between Augustus
and Antony.
4. Many nobles who had been conquered were slain
in this battle.
5. Philippi, a city of Macedonia, was taken by the
6. He replied that Italy would be defended by
1. They will stir up a great war in Sicily.
2. After the peace was broken, a battle was fought by
Pompey and Augustus.
3. Being conquered, he retreated from the first
i. Those who remained suffered from the pestilence.
5. He had married the Queen of Egypt himself.
6. They pressed the Romans hard as they were
1. He desires to go over to Augustus.
2. Cleopatra, despairing of peace, kills herself.
3. He placed Gallus over a city which was in Egypt,
i. The Romans desired to have this man as a ruler
5. The Romans used to bury their generals in the
Campus Martins.
6. The Master urging you on {cogo\ you have come
to the end.
2. Vestalls vlrginis. One of the \argin priestesses of the
goddess Vesta, whose duty it was to keep up the fire
perpetually burning on the altar in her temple.
Martis, Mars the god of war, and one of the guardian deities
of Rome.
4. annos, ace. of duration of time.
7. fere throws back emphasis on haec, 'just this.'
9. quonun = ut eoricm. ageret, subj., expressing purpose.
12. urhl. Dat. after vicinas, an adj., expressing 'nearness.'
13. raptarmn, undfrstand f«minarum.
14. Caenlnenses. The people of Caenina, a Sabine town
of Latium.
Antemnates. The people of Antemnae, an ancient Sabine
Cmstmninos. The people of Crustumium, a highland
town of tlie Sabines.
15. Sabinos. The Sabines, a powerful people of central
Fidenates. The inhabitants of Fidenae, a Sabine town
five miles N.E. of Rome.
Veientes. The people of Veil, one of the most powerful
cities of Etruria, about 12 miles from Rome. It was con-
stantly at war with Rome until taken by the Dictator
17. comparulsset. Translate as if it were pluperf. indie.
Quum with the pluperf. subj. supplies the want of a past
participle active in Latin.
23. dvltatl, dative after profuit. Compounds of sum (except
possum) take the dative.
29. Albanos. Alba Longa was the most ancient town in
32. mllliarlo, abl. of placei
34. Caelio monte. Rome, originally built on Mons Pala-
tinus, grew rapidly under the kings, until completed by
Servius TuUius, who drew a line of fortifications round the
city, which comprised all the seven hills of Rome — Palatinus,
Caelius, Aventinus, Viminalis, Esquilinus, Quirinalis, Capi-
38. Janiculum. Mons Janiculus, on the opposite side of
the Tiber, was united to the city by the Pons Sublicius.
Ancus fortified it against the Etruscans.
39. Ostiam. Sixteen miles from Rome, the Tiber empties
itself into the sea, and at this place Ancus built the town of
Ostia, on the left bank of the river. It was the port of
Rome until the time of the Emperor Trajan.
morbo, abl. of cause.
42. circum ludos Romanes. Tarquinius commemorated his
victory over the Latins by celebrating games in the valley
between the Palatine and Aventine hills. Before his death
a permanent building was erected, afterwards called Circus
Maximus. Here were held the ludi Romani or Cir censes,
as they were variously called, comprising chariot races and
other athletic contests.
45. primusque, etc., 'and was the first to enter the city
in triumph.'
46. cloacas. The cloaca maxima of Tarquinius was a
semicircular tunnel, 14 feet wide, beneath the city.
Capitolium. The temple of Jupiter on Mons Capitolinus.
47. regis ejus, gen. in apposition to And.
52. Quirinalem, etc. See above, line 34.
54. censum. The registering of Roman citizens by the
censor, for the purposes of numbering, taxing, and assigning
their position in the state.
orbem t^rrarum = the world.
58. scelere, *by the wicked act.'
62. Volscos. Ancient people of Latium; their principal
town, Gabii.
63, Suessam Pometiam, also called Pomfitla : a town of the
Volsci, one of the 23 cities covered by the Pomptine Marshes.
Tuscis. The Etruscans, near and powerful neighbours of
Rome. Etruria proper was a confederacy of twelve cities.
The Tarquins themselves were of Tuscan origin. They were
hostile to Rome until finally subdued by Cornelius Dolabella
B.C. 283.
65, Ardeam. Ardea was the capital of the Rutuli in
Latium, and originally the capital of the kingdom of Tumus.
67. nobilissimi. CoUatinus was nephew of Tarquinius
72. Tarquinio. Dat. with notion of disadvantage.
79. placuit, 'it was determined.' Placet is the technical
expression for decrees of the Senate.
ne...liaberent, ' that they should not have ;' subj. expressing
80. annum, ace. of duration of time.
81 . insolentiores, ' too arrogant. '
98. Dictatura. An extraordinary Roman office. At critical
times, when it became necessary to give a man absolute power,
a Dictator was appointed, who was independent of the
Senate, The Dictator chose another as his deputy, to
represent him in his absence, who was called magister
equitum, originally, as his name implies, commander of the
103. Coriolos. The capital of the Volsci, It was taken in
B,c. 493 by C. Marius, and gave him the surname of
112. Fabia gente. A Roman family which produced several
distinguished generals, notably Q, Fabius Cunctator, the
leader of the Roman army against Hannibal in the Second
Punic War.
119. jugemm. A Roman measure of land, 240 feet in
length and 120 in breadth.
121. togam praetextam. The white gown with purple
border, worn by magistrates and the youth of both sexes.
124. qui...liaberent. A purpose is expressed, hence the
subj . qui — ut ei.
125. Decemviri. Ten commissioners, with supreme power,
were appointed in B.C. 451 to draw up a code of laws. In
B.C. 449 they were abolished owing to the tyranny of Appius
134. Senones. A powerful tribe of N. Gaul. Some of
them invaded Italy in B.C. 400, settled there, and harassed
Rome, taking it in b. c. 390. They were subdued by Dolabella
in B.C. 283.
Alliam. The AUia falls into the Tiber six miles from
140. ne...obsiderent, *on condition that they should not
145. trans Anienem. Nom. case Anio. Anienem formed
from old nom. Anien. A tributary of the Tiber.
155. tributum militum. The six principal officers of the
legion were called trihuni militum.
164. Samnitas. Samnit-es, -um, or Samnlt-ae, -arum. The
Samnites were an offshoot from the Sabines, occupying the
hilly country between the Nar, Tiber, and Anio. Their
bravery made them the most formidable enemies that Rome
had to encounter in Italy. They invaded Campania, and it
was in consequence of the people of Capua applying to Rome
for help that war broke out between Rome and the Samnites
mB.c. 343.
171. capitis, of the head, i.e., to death.
174. Furculas Caudinas. The Caudine Forks, a mountain
pass near Caudium in Samnium.
176. sub jugum miserunt = ' caused them to pass under the
yoke' — a sign of defeat. The jugum was made by fastening
a spear across two others stuck in the ground.
181. Aquam Claudiam — viam Appiam. The Claudian aque-
duct and the Appian road were made by Appius Claudius
during his censorship in B.C. 312.
186. Epiri rex. Epirus, a country in the N. W. of Greece.
189. jusslt eos. Take eos before dimitti as well as before
191. agerentur. Subjunctive because it depends on re-
nuntiarent, another verb in the subj. mood.
193. quos incogTiitos. . .expaverunt = 'which the Romans were
unacquainted with and afraid of.'
197. adverse vianere= 'with wounds in front.'
199. se potuisse, ace. with inf. after 'cum hac voce,'
which is equivalent to dicens.
200. contigissent = ' had fallen to his lot.'
203. Praenesten. An ancient town of Latium, about 20
miles S.E. of Rome on a steep hill. It was said to have been
founded by Telt5g6nus, son of Ulysses.
212. Romanorum, objective genitive, ' admiration for the
223. spopondisset, subj. because in a dependent sentence
in oratio obliqua,
234. apud Argos (Arg-os, -i, and Arg-i, -omm). Pyrrhua
was killed by a tile thrown by a woman from the housetops,
while he was besieging Argos, one of the chief cities of South
Greece, B.C. 272.
238. Libumas. Light vessels built upon a model taken
from the Libumians, a sea-faring people that lived on the
east shore of the Adriatic. [Libumae, -arum, supply naves.)
240. The victory of Duilius was due to a device by which
he turned a naval into a land battle. His ships were
furnished with grappling-irons, by means of which he seized
the enemy's ships, and then boarded them. It was the tii-st
naval victory the Romans had gained.
248. Pngnatum est. Verbs intransitive in the active voice
are used impersonally in the passive. Translate, ' a battle was
251, Carthaginem. One of the first cities of the ancient
world. It was situated on the north coast of Africa, and
was said to have been founded by Phoenicians from Tyre
under Dido. The Carthaginians became the rivals of the
Romans, with them they were involved in three wars — kno\\Ti
as the Punic wars. The first lasted from B.C. 265-242. The
second from the siege of Saguntum, B.C. 218, to the battle
of Zama, b.c. 202. The third took place in b.c. 146, when
Carthage was taken and destroyed by Scipio Africanus the
younger, and reduced to a Roman province.
2;")7. nisi, etc., translate, 'except upon the hardest terms.'
260. ita vlctus est, * was so severely defeated. '
267. Numidas, Numid-ae, -arum. The Numidians. A tribe
of native Africans dwelling east of Carthage.
274. desiisse, contracted perf. inf. from desino.
284. Lilybseum. A fortress and harbour on the west of
Sicily, founded by the Carthaginians.
299. Saguntum. A town in south of Spain in alliance
with the Romans. Its siege by Hannibal in b.c. 218 opened
the Second Punic War.
310. Pyrenaeum. The range of the Pyrenees, separating
Gaul from Spain. Alpes, the Alps. Hannibal probably crossed
by the Little S. Bernard, and entered Italy near the modern
town of Aosta.
315. Ariminum. A town in Umbria on the east coast
of Italy.
318. Trebiam. A stream in north Italy, flowing into the Po.
319. Tusciam. The province of Etruria. This second
battle was fought near Lake Trasimenus in Etruria in b.c. 217.
332. Cannae. A village of Apulia, in S. Italy.
338. Consulares, men who had held the office of consul,
praetorii, officers attending upon a Roman general.
340. ita ut...mitteret. Subj. expresses a consequence after
ita= ' so that he sent.'
358. sua aetate, 'in his own generation.'
359. Carthaginem Novam. Nova Carthago, a Carthaginian
colony in the S.E. coast of Spain, founded by Hasdrubal in
B.C. 243, now called Cartagena.
363. divinum quiddam= 'something of a god-like nature.'
365. habere sermonem = ' to hold communion. '
378. vidissent, subj. because it depends on renuntiarent,
a verb already in the subj. See line 191.
389. PWllppum. Philip, king of Macedon, a large tract of
country in the north of Greece, began to reign B.C. 220, was
defeated by Flamininus at Cynoscephalae B.C. 197, and died
B.C. 179.
394. Antiochum. Antiochus, sumamed the Great, the
most illustrious of the family of the Seleucidae, kings of
Syria. He conquered Caele-Syria, and Palestine, and being
urged by Hannibal to make war upon the Pvomans, he in-
vaded Greece, but was defeated in B.C. 191 at Thermopylae by
them, and again in e.g. 190 by L. Scipio, at Mt. Sipylus in
Magnesia, when he was compelled to sue for peace.
414. Libyssam. A town o^ Kicomedia, a province of
Bithynia in Asia Minor.
424. consultissimus, 'a most experienced man.'
432. quae sua recognoscebant, ' which they recognised as
their own.'
436. avus ejus = his grandfather Scipio, the conqueror of
Hannibal in the Second Punic War. By birth the son of
L. Aemilius Paullus, and not a Scipio at all, he was adopted
by the son of the elder Africanus.
455. rex Asiae. The kingdom of Attains only consisted of
Lydia, Phrygia, Mysia, and Caria, four pro\"ince3 on the
west coast of Asia ]\lLnor.
469. quum...faceret, ' although he did,' etc.
475. Bocchum. King of Mauritania, a country on the
X.W. coast of Africa, between the Atlantic and Numidia.
Bocchus was father-in-law of Jugurtha.
478. quaestorem. The quaestor kept the funds of the
army, gave the soldiers their pay, and superintended the
distribution of spoils captured in war.
487. Cimbri. A powerful tribe occupying what is now
Denmark. In company with the Teutones and the Ambrones,
neighbouring tribes, they emigrated southwards and invadetl
Roman dominions. The Teutones were defeated by Marius
at Aquae Sextiae (Aix) in B.C. 102, and the Cimbri next year
at Campi Raudii, near Verona, in north Italy. The Tigurini,
who also took part in the invasion, were a tribe of the
518. beUi socialis. The Social War broke out in B.C. 90.
Eight tribes of Italy, of which the Marsiaus were chief, joined
themselves into a confederacy, nominally demanding the
rights of Roman citizens, but really disputing the sovereignty
of Rome over Italy. They were defeated by Pompeius
Strabo and Sulla.
515. Mithridatem. Mithridates was a powerful king of
Pontus in Asia Minor. He extended his dominions, seizing
upon the Roman provinces of Asia and Achaia, in Greece.
He himself was defeated by Fimbria, and his general
Archelaus by Sulla, and sued for peace, which was granted
in B.C. 84.
530. A senatu...pateretur - 'Answer was made to Mith-
ridates by the Senate, that, if he did that, it would come to
pass that he also would suffer war at the hands of the
Romans.' Fore ov fnturum esse ut with subj. is another way
of representing the fut, infinitive.
532. Cappadociam. A district in eastern Asia Minor.
534. PapMagoniam. A district in the north of Asia Minor.
536. Ephesum. The chief city of Asia Minor, on the
west coast.
540. Achaia. A district in south Greece ; the name
sometimes stands for the whole of south Greece.
545. commisit. Understand praelium.
549. agi jussit= 'ordered a truce to be made.'
551. aliter= 'on other terms.'
560. proscripserunt. Proscrihere = to outlaw. Names of
persons whose property was to be confiscated were written up
in a public place.
567. Capua. The chief town of Campania.
582. Marianae partis ducem. ' A general of the party of
585. The antecedent of quod is the whole of the principal
sentence, quartum et vicesimum annum agens, ' when in his
twenty-fourth year.'
595. Chalcedonem. A city of Bithynia on the Bosporus.
597. Cyzicum. A Greek city of Asia Minor, situated on
an island in the Propontis (Sea of Marmora).
602. Byzantium. A town in Thrace on the Bosphorus,
founded by the Megarians in B.C. 658, and a place of great
importance. A new city was built on its site in a.d. 330
by Constantine, who made it the capital of the empire, and
changed its name to Constantinopolis.
632. IlljTicuin. A Roman province on the eastern shore
of the Adriatic.
633. Sequanl. A Celtic tribe of Gallia Belgica.
641. stipendiarios. Conquered nations who paid a fixed
monej'- tribute to the Romans were called stipendiarii ; those
who paid at a certain rate on their produce were called
642. annuum sestertium quadringenties. Translate 'a
yearly tribute of forty million sesterces.' Annuum is a noun;
sestertium is the gen. plu. of sestertius. When the distribu-
tive numerals in -ies are used with sestertium, centena millia
is understood : thus sestertium quadringenties = 100,000
sestertii x 400. The sestertius was a small coin of the value
of 2|d. before the time of Augustus, so that the total yearly
tribute paid by the Gauls amounted to £334,166 13s. 4d. in
English money.
645. Arvemos. A powerful Gallic people in Aquitania, in
the modem Auvergne.
663. Hispanlas. Hispania (Spain), was divided into two
provinces separated by the river Iberus, Hi.^pania Citerior
and Hispania Ulterior. Hence the two together are some-
times called Hispaniae.
670. nee Pompeium scire vincere, ' that Pompey neither
knew how to win a victory.'
671. Tliessalia. A large part of north Greece.
674. in unum convenerant, ' had come together. '
679. a rege Aeg3rpti. Ptolemy, son of Ptolemy Auletes,
and brother of Cleopatra.
685. generi sui. Pompey's third wife w^as Julia, the
daughter of Julius Caesar.
689. Alexandria potitus. Potior governs an abl. case.
693. Ponto. A district in the N.E. of Asia Minor on the
shores of the Pontus Euxinus, from which it takes its
700. Mundam. A town in the south of Spain.
703. natus annos sex etc., 'when 56 years of age. Annos^
ace. of duration of time.
709. regia ac paene tyrannica, 'other things like a king
and even almost like a tyrant.'
714. duo Bruti. Decius Junius Brutus and Marcus Junius
727. Caesaris nepos = Caesar's grand-nephew. Octavius
was the son of Atia, the daughter of Julia, sister to Julius
Caesar. Augustus was only a title given him by the Senate
and people in B.C. 27 to express their veneration for hun.
737. patris sui mortem, 'the death of his adopted father.'
745. Macedoniam. Macedonia, a large district north of
761. convenit, 'was agreed upon.' Convenio sometimes
has a passive signification.
765. duxit uxorem, married, cf. our phrase 'took to wife.'
Ducere uxorem is used when speaking of the husband {i.e., to
lead to his own house). The woman was said nubere (to veil)
vii'o (for the man) .
768. pro victo, 'as one beaten.'
771. in urbe, that is, at Rome.
773. Actium. A town in the extreme south of Epirus, on
the west coast of Greece.
779. Hunc primum etc. Translate ' This man was the
first Roman ruler that Egypt had.'
787. morte communi, 'an ordinary death.'
788. in campo Martio (the plain of Mars). The Campus
Martins was a plain outside the walls of Rome. It was the
place where the Romans held their athletic contests, and
where some of the elections for public oflScers took place.
abl., ablative.
ace, accusative.
adj., adjective.
adv., adverb.
com., common.
comp., comparative.
conj., conjunction.
dat., dative.
defect., defective.
demons,, demonstrative.
disfrib., distributive.
/*., feminine.
frequent. , frequentative.
gen., genitive.
gov., governing.
imper., imperative.
impers., impersonal.
incept., inceptive.
indecl., indeclinable.
indef., indefinite.
injin., infinitive.
irreg,, irregular.
lit., literally.
m., masculine.
n., neuter.
nam., nominative
num., numeral.
part., participle.
pass., passive.
per/ ^ perfect.
pi., plural.
poss., possessive.
prep., preposition.
pres., present.
pron., pronoun.
reflex., reflexive.
rel., relative.
sing., singular.
subst., substantive.
superl. , superlative.
v.a., verb active.
V. dep., verb deponent
v.n., verb neuter.
voc, vocative.
The parts of regular Verbs are not given.
A dot occurring in a word separates the parts of a compound.
Eutropi-us, -i, m., Eutropius.
histori-a, -ae,/., a history.
R6man-us, -a, -um, adj., Ro-
Imper-ium, -ii, ?i., empire,
a or a'o, prcjj. (jov. abl. , by, from.
R6miil-us, -i, m., Romulus,
exord-ium, -ii, n. , a becrinning.
hab-eo, v. a., 2, I have, 1 con-
sider, I hold, I keep.
qui, quae, quod, rel. pron., who,
Vestal-is, -e, adj., belonging to
Vesta, Vestal.
virg-o, -inis, /., a virgin, a
fili-us, -i, m., a son.
et, C071J., and, also; et ..et, both
Mars, Mart-is, m., Mars,
cum, prep. gov. abl., with.
Rem-us, -i, m., Remus,
frat-er, -ris, m., a brother,
un-us, -a, -um, adj., one.
part-us, -us, m., a birth.
e*d-o, -ere, -idi, -itum, v.a. 3,
I bring forth.
Is, ea, id, pron., he, she, it,
octodecim, adj. indecL, eigh-
ann-us, -i, m., a year.
nasc-or, -i, nat-us sum, v. dep.
3, I am born.
urb-s, -is,/., a city.
exigu-us, -a, -um, adj., small.
in, prep, tvith abl. , in, on ; tvith
ace, into, for.
Palatin-us, -i, m., the Pala-
mon-s, -Ms, m., a mountain,
con*stitu-o, -ere, •stitii-i, 'stl-
tut-um, v.a. 3, I build, estab-
lish (sto, I stand; statuo, I
cause to stand).
post, prep. gov. ace, behind,
Troj-a, -ae,/., Troy.
excid-ium, -ii, n., destruction.
trecent-esimus, -eslma, esimum,
7ium. adj., the three hun-
nonag-eslmus, -esima, -esimum,
num. adj., ninetieth.
quart-US, -a, -um, ninii. adj.^
con*d-o, -ere, -idi, -itum, v.a. 3,
I build, I found,
civit-as, -atis,/., a state,
e or ex, prep. gov. ahL, out of,
from, according to.
nom-en, -inis, n., a name,
su-us, -a, -um, poss. pron., his
own, her own, its own.
Rom-a, -ae, /.. Rome,
voc-o, v.a. 1, I call, I name,
hie, haec, hoc, demons, pron.,
fere, adv.^ almost, generally,
about, nearly,
ag-o, ere, eg-i, act-um, v.a. 3,
I do, I treat, I celebrate,
multitud-o, -inis, /., a large
fin-itimus, -itima, -itimum,
adj., bordering on; subst., a
re'cip-io, ere, recep-i, recept-
um, v.a. 3, I take again, I
receive (re, capio).
centum, num. adj. indecl., a
sen-ior, -ioris, comp. adj.,
older; subst. pi., the elders,
elig'-o, -6re, 'leg-i, lect-um,
v.a. 3, I pick out, I choose
(e, l6go).
consilium, -ii, n., advice, plan,
counsel, skill.
omn-is, -e, adj. , every ; pi. all.
Senat-or, -oris, m., a Senator,
member of the Senate.
nomin-o, v.a. 1, I give a name
to, I call (nomen, a name).
propter, prep. gov. ace, on
account of.
I senect-us, -utis, /., old age.
[ tunc, adv., then, at that time,
quum, conj., when, since, al-
i though.
! ips-e, -a, -nm, pron., the (man)
I himself.
: popiil-us, -i, m., a people,
ux-or, -oris,/., a wife,
non, adv., not.
invit-o, v.a. 1, I invite.
I ad, po'ej). gov. ace, to.
spectaciil-um, -i, n., a show, a
! lud-us, -i, m., a game, a
I vicin-us, -a, -um, adj., neigh-
na-tio, -tionis, /., a nation, a
tribe (nascor, I am bom).
I atque, co72J., and.
rap-io, -6re, -ui, -tum, v.a. 3,
I seize, I bear off.
! com"m5v-eo, -ere, -mov-i, -mot-
j um, v.a. 2, I stir up, I ex-
bell-um, -i, n., war.
I injuri-a, -ae, /., a wrong, an in-
Caenin-enses, -ensium, m. pi.,
the people of Caenlna, the
vinc-o, -ere, vic-i, vlct-um, v.a.
3, I conquer, I beat, I defeat.
Antemn-ates, -atum, m. pi. , the
people of Antemnae, the An-
Crustum-Ini, -Inorum, m. pi.,
the people of Crustumium,
the Crustumini.
Sab-Ini, -Inorum, m. pL, the.
Flden-ates, -atium, m. pi., the
people of Fidenae; the Fiden-
Veient-es, -lum, m. pL, the
people of Veil; the Veien-
oppid-um, -i, n., a town,
cing-o, -ere, cinx-i, cinct-um,
v.a. 3, I surround,
or-ior, -iri, ort-us sum, v. dep.
4, I arise,
subito, adv.f suddenly, unex-
tempes-tas, -tatis, /., a storm,
com'par-eo, -ere, -ui, v.n. 2, I
am visible, I appear,
reg-num, -ni, U;, a kingdom, a
tric-eslmus, -esima, -esimum,
mim. adj., thirtieth,
sept-imus, -ima, -imum, num.
adj., seventh,
de-us, -i, m., a god {voc, deus,
/>/., dei or dii).
trans '60, -ire, "iv-i or -i-i, it-
um, v.a. irreg., I go across,
cred-o, -6re, -idi, -itum, v.a.
and n. 3, I believe, I trust.
con*secr-o, v.a. 1, I consecrate,
deify (cum, sacro).
deinde, adv., afterwards, there-
per, prep. gov. ace, through,
qui-ni, -nae, -na, distrib. num.
adj., five each,
di-es, -ei, m. and/., a day.
imper-o, v.a. 1, I command, I
regn-o, v.a. 1, I reign.
com-pleo, -plere, -plev-i, -plet-
um, v.a. 2, I fill up, I com-
"^^•^' " TV.
] postea, adv., afterwards (post,
[ earn).
I Num-a, -ae, m., Numa.
! Pompil-ius, -ii, m., Pompilius.
I rex, reg-is, m., a king.
; cre-o, v.a. 1, 1 make.
I n"ull-us, null-a, null-um {gen.,
I nulllus, dat., nuUi), adj., no,
I not any, subst., no one {ne,
\ ullus).
I quidem, adv., indeed.
! ger-o, -6re, gess-i, gest-um,
! v.a. 3, I carry on, I wage,
sed, conj., but.
minus, comp. adv., less.
quam, adv. , how, than.
pro -sum, prod esse, profu-i,
V. irreg., I am of use to, I
benefit {icith dat. ).
nam, conj., for.
lex, leg-is,/., a law.
mos, mor-is, rn., custom; pi.,
con'sue-tudo, -tudinis, /., a cus-
que, conj., and.
proel-ium, -li, n. , a battle,
jam, adv., now.
latr-o, -onis, m., a robber, a
ac, C071J., and.
semi'barbar-us, -a, -um, adj.,
half barbarian,
put-o, v.a. 1, I think, I deem,
de'scrib-o, -ere, -scrips-i,
script-um, v.a. 3, I write
down, I divide,
decern, indecl. num. adj., ten.
mens -is, -is, m., a month {from
met-ior, mens-us sum, I mea-
in-finl-tus, -ta, -tum, adj., un-
limited, innumerable.
sacr-um, -i, n. , a religious cere-
mony, sac-er, -ra, -rum,
adj., sacred.
templ-um, -i, n., a temple.
morb-us, -i, m., a disease.
dexed-o, -6re, xess-i, 'cess-um,
v.n. 3, I go down, I depart,
I die (cedo, I go).
quadrag-esimus, -esima, -esi-
mum, num. adj., fortieth,
ter-tius, -tia, -tium, num. adj.,
8uc-ced-o, -ere, 'cess-i, 'cess-
um, v.a., 3, I go after, I fol-
low (sub, cedo).
Tull-us, -i, m., Tullus.
Hostil-ius, -ii, m., Hostilius.
Alb-ani, -anorum, m. ,the people
of Alba, the Albans.
diiodecim-us, -a, -um, num.
adj., twelfth.
millia-rium, -rii, n., a mile-
ab'sxim, abesse, abfu-i, v.n.
irreg., I am distant, absent.
al-Ius, -ia, -iud {gen., al-ius;
dat.,al-li), adj. pron., another
(alii... alii, some... others).
ses-tus, -ta, -tum, num. adj.,
oct-avus, -ava, -avum, num.
adj., eighth.
decim-us, -a, -um, num. adj.,
8uper-o, v.a. 1, I am over, I
conquer, I overcome.
ampli-o, v.a. 1, I enlarge.
ad"jic-io, -ere, *jec-i, "ject-
um, v.a. 3, I add to (ad,
Caeli-us, -a, -um, adj., Cael-
mon-s, -tis, m., a mountain, a
triginta, indecl. num. adj.,
du-o, -ae, -o, num. adj., two.
ful-men, -minis, n., lightning,
a thunderbolt.
ic-o, -ere, -i, -tum, v.a. 3, I
dom-us, -us, /. , a house.
ard-eo, -ere, ars-i, ars-um, v.n.
2, I am on fire, I bum.
Anc-us, -i, m., Ancus.
Marc-ius, -ii, m., Marcius.
nep-os, -otis, m., a grandson, a
descendant, nephew.
sus-cip-io, -ere, 'cep-i, 'cept-
um, v.a. 3, I take up, I re-
ceive (sub, capio), I undertake
contra, prep. gov. ace, against.
Latin-i, -orum, m,, the people
of Latium, the Latins.
dimic-o, v.n. 1, I fight.
Aventin-us, -a, -um, adj., Aven-
Jan-iculum, -iculi, n., Janicu-
Osti-a, ae, /. , Ostia.
vic-esimus, -esima, -esimum,
num. adj., twentieth.
per -60, 'ire, "iv-i o?* "i-i, -it-um,
v.a. irreg., I go through, I
Tarquin-Ius, -li, m., Tarquin
Prisc-us, -i, m., Priscus
accip-io, -ere, -cep-i, cept-um
v.a. 3, I receive, I suffer. '
num-grus, -6ri, m., a number,
du'plic-o, v.a. 1, 1 double (duo,
plico, I fold). j
circ-us, -i, m., a circus. !
aedi-flc-o. v.a. 1, 1 build (aedes,
a house, facio). I
in stitu-o, ere, -stitu-i, •stitut- [
um, v.a. .3, I establish, I j
found (see constituo, oh. ii.).
nos-ter, -tra, -trum, adj. pron., \
our, belonging to us.
memor-ia, -ise, /., recollection.
per man-eo, -ere, -mans-i,
•mans-um, v.n. 2, I remain,
I continue,
i-dem, ea-dem, i-dem {gen.
ejus-dem, dat. ei-dem), adj.
pron., the same. i
etiam, adv., even, also. !
pri-mus, -ma, -mum, superl. \
adj., first. I
triumpli-o, v.n. 1, I celebrate a |
intr-o, v.n. 1, I enter,
mu-rus, -ri, m., a wall,
fac-io, -ere, fec-i, fact-um, v.a.
3, I make, I do.
cloaca, -ae, /., a drain, a
Capitol-lum, -li, n., the Capi-
incho-o, v.a. 1, I begin.
oc'cid-o, -ere, -i, "cis-um, v.a. 3,
I kill (ob, caedo), I slay.
Serv-ius, -ii, m., Servius.
Tull-ius, -ii, m., Tullius.
gign-o, -ere, genu-i, genit-um,
v.a. 3, I bring forth (genitus,
no-bilis, -bile, adj., noble.
fe-mina, -minse, /., a woman.
cap-tlvus, -tlva, -tlvum, adj.,
captive (capio).
tamen, conj., nevertheless,
yet, however.
ancill-a, -ae, /., a slave, a hand-
quoque, conj., also.
sublg-o, -ere, "eg-i, -act-um,
v.a. 3, I conquer, I subdue
(sub, ago).
tres, tria, num. adj., three.
Quirin-alis, -die, adj., belonging
to Quirinus, Quirinal.
Vimin-alis, -ale, adj., Viminal.
Esquil-Inus, -ina, -inum, ailj.,
belonging to the Esquiliae,
ad-jung-o, -ere, -junx-i, -junct-
um, v.a. 3, I join to.
foss-a, -se, /., a ditch, an en-
trenchment (fod-io, foss-um,
I dig).
circum, prep. gov. ace, arovmd.
duc-o, -ere, dux-i, duct-um,
v.a. 3, I draw, I marry.
cens-us, -as, m., a census, a
ordin-o, v.a. 1, I arrange, I ap-
point (ord-o, -inis, a straight
adliuc, adv., hitherto.
orb-is, -is, m. , a circle.
terr-a, -ae,/., the earth, land
In'cognit-us, -a, -um, adj.^ un-
known (cognosce, I become
acquainted with).
sum, esse, fu-i, v.n. irreg., I
sub, prep. gov. ahl., under,
de'fer-o, -re, -tul-i, -lat-um,
v.a. irreg., I bring or carry
down, I confer., I enter on.
octoglnta, indecl. num. adj.,
quattuor, indecl. num. adj.,
milli-a, -wxD^n.pl., thousand,
civ-is, -is, com., a citizen,
ag-er, ri, m., a field, pi., the
quln-tus, -ta, -turn, num. adj.,
Bcel-us, -6ris, n., a wicked act,
a crime,
gen-er, -6ri, m., a son-in-law.
Superb-us, -i, m., Superbus.
fili-a, -ae, /,, a daughter (dat.
and abl. pi. fili-abus.
Luc-ius, -ii, m. Lucius.
ultim-us, -a, -um, adj. supl.,
last, farthest.
Volsc-i, -orum, m., the Vol-
Gab-ii, -iorum, m., Gabii.
Suess-a Pometi-a, ge^i. Suess-ae,
Pometi-ae, /., Suessa Pome-
Tusc-i, -orum, m., the Etru-
pax, pac-is,/., peace.
Ju-^iter, gen. Jov-is,m. , Jupiter.
Arde-a, -ae,/., Ardea.
op-pugn-o,v.a. 1,1 fight against,
I besiege.
pon-O; -ere, pos-ui, pos-itum,
v.a. 3, I place., I situate^
perd-o, -ere, -idi, -Itum, v.a. 3,
I lose,
juven-is, -is, adj., young, jun-
ior, -loris, camp., younger,
nobil-issimus, -issima, -issimum,
superl. adj. {see noliilis).
Collatin-us, -i, m. Collatinus.
af'fic-io, -ere, -fec-i, fect-um,
v.a. 3, I do (something) to.
Injuria aflScio, I injure (ad
facio)., I wrong.
de, prep. gov. ahl., of, concern-
ing, respecting,
marit-us, -i, m., a husband,
pat-er, -ris, m., a father,
amic-us, -i, m., a friend,
quer-or, -i, quest-us, -sum, v.
dep. 3, I complain,
conspect-us, -us, m., a sight, a
view (conspicio).
sul, pron. reflex., sing, and pi.
of himself, of herself, of itself,
of themselves.
caus-a, -ae,/. , a cause, a reason.
I Brut-US, -i, m., Brutus.
I paren-s, -tis, ccmi., a parent,
I a kinsman.
j con*ci-to, v.a. 1,1 stir up, I excite.
ad-im-o, -ere, -em-i, -empt-um,
I v.a. 3, I take away.
j mox, adv., soon, afterwards.
i exercit-us, -us, m., an army.
i re-linqu-o, -ere, -liqu-i, -llct-
um, v.a. 3, I leave, I leave
ven-io, -ire, ven-i, vent-um,
v.a. 4, I come,
port-a, -ae,/., agate,
claud-o, -ere, claus-i, claus-um,
v.a. 3, I shut.
ex"clud-o, -ere, 'clus-i, clus-
mn, v.a. 3, I shut out.
vlglnti, indecl. num. adj.,
quinque, indecl. num. adj., five,
liber-i, -orum, m., children,
fug-io, -ere, fug-i, fug-itum,
v.n. 3, I flee away, I escape.
I fly.
Mnc, adv., hereupon, then,
cons-ul, -ulis, m., a consul,
coep-i, -isse, -turn, defect, verb,
I begin,
pro, prep. gov. abl., instead of,
Ut, conj. , that as, in order that.
Bi, conj., if.
mal-us, -a, -um, adj., bad,
v6l-o, vel-le, volu-i, v. irreg.,
I am willing, I wish,
alter, alter-a, alter-um, adj.,
the other (of two), one of
co"erc-eo, v.a. 2, I correct, I
restrain (cum, arceo).
plac-eo, V.71. 2, 1 please; plac-et,
-uit, v. impers., it is resolved,
ne, conj., lest, that not, v^ith
imper. mood, not.
longius, comp. adv., longer
{camp, o/longe), more,
diuturn-itas, -itatis, /., length
of time (diu, adv., for a long
potes-tas, -tatis, /., power
in'solen-s, -tis, adj., unaccus-
tomed, insolent, arrogant
(soleo, I am accustomed).
red'd-o, -ere, -idi, -Itum, v.a. 3,
I render, I make.
igitur, adv., therefore, conse-
ex*pell-o, -ere, 'piil-i, "piils-um,
v.a. 3, I drive out, I ex-
pel, I banish.
Jun-ius, -ii, m., Junius.
Lucreti-a, -ae, /., Lucretia.
statim, adv., immediately,
sub'lat-us est, from toll-o, -ere,
sus*tul-i, sub'lat-um, v.a. 3,
I take away,
dign-itas, -itatis, /., dignity,
honour (dign-us, worthy),
enim, co7ij., for.
quis-quam, quae-quam, quic-
quam, or quid-quam, pron.
indef., any (person or thing).
man-eo, -ere, -si, -sum, v.n. 2,
I stay, I remain,
ergo, adv., therefore, conse-
migr-o, v.n. 1, I remove,
loc-us, -i, m. (pl.loc-iandloc-a,),
a place, position.
Valer-ius, -ii, m., Valerius.
Pnblicol-a, -ae, m., Publicola.
coMig-o, -ere, leg-i, -lect-um
v.a. 3, I collect, I gather
together (cum, lego).
undique, adv., from all sides.
mul-tus, -ta, -turn, adj. , much,
great; pZ., many.
gen-s, -tis,/., a family, a tribe.
pos'sum, po'sse, pot ui, v.irreg.,
I am able (potis^ able, and
re-stitu-o, -ere, 'stitu-i, stitut-
um, v.a. 3, I replace, I re-
store (re, statuo).
pugn-a, -ae, /., a fight, a
Arun-s, -tis, m., Aruns,
invicem, adv., in turn, mutu-
vict-or, oris, m., a conqueror
(vinco, I conquer),
re'ced-o, -ere, •cess-i, -cess-um,
v.n. 3, I go back, I with-
matron-a, ae, /., a wife, a
defens-or, -oris, m., a defender
(def endure),
pudic-itia, -itiae, /., modesty,
quasi, adv., as, as if.
com'mun-is, -e, adj., common,
i.e., belonging equally to
Itig-eo, -ere,lux-i, luct-um, v.a.
2, I mourn for.
no-nus, -na, -num, num. adj.,
ex-ig-o, -ere, 'eg-i, 'act-um,
v.a. 3, I drive out.
scc-er, -6ri, m., a father-in-law.
vlndic-o, v.a. 1, I avenge
ingen-s, -tis, adj., great,
nov-us, -a, -um, adj., new.
dicta-tura, -turae, /. , the dicta*
ap"peU-o, v.a. 1, I call, I name
(ad, pello).
mag-ister, -istri, m. , a master,
equ-es, -itis, com., a horse sol-
dier, a knight; pi., cavalry
(equus, a horse),
dicta-tor, -toris, m., a dictator
(dicto, I say frequently).
ob'sequ-or, -i, -sequut-us {or
■secut-us), sum, v. dep. 3, I
attend upon.
postquam, coiy. , after that.
e-jic-io, -ere, jec-i, •jeet-um,
v.a. 3, I cast forth (e, jctcio).
Quint-ius, -ii, m., Quintius.
dux, due-is, 7/1., a leader, a
Coriol-i, -orum, m. , Corioli.
cap-io, -ere, cep-i, capt um, v.a.
o, I take, I capture.
con*tend-o, -ere, -i, "tent-um,
v.n. 3, 1 go eagerly, I hasten.
irasc-or, -i, irat-us sum, v. dep.
3, I am angry.
auxil-ium, -ii, n., help, assist-
ance ; pi. , auxiliary troops.
! saepe, adv. , often.
I usque, ac??;., all the way, asfaras.
' ac-ced-o, -ere, xess-i, 'cess-um,
v.n. 3, I approach, I am
added (ad, cedo), I come up.
patri-a, -ae, /., a fatherland.
legat-us, -i, 7n., a messenger,
a lieutenant, a legate.
pet o, -ere, -ivi or -ii, itum, v.a.
3, I seek, I ask, I sue for.
repudi-o, v.a. 1, I reject, I re-
nisi, conj., unless, except.
ma-ter, -tris, /., a mother.
Veturi-a, -ae, /. , Yeturia.
Volumnl-a, ae,/., Volumnia.
flet-us, -us, 771., a weeping
(fleo, I weep).
depreca-tio, -tionis, /., a beg-
ging off, an earnest en-
treaty, a prayer.
re"mov-eo, -ere, -mov-i, -mot-
um, v.a. 2, I remove.
Kaes-o, -onis, m., Kaeso.
Fab-ius, -ii, m., Fabius.
Tit-us, -i, m., Titus,
Virgin-ius, -ii, m., Virginius.
trecent-i, -ae, -a, num. adj.,
three hundred,
hom-o, -inis, com., a man (a
human being).
Fab-ius, -ia, -ium, adj., Fabian.
sol-US, -a, -um., adj., alone
{gen., sol-lus).
itaque, conj., and so.
pro'ficisc-or, -i, "fect-us sum,
V. dtp. 3, I set out.
con-cid-o, -ere, -i, v.n. 3, I fall
(cum, cado).
omnino, adv., altogether, en-
super -sum, -esse, -fu-i, v. irreg.,
I am left, I survive,
tan-tus, -ta, -tum, adj. , so great,
so large,
famil-ia, -iae, /., a household,
a family,
ae-tas, -tatis, /., age.
puer-ilis, -lie, adj., boyish,
youthful (puer).
I sequ-or, -i, -utus {or sec-utus)
i sum, V. dep. 3, I follow.
Algid-US, -i, n., Algidus.
ob-sid-eo, -ere, 'sed-i, sess-um,
v.n. 2, 1 blockade (ob, aedeuj.
L = Lucius.
Cinclnnat-us, -i, m., Cincinna-
juger-um, -i, n., a juger, an
possid-eo, -ere. 'sed-i, sess-
um, v.a. 2, I possess,
ma-nus, -nus, /., a hand, a
col-o, -ere, ui, cult-um, v.a. 3,
I cultivate, I inhabit,
ar-o, v.a. 1, I plough.
in*ven-io, -ire, "ven-i, vent-
um, v.a. 4, I come upon, I
sud-or, -oris, m., sweat,
deterg-eo, -ere, 'ters-i, -ters-
um, v.a. 2, I wipe off.
tog-a, -ae, /., a toga,
prae'tex-tus, -ta, -tum, adj.,
praetexta, edged,
caed-o, -ere, cecid-i, caes-um,
v.a. 3 (I cause to fall), I
hos-tis, -tis, m., a stranger, an
enemy (public), in'imic-us,
-i, m., an enemy (private),
(in, amicus),
liber-o, v.a. 1, I set free,
consul-aris, -are, adj., belong-
ing to a consul, consular ;
subst., an ex -consul,
cess-o, v.Ji. 1, I cease,
summ-us, -a, -um, siiperl. adj.,
highest, chief.
decem'vlr-i, -orum, m. pi., De-
1, I renew war,
re"bell-o, v.
I revolt,
mitt-o, -ere, mis
v.a. 3, I send.
CamUl-us, -i, m., Camillus.
primum, adv., at first.
ac-ies, -iei, /., a battle, an
army (drawn up).
diu, adv., for a long time,
antiqu-issimus, -issima, -issi-
mum, superl. adj., most
Itali-a, -ae,/., Italy,
dlt-issimus, -issima, -issimum,
superl. adj., richest (dives,
Falisc-i, -orum, m., Falisci.
invid-ia, -iae, /., envy, jeal-
quod, co7tj., because,
praed-a, -ae, /., booty, spoil,
male, adv., badly, unjustly.
di'vid-o, -ere, 'vis-i, 'vis-um,
v.a. 3, I divide.
damn-o, v.a. 1, I condemn.
Ob, prep. gov. ace, on account
Gall-US, -i, m. , a Gaul.
Senon-es, -um, m. pi.,
apud, prep. gov. ace, near
flum-en, -inis, n., a. river.
Alll-a, -ae, /. , Allia.
occiip-o, v.a. 1, I seize.
neque {or nee), conj., nor (nee
. . . nee, neither ... nor ).
defend-o, -ere, -fend-i, -fens-
um, v.a. 3, I defend,
fam-es, -is, /., hunger, famine,
labor-o, v.n. 1, 1 am distressed,
I suffer,
exsul-o, v.w. 1, I am an exile,
secut-us, per/, part, of sequor
(ch. xvii. ).
aur-um, -i, n., gold,
ita, adv. , so, in this way.
d-o, -are, ded-i, datum, v.a. 1,
I offer, I give, I grant,
mllit-aris, -are, ad/. , belonging
to a soldier, military (miles,
a soldier),
sign-um, -i, n., a standard.
re-v6c-o, v.a. 1, I recall, I re-
adversus, p7'ep. gov. ace,
trans, ])rep. gov. ace, beyond,
across, on the other side, over.
Ani-o, -enis, m., the Anio.
fiuv-ius, ii, m., a river (duo, I
consid-o, -ere, 'sed-i, "sess-um,
v.a. 3, I encamp, I settle on.
Manl-ius, -ii, m., Manlius,
sing-ul-aris, -are, adj., single,
eertam-en, -mis, n., a combat.
pro'Voc-O; v.a. 1, I challenge,
torqu-is {or -es), -is, m. and f.,
a collar,
aur-eus, -ea, -eum, adj., golden
(aurum, gold).
coll um, -i, n., the neck,
re-s, -i, /., a thing, a circum-
stance, property, an affair.
im'pon-o, -ere, "posu-i, -posit-
um, V. a. 3, 1 put on, I xjlace on.
perpetu-us, -a, -um, adj., per-
Torquat-us, -i, m., Torquatus.
post-6nis, -6ra, -6rum, adj.,
next; pi. subst., post-eri,
-eronim, m., posterity.
cognom-en, -inis, n., a surname
(con, nomen).
fug-o, v.a. 1, I put to flight, I
C=Cai-us, -i, ?n.,Caius.
Sulpic-ius, -ii, m., Sulpicius.
leg-io, -ionis, /., a legion.
Fur-ius, -ii, m., Furius.
qui'dam, quae'dam, quod'dam,
i7idpf. pron., a certain one.
optim-us, -a, -um, superl. adj.,
the best.
tum, adv., then,
Marc-US, -i, m., Marcus.
trib-unus, -tini, vi., a tribune.
mil-es, -itis, m., a soldier, sol-
of'fer-o, -re, obtul-i, ob*lat-um,
v.a. irreg., I oflfer (ob, fero).
pro'ced-o, -ere, -cess-i, 'cess-
um, v.n. 3, I go forward.
ann-o, v.a. I, I arm.
corv-us, -i, m., a raven.
gale-a, -ae, /. , a helmet.
icom'mitt-o, -ere, "mis-i, 'miss-
um, v.a. 3, I set on (to com-
bat), I entrust, I commence.
al-a, -ae, /., a wing.
ungu-is, -is, m., a nail, a claw.
ociil-us, -i, m., an eye.
verber-o, v.a. 1, 1 beat, I strike.
Inter-fic-io, -ere, -feci, -fect-
um, v.a. 3, I kill (fScio).
vlctor-ia, -iae, /., victory
Corvin-us, -i, m., Corvinus.
dic-o, -ere, dix-i, dict-um, v.a
3, I say, I call.
merit-um, -i, n., a service.
jam, adv., now, already.
pot-ens, -entis, adj., powerful
[pres. part, o/ possum).
Samn-ltes, Itium, m. pi, Sam-
med-ius, -ia, -ium, adj., mid-
inter, prep. gov. ace, among,
Pic-enum, -eni, n., Picenum.
Campania, -aniae, /., Cam-
Apiill-a, -ae,/., Apulia.
Papir-ius, -ii, m., Papirius.
Curs-or, -oris, m., Cursor.
hon-or, -oris, m., honour, dig-
red'eo, -ire, 'iv-i or i-i, -it-um,
v.n. irreg., I go back, I re-
MaxJm-us, -i, m., Maximus.
prae*cip-io, -ere, •cep-i, -cept-
um, v.n. 3, I order.
abs-ens, -entis, adj., absent.
pugn-o, v.a. 1, I fight.
occa-sio, -sionis,/., opportunity
(ob, cado).
re-pgr-io, -ire, repper-i, -tum,
I v.a. 4, I tiud.
I felic-issime, ac?r. {superl. o/feli-
citer), most successfully (fe-
de-leo, "lere, "lev-i, -let-urn,
v.a. 2, I destroy, I annihi-
cap-ut, -itis, n.y ahead, life.
V8t-o, -are, -iii, itum, v.a. 1, I
fav-or, -oris, m., a favouring,
furc-tila, -ttlae, /., a little fork
(furca, a fork).
Caud-inus, -ma, -inum, adj.,
belonging to Caudium, Cau-
angust-ia, -iae, /., narrowness;
111. , a narrow deiile, a pass.
con'clud-Oj -ere, "clus-i, "clus-
uni, v.a. 3, I shut up (cum,
dedec-us, -6ris, n., disgrace,
jug-um, -i, n., a yoke,
sen-atus, -atus, m., the Senate,
solv-o, -ere, -i, solut-um, v.a. 3,
I unloose, I break (se, apart,
luo, I loosen),
necess-itas, -itatis, /., neces-
,6-0, -6ri, fact-US sum, i^ass. of
faci-o (ch. vii.).
sept 'em, num. adj. inded.,
tem-pus, -p5ris, n., time.
App-ius, -ii, m., Appius.
Claud-ius, -ii, m., Claudius.
cens-or, -oris, w,, a censor,
aqu-a, ae, /., water, an aque-
Claud-ius, -ia, -ium, adj. of or
belonging to Claudius, Clau-
in'duc-o, -ere, -dux-i, 'duct-um,
v.a. 3, I bring in.
vi-a, -ae, /., a way, a road.
App-ius, -ia, -ium, adj. of or
belonging to Appius, Appian.
stern-o, -ere, strav-i, strat-um,
v.a. 3, I spread out, I level,
I construct.
inter'jlc-io, -ere, "Jec-i, -Ject-
um, v.a. 3, I throw between
ali'quot, num.adj. inded., some,
Tarent-ini, -inorum, m.pL, the
in'dic-o, ere, "dix-i, 'dict-um,
v.a. 3, I declare,
fer-o, -re, tul-i, lat-um, v.a.
irreg., I carry, I bring, I
Pyrrh-us, -i, m., Pyrrhus.
Epir-us, -i,/., Epirus,
trans "mar-Inus, -In a, -Inum,i
adj., beyond sea (mare, the
Publ-ius, -ii, m., Publius.
Laevin-us, -i, m., Laevinus.
explora-tor, -toris, m., a scout,
jub-eo, -ere, juss-i, juss-um,>
v.a. 2, I order,
cas-trum, -tri, n., a fort; pl.f
a camp,
os'tend-o, -ere, -i, "tens-um,
v.a. 3, I show.
di"mitt-o, -ere, -mis-i, -misa-
um, v.a. 3, I send away {lit.f
in different directions).
re"nuntl-o, v. a. 1, I announce,
quicunque, quaecunque, quod-
cunque, rd. pron., whoever,
elephant-us, -i, m.,
expavesc-o, -ere, "pav-i, v. a. 3,
incept., I dread [lit., I begin
to dread).
nox, noct-is, /., night, dark-
fi-nis, -nis, m. and f., an end;
pA., territories.
octingent-i, -ae, -a, num. adj.,
eight hundred.
tract-o, v.a. 1 [frequent, of
traho, I draw), I draw out,
I treat [lit., I keep dragging
sepel-io, -ire, 'iv-i or "i-i,
sepult-um, v.a. 4, I bury.
ad-vers-us, -a, -um, past jmrt.
{from ad"vert-o), opposite,
vuln-us, -6ris, »., a wound.
truz, truc-is, adj., fierce, wild.
VTilt-us, -us, m., the counten-
ance, look.
mor-ior, -i, mortu-us sum, v.
dep. 3, I die.
Jac-eo, -ere, -ui, v.n. 2, I lie
vid-eo, -ere, vid-i, vis-um, v.a.
2, I see; paf<s., I seem.
tiQ-isse/rom fero (ch. xxiv.).
cael-um, -i, n., the sky, the
vox. voc-is, /., the voice, lan-
tot-US, -a, -um, gen., tot-Iu.s,
adj., the whole, entire,
domln-us, -i, m., a master, a
talis, -e, adj., of such a kind,
con-ting-o, -ere, 'tig-i, -tact-
um, v.n. 3, I happen to, I
befall (cum, tango).
jung-0, -ere, junx-i, junct-um,
v.a. 8, I join.
se, reflexive pron. , 8hi<j. and pi. ,
himself, herself, itself, them-
selves, recipere se, to be-
take one's self.
Lucan-i, -orum, m, pi., the
Bnitti-i, -orum, m. pi., the
per-g-o, -ere, Tex-i, Tect-um,
v.n. 3, I proceed, I go (per,
fer-rum, -ri, n., iron, a sword.
ign-is, -is, m., fire.
vast-o, v.a. 1, I lay waste, I
de'popul-or, v. dep. 1, I lay
utterly waste, I ravage.
Praenest-e, -is,/., Praeneste.
terr-or, -oris, m., great fear,
redlm-o, -ere, 'em-i, "empt-um,
v.a. 3, I buy back, I ransom
(re, emo).
cap-tivus, -tlvi, m., b, prisoner
(capio), a captive.
honorifice, adv., honourably.
sine, prep. gov. abl., without.
pre-tium, -tii, n., money,
Fabrid-us, -ii, m., Fabricius.
sic, adv., in this manner, so.
ad'mir-or, v. dep., 1, 1 wonder
at, I admire,
paup-er, -6ris, adj., poor,
co'gnosc-o, -ere, •gnov-i, 'gnit-
um, v.a. 3, I perceive, I as-
certain (cum, nosco), I know,
par-s, -tis, /. , a part, a share ;
'jd., a (political) party,
sollicit-o, v.a. 1, I move vio-
lently, I tempt, I bribe,
con'temn-o, -ere, 'temps-i,
•tempt-um, v.a. 3, I hold in
contempt, I despise,
quare, adv., why? wherefore
{aU. o/quis, abl. of res).
ad*mira-tio, -tionis, /., admira-
tion, wonder,
ten-eo, -ere, -ui {no supine), v.a.
2, I hold, I have,
aequ-us, -a, -um, adj., even,
fair, just,
cond-itio, -itionis, /., a condi-
tion; pi., terms,
praecip-tlus, -Ha, -uum, adj.,
principal, distinguished,
vir, vir-i, m., a man.
Cine-as, -ae, m., Cineas.
ar-ma, -morum, n. pi., arms.
ob'tin-eo, -ere, 'tinu-i, "tent-
um, v.a. and n. 2, I hold, I
obtain, I prevail.
miss-US, from mitto (ch. xviii. ).
prius, comp. adv., before,
potu-erat, /roTn possum.
pro-mitt-o, -ere, -mis-i, miss-
um, v.a. 3, I send forward,
I promise,
med-icus, -ici, m., a physician,
venen-um, -i, n., poison,
ali-quis, (ali'quae,) ali-quid,
pron. indef., some one, any.
pol'lic-eor, -eri, •licit-us sum,
V. dep. 2, I promise.
vinc-io, -ire, vlnx-i, vinct-um,
v.a. 4, I bind fast.
re"duc-o, -ere, -dux-i, 'duct-um,
v.a. 3, I lead back, I bring
spond-eo, -ere, spopond-i,
spons-um, v.a. 2, I pledge
myself, I vow.
ille, ilia, illud, pron. demons.,
that, he, she, it.
dif'ficilius, comp. adv., with
more difficulty, less easily
bones-tas, -tatis, /., upright-
sol, s51-is, m., the sun.
cur-sus, -sus, m., a running, a
course (curro, I run),
a'vert-o, -ere, -i, 'vers-um, v.a.
3, I turn away.
Sicill-a, -ae,/., Sicily.
pro"fect-us, from proficiscor
(ch. xvi.).
Man-ius, -ii, m., Manius.
Cur-ius, -ii, m., Curius.
Dentat-us, -i., m., Dentatus.
Comel-ius, -ii, m., Cornelius.
Lentul-us, -i, m., Lentulus.
consulat-us, -us, m., the office
of consul, consulship.
re 'cess-itj/rom recede (ch. xiv.).
Arg-os, -i, ace. Argos, n., Argos
(also Arg-i, -orum, m.).
Tarent-um, -i, w., Tarentum.
Pun-Icus, -ica, -Icum, adj.,
Punic, Carthaginian.
Af-er, -ra, -rum, adj., African.
Dull-ius, -ii, m., Duilius.
Cnae-us, -i, m., Cnaeiis.
Asin-us, -i, m., Asinus.
mar-e, -is {nom.pl. maria), ?i.,
the sea.
nav-is, -is, y*., a ship, a vessel,
rostr-atus, -ata, -atum, adj.,
beaked (rostrum, a beak).
Liburn-us, -a, -um, adj., Li-
frau-s, fraud-is,/., fraud,
de'cip-io, -ere, "cep-i, ■cept-um,
v.a. 3, I catch, I deceive
(de, capio).
Cartliaginieiis-is, -e, adj., Car-
quattuordecim, indecl. num.
adj., fourteen,
merg-o, -ere, mers-i, mers-um,
v.a. 3, I immerse, I sink.
octo, indecl. num.. adj., eight.
ull-us, -a, -um {geji. iilllus),
adj., any.
grat-ior, -ius {gen. -ioris), comp.
adj., more pleasing (gratus).
ln"vict-us, -a, -um, uncon-
quered (vinco).
plurimum, superl. adv., mostly,
very much.
Vols-0, -onis, m., Volso.
Atil-ius, -ii, m., Atllius.
Afric-a, -ae, /., Africa.
trans •fer-o, v.a. irreg., I carry
across (fero, ch. xxiv. ).
Hamilc-ar, -iris, m., Hamil-
vlct-u8, /?-om vinco (ch. iii.).
sexaginta, indecl. num. adj.,
re"cip-io (ch. ii.), recipere se,
to betake oneself,
retro, adv., backwards,
a-mitt-o (mitto, ch. xxxi.),
v.n. 3, I lose.
Regiil-us, -i, m., Regulus.
re'man-eo, -ere, mans-i, v.n.
2, I stay behind, I remain,
saepius, comp. adv., more often
(saepe, ch. xv.).
septuaginta, indecl. num. adj.,
fid-es, -ei, /. , faith, trust ; in
fidem accipere, to receive
into trust, i.e., alliance.
Carthag-o, -inis,/, Carthage.
n*ol-o, n'ol-le, n"Olu-i, v.a. and
n. irreg., I do not wish, I
am unwilling (non, volo).
dur-us, -a, -um, adj., hard.
Lacedaemoni-i, -orum, m., the
Xantipp-us, -i, m., Xantippus.
tantum, adv., so greatly,
quingent-i, -ae, -a, num. adj.,
five hundred,
caten-a, -ae, /., a chain,
con-jic-io, -ere, 'jec-i, 'ject-um,
v.a. 3, I throw (together)
(cum, jacio).
Metell-us, -i, m,., Metellus.
cop-ia, -iae, /., plenty ; pi.
forces, troops.
sex, num. adj. indecl., six.
re*liqu-ias, -a, -um, adj., re-
maining, the rest.
err-o, v.n. 1, I wander.
Nmnid-ae, -arum, m., the
dediic-o, -ere, 'dux-i, •duct-
urn, v.n. 3, I lead away.
pomp-a, -ae, /., ceremony.
mal-um, -i, n., a misfortune,
per-muta-tio, -tionis, /., an
vl'hil {contracted rnl), n. indecl.,
de'sin-o, -ere, 'siv-i or "si-i,
•sit-um, v.n. 3, I leave off,
I cease.
com"plex-us, -us, m., an em-
suad-eo, -ere, 'suas-i, "suas-um,
v.n. 2, I advise.
Poen-i, -orum, m., the Cartha-
ad-mitt-o, -ere, -mis-i, -miss-
um, v.a. 3, I admit, I allow
to come, I commit.
neg-o, v.a. and n. \, 1 deny,
I refuse, I say no.
Berv'io, v.n. 4, I am a slave.
hones- tus, -ta, -turn, adj.,
re*gred-ior, -i, -gTess-us sum,
V. dep. 3, I return, I retreat.
supplic-ium, -ii, n., punish-
ment, torture,
ex'sting-uo, -uere, 'stinx-i,
"stinct-um, v.a. 3, I put out
entirely, I kill.
Lutat-ius, -ii, m., Lutatius.
Catiil-us, -i, m., Catulus.
Aul-us, -i, 771., Aulus.
Postum-ius, -ii, m. , Postumius.
Albin-us, -i, m., Albinus.
quadringent-i, -ae, -a, num.
adj., four hundred,
aeg-er, aegr-a, aegr-um, adj.,
sick, ill.
a-scend-o, -ere, -scend-i, 'scens-
um, v.n. 3, I ascend (ad,
scando, I climb),
vianer-o, v.a. 1, I wound,
superi-or, -us, comp. adj.,
higher, former (superus).
niybae-um, -i, n., Lilybaeum,
virt-us, -litis,/., bravery (vir,
a man), valour,
de'merg-o, v.a. 3, I sink
(mergo, ch. xxx.).
tre'decim, indecl. num. adj.y
argent-um, -1, n., silver,
pond-US, -6ris, n. , a weight,
red'ig-o, -ere, "eg-i, -act-um,
v.a. 3, I bring back (re, ago),
class-is, -is, /. , a fleet,
duodecim, indecl. num. adj.,
trib-tlo, -uere, tribu-i, tribut-
um, v.a. 3, T give, I yield.
secund-us, -a, -urn, num. adj.,
ln*fer-o, 'fer-re, •tul-i, il -lat-
um, v.a. irreg., I carry to
or against.
Hannib-al, -alis, m., Hannibal.
Sagnrt-um, -i, n., Sagnntum.
Hispani-a, -ae, /., Spain,
amic-us, -a, -um, adj., friendly,
ag-gred-ior, -i, -gress-us sum,
V. dep. 3, I begin.
de-nunti-o, v.a. 1, I give notice
abs'tin-eo, -ere, -ui, "tent-um,
v.n. 2, I abstain from (ab,
mand-o, v.a. 1, I order,
soc-ius, -ii, m. , an ally.
Sagunt-ini, -Inorum, m., the
Inter-ea, adv., meanwhile,
grav-is, -e, adj., heavy, severe;
superl. gravissimus.
poen-a, -ae, /., a punishment,
a loss.
Scipi-o, -onis, m., Scipio.
Tiber-ius, -ii, m., Tiberius.
Sempron-ius, -ii, m. , Sempronius
In'dict-us from indicere (oh.
relict-US from relinquo (ch.
Hasdrub-al, -alis, m., Has-
Pyrenae-us, -i, m.,the Pyrenees.
Alp-es, -ium,/., the Alps.
In-vl-us, -a, -um, a(7y. , trackless,
impassable (in, via, a way).
pate'fac-io, -ere, 'fec-i, 'factum,
v.a. 3, 1 throwopen(ch. Ixvi. ).
tra"d-o, -ere, -did-i, -dit-um,
v.a. 3, I hand over, I betray;
pass. I am reported.
ped-es, -itis, m., a foot soldier
(pes, a foot), infantry.
adduc-o, -ere, 'dux-i, 'duct-
urn, v.a. 3, I lead to, I
bring to.
Gracch-us, -i, m., Gracchus.
advent-us, -us, m., an arrival,
an approach (ad, venio).
Arimin-um, -i, n., Ariminum.
tra'jlc-io, ere, 'jec-i, 'ject-um,
v.a. 3, I convey over (trans,
across ; jacio, I throw).
oc'curr-o, -ere, -i, 'curs-um,
v.n. 3, I fall in with (ob,
curro, I run), I meet.
com'miss-us, -a, -um, from
committo (ch. xxi.).
Trebi-a, -ae, /., the Trebia.
amn-is, -is, m. , a stream.
conflig-o, -ere, -flix-i, -flict-um,
v.n. 3, I fight, I engage.
inde, adv., from that place,
Tuscl-a, -ae, /., Etruria.
Flamin-ius, -ii, m., Flaminius.
inter -im-o, -ere, 'em-i, 'empt-
um, v.a. 3, I take away, I
kill (inter, emo, I take).
ceter, -a, -um, adj., the other.
dif-fiig-io, -ere, 'fug-i, v.n. 3,
I flee (in diflorent direc-
dif-fer-o, -re, dis tul-i, dl -lat-
um, v.a. 3, I defer, I delay.
impet-us, -us, m., an attack,
frang-o, -ere, freg-i, fract-um,
v.a. 3, I break,
invent-us from invenio (ch.
qulngent-esimus, -esima, -esi-
mum, num. adj., the five
Aemil-ius, -ii, m., Aemilius.
Paul-US, -i, m., Paulus.
P = Publius (ch. xviii.).
Terent-ius, -ii, w., Terentius.
Varr-o, -onis, m., Varro.
amb-o, -ae, -o, adj. pL, both,
mon-eo, v.a. 2, I warn.
calid-us, -a, -um, adj., ardent.
Inipati-ens, -entis, adj., im-
aliter, adv., in another manner,
varum, adv., truly, but yet.
Im patienti-a, ae, /., im-
■ patience.
Vic-US, -i, m. , a village.
Cann-ae, -arum,/., Cannae.
saucl-o, v.a. 1, I wound.
damn-um, -i, 7i., loss, hurt.
praetor-ius, -ia, -ium, adj. , be-
longing to a praetor, suhst.
an ex-praetor.
mod-ius, -ii, m., a peck.
annul-us, -i, w., a ring, dim-
inutive of annus (ch. i. )
Carthag-o, -mis,/., Carthage.
de'trah-o, -ere, 'trax-i, 'tract-
um, v.a. 3, I draw off.
iibi, adv., where, when.
met-us, -us, m., fear,
integ-er, -ra, rum, adj., whole,
cas-us, -us, m., a falling, an
accident (cado).
magis, comj9. ac^v,, more, rather.
tan'dem, adv., at length.
ibrdem, adv.., in the same
nat-us /rom nascor (ch. i.).
post-6rior, -erius, comp. adv.,
next after, later (post).
ap*para-tus, -tus, m., prepara-
tion, equipment (ad, paro).
fact-US /ro77i facio (ch. vii. ).
div-inus, -ina, -Inum, adj., di-
quid 'dam from quidam (ch.
in'sum, 'esse, 'fu-i, v. irreg.,
I am in.
ex'istim-o, v.a. 1, I consider,
I think.
ad "60, adv., to such an extent.
num-en, -mis, n., a god.
ser-mo, -monis, m., talk, con-
Syph-ax, -acis, m., Syphax.
Numid-ia, -iae, /. , Numidia.
con'jung-o, -ere, -junx-i, -junct.
um, V. a. 3, I join (together).
spol-ium, -ii, n., spoil,
aud-io, V.a. 4. I hear.
de"ser-o, -ere, -ui, -turn, v. a. 3,
I leave, I abandon.
fl-eo, -ere, flev-i, flet-um, v.n,
2, I cry, I weep,
re'liqu-isse from relinquo (ch.
Masinlss-a, ae, m., Masinissa.
amlc-itia, -itiae, /. , friendship,
fec-erat /rom facio (ch. vii. ).
capt-us/roTO capio (ch, vii.).
circimi'duc-o, -ere, 'dux-i, -duct-
um, v.a. 3, I lead round,
prand-ium, -ii, w., luncheon,
uter'que, utra*que, utrum'que,
adj., both, each (singly),
compare with ambo (ch. xl. ) .
iii"stni-o, -ere, 'strux-i, -struct-
um, v.a. 3, I draw up in
qual-is, -e, adj., such as, of
what kind {see talis, ch.
vix, adv., scarcely, hardly.
peri-tus, -ta, -turn, adj., ex-
perienced, skilful.
e'duc-o, -ere, 'dux-i, "duct-um,
v.a. 3, I lead out.
paene, adv., nearly, almost.
postremo, adv., lastly, at last
e"vad-o, -ere, 'vas-i, "vas-um,
v.n. 3, I go out, I slip off, I
glo-ria, -riae,/., glory, renown.
trans 'ig-o, -ere, eg-i, -act-um, i
v.a. 3, I bring to an end
(trans, ago).
Macedon-Icus, -ica, -icum, adj.y
Philipp-us, -i, m., Philip,
quinquag-esimus, -esima, -esi-
mum, num. adj., fiftieth.
Flamimn-us, -i, m., Flaminln-
prospere, adv., successfully,
dat-us, from do (ch. xix. ).
Syri-acus, -aca, -acum, adj.,
Antiocli-us, -i, m., Antiochus.
M' = Manius.
Acil-ius, -ii, m., Acilius.
Glahr-io, -ionis, m., Glabrio.
Achai-a, -ae, /., Achaia.
bene, adv., well,
noct-umus, -luna, -umum,a<(;.,
nocturnal, at night.
Afrlc-anus, -ani, m., Africanus.
nav-alis, -iile, adj., naval,
circa, prep. gov. ace, around.
Sipyl-us, -i, 771., Sipylus.
Magnesi-a, -ae, /., Magnesia.
Asi-a, -ae, /., Asia,
fund-o, -ere, fud-i, fus-um, v.a.
3, I pour out, I rout, I shed.
quinquaglnta,nwm. adj. iiidecl.t
Prusi-as, -ae, m., Prusias.
Bithynl-a, -ae,/., Bithynia.
re'pet-o, -ere, petiv-ior "peti-i,
•petit-um, v.a. 3, I demand
back, I bring back.
bib-o, -ere, bib-i {no supine),
v.a. 3, I drink.
Libyss-a, -ae, /., Libyssa.
Nicomedi-euses, -ensium, m.,
the Nicomedians.
Phanie-a, -ae, m., Phamea.
equit-atus, -atus, m., cavalry,
prae'sum, -esse, 'fu-i, v.n., I
am over, I have command of
[gov. dat.).
ibi, adv., there,
milit-o, v.n. 1, I serve (in the
reverent-ia, -iae, /., respect,
parat-issimus, superl. of per/.
part. o/*paro (ch. xxx.).
consult-us, -a, -um, per/, part.
o/consulo, knowing, skilful,
hab-eor, -eri, habit-us sum,
pass. V. 2, I am considered,
regarded (habeo, ch. i.).
vel. . . vel, conj., either. . .or (volo,
I wish).
vTt-o, v.a. 1, I avoid.
adj. ,
cla-rus, -ra, -rum,
nowned, famous,
diru-o, -ere, -i, -turn, v.a. 3, I
var-ius, -ia, -ium, adj., various,
orna-mentum, -menti, n., an
re'cognosc-o, -ere, •cognov-i,
•cognit-um, v.a. 3, I recog-
septingent-esimus, -esima, -esi-
mum, nvm. adj., the seven
av-us, -i, m., a grandfather, an
mer-eo, v.a. 2, I get, I deserve,
scilicet, adv., namely
Numant-Ini, -inorum, m., the
opulent-issimus, -issima, -issi-
mum, superl. adj., richest
(ops, wealth).
i"gnobil-is, -e, adj., ignoble.
Mancin-us, -i, ni., Mancinus.
iterum, adj., a second time,
in*fam-is, -e, adj., disgrace-
in-fring-o, -ere, -freg-i, -fract-
um, v.a. 3, I break.
auc-tor, -toris, m., an author,
solut-us, -a, -um, per/, j^cirt. of
solvo (ch. xxiii.).
foed-us, -6ris, n., a treaty,
i'gnomin-ia, -iae,/., disgrace,
bis, adv., twice.
sub'jug-o, v.a. 1, I vanquish,
secundo, adv., a second time.
viti-osus, -osa, -osum,
wicked, depraved.
i-gnav-us, -a, -um, adj., indol-
ent, lazy.
ex-erc-eo, v.a. 2, I employ, I
pun-io, v.a. 4, I punish.
acerb-itas, -itatis, /. , severity.
corTig-o, -ere, Tex-i, rectum,
v.a. 3, I correct, I improve
(cum, rego).
part'lm, adv., partly (partior,
I divide),
ded-itio, -itionis, /., surrender.
Numant-ia, -iae, /., Numantia.
obsess-us, per/, part, of obsideo
(ch. xvii. ).
confic-io, -ere, 'fec-i, *fect-um,
v.a. 3, 1 finish, I kill, wear out.
sol-um, -i, n., the land,
e'vert-o, -ere, 'vert-i, vers-um,
v.a. 3, I thrust out, I de-
stroy, I overthrow,
provinc-ia, -iae,/., a province.
Attal-us, -i, m., Attains.
Eumen-es, -is, m., Eumenes.
mcrtu-us, per/, part, of niorior
(ch. XXV.).
lier-es, -edis, m, and f, an
testa-mentum, -menti, n., a
Nasic-a, -ae, m., Xasica.
Calpurn-ius, -ii,7n.,Calpurnius,
Besti-a, -ae, m., Bestia.
Jugurtti-a, -ae, m., Jugurtha.
illat-us, from infero (ch.
Adherbal, -alls, m., Adherbal.
Eiempsal, -alls, m., Hiempsal.
Micips-a, -ae, m., Micipsa.
cor*ruinp-o, -ere, Tup-i, -rupt-
um, v.a. 3, I break up, I
pecun-ia, -iae,/., money, ,
flaglti-osissinius, -osissinia, -os- \
issimum, superl. adj., most
disgraceful (tlagitiosus).
Im'prob-o, v.a. 1, I disapprove,
I reiect.
In-seqn-or, -i, -secut-us sum,
V. dep. 3, I follow, I succeed.
Spur-ius, -ii, m., Spurius.
igndminiose, ado., disgrace-
Caecil-ius, -ii, m., Caecilius.
sever- itas, -itatis, /., severity.
modera-tio, -tionis, /., modera-
correct-US, perf part, from
corrigo (ch. Ii. ).
cru-entus, -enta, -entum, adj.,
cruel, bloody.
disciplin-a, ae, /., discipline.
posit-unis, /row pono (ch. x.).
success-us, from succedo (ch.
Mar-ius, -ii, m., Marius.
Bocch-us, -i, m., Bocchus.
Mauritani-a, -ae, /., Mauri-
pariter, adv., equally, in like
all 'quant-US, -a, -um, adj. , some,
termin-us, -i, m., a limit, an
quaes-tor, -toris, m., a quaes-
Sull-a, -ae, m., Sulla.
ante, adv. and prep., before.
triumph-US, -i, m. , a triumph.
act-US, /row ago (ch. ii.).
curr-us, -us, m., a chariot.
caten-atns, -ata, -atum, adj.^
chained, bound (catena, a
jus-sus, -sus, m., a command,
career, -6ris, m., a prison.
8trangul-o, v. a. 1, I strangle.
dum, adv., while.
M = Marcus.
Caepio, -onis, m., Caepio.
Cimbr-i, -orum, w., the Cimbri.
Teuton-es, -um, m., the Teu-
Tigurin-i, -orum, m., the Tigu-
Amt»r6n-es, -um, m., the Am-
German-i, -orum, m., the Ger-
juxta, prep. gov. ace, close to,
Rhodan-us, -i, m., the Rho-
Inter "nec-io, -ionis, /., a mas-
sacre, destruction, slaughter.
at-ter-o, -ere, 'trlv-i, 'trit-um,
v.a. 3, I rub against, I de-
stroy (ad, tero, I rub).
tim-or, -oris, m., fear, alarm.
grand-is, -e, adj., great, large.
Jugurth-inus, -Ina, -mum, adj.,
de'cern-o, -ere, 'erev-i, "cret-
um, v.a. 3, I decree, I
tertio, adv. , for the third time.
quarto, adv., for the fourth
delat-us, /rom defero (ch. ix.).
quia, C071J., because.
Cimbr-icus, -ica, -icum, adj.,
pro*trali-o, -ere, "trax-i, 'tract-
urn, v.a. 3, I draw out, I
prolong, I protract.
col"leg-a, -ae, m., a colleague.
du'cent-i, -ae, -a, num. adj., two
Teutobod-us, -i, m., Teutobo-
quinto, adv. , for the fifth time,
felic-ius, adv. {comp. of felici-
ter), more successfully (ch.
simul, adv., together, at the
same time,
aut, C071J., or aut.,.aut, either
fug-a, -ae, /., flight.
caes-us, from caedo (ch. xvii.).
decret-us,/roOT decemo (ch. Iv. ).
sex'cent-esimus, -esima, -esi-
mum, num. adj., the six
sexag-esimus, -esima, -esimum,
num. adj., the sixtieth.
civ-ilis, -lie, adj., civil (civis).
Mithridat-icus, -Ica, -icum, adj.^
sexies, num. adv. , six times.
Mithridat-es, -is {ace, -en), w.,
gest-urus, /7*om gero (ch. iv.).
paulisper, adv., for a short
time (paulus, very little).
soci-alis, -ale, adj., social, con-
intra, prep. gov. ace, within,
in the interior.
affect-o, v.a. 1, I strive, I
1111c, adv., there.
in "gred-ior, -i, gress-us sum, v.
dep. 3, I walk into, I enter,
fu turns, future part, of sum
(ch. viii.).
Octav-ius, -ii, m., Octavius.
Cinn-a, -ae, m., Cinna.
Pont-us, -i, m., Pontus.
Nicomed-es, -is {ace, -en), m.,
pat-ior, -i, pass-us sum, v. dep.
3, I suffer,
re'spond-eo, -ere, -spond-i,
spons-um, v.a. 2, I answer,
fore, future inf. of sum (ch.
Irat-us, /rowi irascor (ch. xv. ).
Cappadoci-a, ae, /., Cappado-
Aiiol)arzan-es, -is,»i., Ariobar-
In'vad-o, -ere, "vas-i, "vas-um,
v.a. 3, I go against, I attack.
PapMagon-ia, -iae, /., Paphla-
pell-o, -ere, pepul-I, puls-um,
v.a. 3, I drive.
Pylaemen-es, -is, m., Pylae-
Ephes-us, -i, m., Ephesus.
nter-ae, -arum,/. pL, a letter,
ubi'cunque, adv., wherever.
Archela-us, -i, m.. Archelaus.
cognit-us, from cognosce (ch.
lec-tus, -ta, -turn ip^rf part, of
lego, I choose), chosen, se-
quin'decim, num. adj. indecl.,
ex'stinct-us, from exstingtio
(ch. XXXV.).
tri'd-uum, -ui, n., three days
(tres, dies),
nud-us, -a, -um, adj., naked.
pal-US, -tidis, /., a marsh.
lat-eo {no supine), v.n 2, I lie
corioqu-ium, -ii, n., a confer-
ence (cum, loquor, I speak).
terg-um, -i, n. , a back.
pericul-um, -i, n., danger.
re-par-o, v.a. 1, I get again I
in 'gress-us, from ingredior
(ch. Iviii. ).
pro-scrib-o, -ere, *scrips-i,
"script-um, v.a. 3, I pro-
scribe, I outlaw.
com"pell-o, -ere, "pul-i, -puls-
um, v.a. 3, I drive together,
I compel.
univers-us, -a, -um, adj., the
Graec-ia, -iae,/, Greece.
5r-o, v.a. 1, 1 pray.
sub-ven-io, -ire, "ven-i, -vent-
urn, v.n. 4, I come to lielp.
Norban-us, -i, m., Norbanus.
longe. adv., far.
Capu-a, -ae, /. , Capua,
coii'vert-o, -ere, "vert-i, 'vers-
um, v.a. and n. 3, I turn
sangu-is, -mis, m., blood,
mut-o, v.a. 1, I change.
Carb-o, -onis, m., Carbo.
per-sequ-or, -i, -secut-us sum,
V. dep. 3, I follow after, I
Pompei-us, -i, m., Pompey.
adolesc-ens, -entis, com., a
Industri-a, -ae, /., diligence,
prae-flc-io, -ere, "fec-i, 'fect-um,
v.a. 3, I place over,
trans -gred-ior, i, 'gress-us
sum, v.dep. 3, I cross over.
Domit-ius, -ii, m., Domitius.
Marl-anus, -ana, -anum, adj. of
Marius, Marian.
Hiarb-as, -ae, m., Hiarbas.
funest-issimus, -issima, -issi-
mum, superl. adj,, most de-
structive (funestus).
Itali-cus, -ca, -cum, adj.^
trah-o, -ere, trax-i, tract-um.
v.a. 3, I draw, I protract.
nunp-o, -ere, rup-i, rupt-um,
v.a. 3, I break,
rursus, adv., back, again,
fortun-a, -ae, /., fortune.
Cott-a, -ae, m. , Ootta.
Clialced-on, -uuis,/.,Chalcedon,
c5g:-o, -ere, coeg-i, coact-um.
v.a. 3, I drive (cum, ago).
Cyzic-us, -i, /., Cyzicus.
trans -tul-isset, fro7n transfero
(ch. xxxi.).
obsid-io, -ionis, /., a siege.
com-mor-or, v. dep., 1, I lin-
con -sum-o, -ere, 'sumps-i,
•sumpt-um, v.a. 3, I con-
sume, I waste.
Byzant-ium, -ii, n., Byzantium.
nunc, adv., now.
Constantinopol-is, -is, /., Con-
Lucull-us, -i, m., Lucullus.
op*prim-o, -ere, press-i, press-
um, v.a. 3, I overpower.
hiem-s, -is,/., winter.
aest-as, -atis, /., summer.
pirat-a, -ae, m., a pirate,
infest-o, v.a. 1, I trouble, I
naviga-tio, -tionis, /., naviga-
tut-us, -a, -um, adj., safe,
pauc-us, -a, -um, adj., small;
pL, few.
felic-itas, -itatis, /., success,
celer-itas, -itatis, /. , quickness.
Tigran-es, -is, m., Tigranes.
suscept-us, from suscipio
(ch. vi.).
Armeni-a, -ae,/., Armenia,
min-or, -us, comp. adj., less,
lesser (parvus).
di'rip-io, -ere, 'ripu-i, "rept-um,
v.a. 3, I tear in pieces, I lay
quadraginta, nww. adj. indecl.f
centurl-o, -5ni8, m., a centur-
com-es, -Itis, com., a compan-
multo, adv., much.
saev-io, v.n. 4, I am fierce,
Phamac-es, -is, m., Pharnaces.
mor-s, -tis, /. , death.
coact-us, from cogo (ch. Ixiii.).
haur-io, -ire, haus-i, haust-um,
v.a. 4, I swallow.
autem, conj., but, moreover.
Bospor-us, -i, m., the Bosphor-
sediti-o, -onis, /., sedition.
Cicer-o, -onis, m. Cicero.
ora-tor, -toris, m., an orator.
Anton-ius, -ii, m., Antony.
Serg-ius, -ii, m., Sergius.
Catilin-a, -ae, m., Catiline.
gen-US, -6ris, n., a family.
ingen-ium, -ii, n., ability, cha-
racter, disposition.
prav-us, -a, -um, adj., bad,
delend-us, -a, -um, from deleo
(ch. xxii.).
con'jur-o, v.a. 1, I conspire.
aud-ax, -acis, adj., bold, dar-
de prehend-o, -ere, 'prehend-i,
prehens-um, v.a. 3, I seize
upon, I apprehend.
Jul-ius, -ii, -m., Julius.
Caes-ar, -aris, m., Caesar.
Bibiil us, -i, m., Bibulus.
GaU-ia, -iae. .. Gaul.
Illyrl-cum, -ci, n., lllyricum.
prime, adv. , at first.
Helvet-ii, -iorum, m., the Hel-
Sequan-i, -orum, m., the
ocean-US, -i, m., the ocean.
Britanni-cus, -ca, -cum, adj.^
domo, -are, -ui, -Itum, v.a. 1,
I vanquish,
novem, mim,. adj. indecl., nine.
Rhen-us, -i, m., the Rhine,
circui-tus, -tus, m., a circuit,
pat-eo, -ere, -ui, v.n. 2, I am
open, I lie open,
tricies, num. adv., thirty
cent-eni, -enae, -ena, d'l.^trih.
num. adj. pi., a hundred,
pas-sus, -sus, m., a step, a pace.
Britann-i, -orum, vi., the
intul-i /rom infero (ch. xxxvii).
ne...quidem, not even.
obs-es, -idis, m. and f, a
accept-us from accipio (ch.
stlpendi-arius, -aria, -arium,
adj., tributary,
tribu-tum, -ti, n., a tribute,
ann-uum, -ui, n., a yearly
sestert-ius, -i, m., a sesterce,
quadringenties, adv., four hun-
dred times,
im "man-is, -e, adj., enormous,
tot, num. adj. wdecl., so many,
succes-sus, -sus, m. , a success.
ter, num. adv. three times.
Arvem-i, -onim, w., the
semel, adv., once,
praes-ens, -entis, adj., present.
Gennan-ia, -iae, /. , Germany.
Titur-ius, -ii, m., Titurius.
Auruncide-ius, -ii, nu, Aurun-
insid-iae, -iarum, /. pi., an
ambush, a plot.
ex*secr-or, v. dep. 1, I curse,
I execrate.
lacrlma-bilis, -bile, adj., la-
praeter, prep. gov. ace, besides.
calamit-as, -atis, /., a mis-
fortune, disaster.
ac'cid-o, -ere, "cid-i, v.n. 3,1
happen, befall.
posc-o, -ere, p6posc-i, v. a. 3,
I demand.
duM-us, -a, -um, adj., doubtful.
contra'dic-o, -ere, dix-i, 'dict-
um, v. a. 3, I speak against,
I oppose.
Marcell-us, -i, m., Marcellus.
Cat-o, -onis, m., Cato.
con-greg-o, v. a. 1, I assemble.
adversum, prep. gov. ace,
nobil-itas, -itatis, /., nobility.
Macedon-ia, -iae,/., Macedonia.
-ua, -uum,
vac-uus, -ua, -uum, adj.
val-idus, -ida, -Idum, adj.
for-tis, -te, adj., strong.
Afran-ius, -ii, m., Afranius.
Petre-ius, -ii, m., Petreius
inter 'ven-io, -ire, 'ven-i, -vent-
urn, v.n. 4, I come between, I
intervene, I come on.
nee, adv., not, (ch. xix.)
sc-io, -ire, sciv-i and sci-i, scit-
um, v.a. 4, I know (how).
Thessal-ia, -iae,/., Thessalia.
Phaxsal-ia, iae,/., Pharsalia.
pro*duc-o, -ere, 'dux-i, 'duct-
um, v.a. 3, I lead forward.
nunquam, adv., never.
major, -oris, comp. adj., greater
melior, oris, comp. adj., better
con' ven-io, -ire, 'veu-i, 'vent-
um, v.71. 4, I come together,
I agree upon.
facile, adv., easily.
sub'act-urus from subigo (ch.
barbar-us, -i, n., a barbarian.
con'ten-tio, -tionis, /., earnest-
postrem-us, -a, -um, superL,
adj., the last (post).
di'rept-us from diripio (ch.
Alexandri-a, -ae, /., Alexan-
Aegypt-us, -i,/., Egypt. ^
tut-or, -oris, w., a guardian.
juven-llis, -lie, adj., youthful.
conspic-io, -ere, 'spex-i, 'spect-
um, v.a. 3, I behold, I see.
lacriin-a, -ae, /. , a tear.
in'tu-eor, -eri, -tuit-us sum, v.
dep. 2, I gaze upon, I behold,
quondam, adv., formei-ly.
Ptolemae-us, -i, m., Ptolemy.
Nil-US, -i, m., the Nile.
lor-ica, -icae, / , a cuirass,
pot-ior, -iri, potit-us sum, v.
dep. 4, I take possession of.
Cleopatr-a, ae, /., Cleopatra,
sor-or, -oris, /, , a sister.
co'eg-it from cogo (ch. Ixiii.).
corp-us, -6ris, n., a body.
Sex-tus, -ti, m., Sextus.
Mund-a, -ae, /, Munda.
denique, adv., last.
occis-us/?-om occido (ch. vii.).
com*pon-o, -ere, 'pos-ui, -posit-
um, v.a. 3, I put together,
I finish.
Insolentius, comp. adv., more
or too arrogantly (insolenter) .
liber-tas, -tatis, /., liberty,
volun-tas, -tatis,/., will.
prae"st-o, -are, 'stit-i, 'stit-
um and 'stat-um, v.a. 1, I
give, I ofi'er, I confer,
antea, adv., formerly, before,
as'surg-o, -ere, -suiTex-i, -sur-
rect-um, v.n. 3, I rise up
(ad, surgo).
reg-ius, -ia, -ium, adj., regal,
tyxannic-us, -a, -um, adj.,
amplius, comp. adv., more.
coTiJurat-us, -i, m., a con-
Cass-ius, -ii, m., Cassius.
Servil-ius, -ii, m., Servilius.
Casc-a, -ae, m., Casca.
cur-ia, -iae, /., the Curia or
con*f6d-io, -ere, 'fod-l, -foss-
um, v.a. 3, I pierce through.
Interfect-us /roTn interficio (ch.
per"cus-sor, -soris, m., a striker,
anassa8sin(percutio,I strike),
fav-eo, -ere, ^v-i, faut-um,
v.n. 2, I favour, I am
con-or, V. dep. 1, I attempt.
turb-o, v.a. 1, I throw into
judic-o, v.a. 1, I consider, I
Pans-a, -ae, m., Pansa.
Hirt-ius, -ii, m., Hirtius.
Octavlan-us, -i, ?;?., Octavianus.
juss-erat/rom jubeo (ch. xxiv.).
Augnst-us, -i, m., Augustus.
potit-us jrom potior (ch. Ixx.).
e'ven-io, -ire, -ven-i, -vent-um,
r.7i. 4, I happen. I turn out.
par-eo, v.n. 2, I obey.
con-fug-io, -ere, "fug-i, -fugit-
um, v.n. 3, I flee.
Lepid-as, -i, m., Lepidus.
oper-a, -ae, /., exertion, aid.
ad"opt-o, v.a. 1, I adopt (ad,
opto. I select).
extorqu-eo, -ere, 'tors-i, "tort-
urn, v.a. 2, I obtain by force.
inter'fec-tor, -toris, wr., a
mov-eo, -ere, mov-i, mot-um,
v.a. 2, I stir up, I excite.
Ori-ens, -entis, ?n., the east
(yVom orior, ch. iii.).
re 'mans-erat from remaneo,
(ch. xxxi. ).
Philipp-i, -orum, m. pl.j
divis-us/rom divido (ch. xviii.).
interim, adv., meanwhile,
conflu-o, -ere, -flux-i, -flux-um,
v.n. 3, I flock together.
bell-o, v.n. 1, I carry on war.
rup-it /ro7?i rumpo (ch. Ixiii. ).
Pers-ae, -arum, m. , the Persians
pestilent-ia, -iae, /., disease,
in-st-o, -are, 'stit-i, -stit-um,
v.n. 1, I press hard upon.
Parth-i, -orum, m., the
Parthians .
regin-a, -ae,/., a queen.
cupid-Itas, -Itatis, /., a desire,
mulle-bris, -bre, acZ;., womanish
opt-o, v.a. 1, I desire.
iUustr-is, -e, adj., famous.
Act-ium, -ii, n., Actium,
desper-o, v.a. 1, I despair of.
interem-it from interimo (ch.
asp-is, -idis, /., a viper, an
adject-us/row adjicio (ch. v.).
prae-pon-o, -ere, -pos-ui, -posit-
um, v.a. 3, I place over.
Gall-us, -i, n., Gallus.
jud-ex, -icis, m., a judge, a
init-ixim, -ii, n. , a beginning,
principat-us, -us, m., absolute
ob-eo, ire, -iv-i, 'i-i, -it-urn,
v.n. irreg., I die.
Atell-a, -ae, /., Atella.
camp-us, -i, m., a plain.
Mart-ius, -ia, -ium, adj., of
sepult-us from sepelio (cK
(Tlie numerals refer to the Chapters.)
a, ab, 1.
adventus, 38.
AUia, 19.
al)sens, 22.
adversum, 67.
Alpes, 38.
abstineo, 37.
adversus, 20, 25.
alter, 12.
absum, 5.
aedifico, 7.
ambo, 40.
ac, 4
aeger, 36.
Ambrones, 55.
accedo, 15.
Aegyptus, 69.
Aemilius, 40.
amicitia, 44.
acceptus, 66.
amicus, 10.
accido, 67.
aequus, 27.
amicus (adj.), 37.
accipio, 7.
aestas, 63.
amitto, .31.
acerbitas, 51.
aetas, 16.
amnis, 39.
Achaia, 46.
Afer, 30.
amplio, 5.
acies, 18.
affecto, 57.
amplius, 72.
Acilius, 46.
afficio, 10.
ancilla, 8.
Actium, 77.
Afranius, 68.
Ancus, 6.
actus, 54.
Africa, 31.
angustia, 23.
ad, 2.
Africanus, 47.
Anio, 20.
adduce, 38.
ager, 9.
aimulus, 41.
adeo, 43.
aggredior, 37.
amius, 1.
Adherbal, 52.
ago, 2.
annuum, 66.
adhuc, 8.
ala, 21.
ante, 54.
adimo, 11.
Albani, 5.
antea, 72.
adjectus, 77.
Albinus, 36.
Antemnates, 3.
adjicio, 5.
Alexandria, 69.
Aiitiochus, 46.
adjungo, 8.
Algidum, 17.
antiquissimus, 18.
admiratio, 27.
aliquantus, 54.
Antonius, 65.
admiror, 27.
aliqniis, 28.
apparatus, 43.
admitto, 35.
aliquot, 24.
appello, 14.
adolescens, 62.
aliter, 40.
Appius, 23.
adopto, 74.
alius, 5.
apud, 19.
Apulia, 22.
aqua, 23.
Archelaus, 59.
Ardea, 10.
ardeo, 5.
argentum, 36.
Argos, 29.
Ariminum, 38.
Ariobarzanes, 58.
anna, 27.
Armenia, 64.
anno, 21.
aro, 17.
Aruns, 14.
Arvemi, 66.
ascendo, 36.
Asia, 47.
Asinus, 30.
aspis, 77.
assurgo, 72.
at, 37.
Atella, 77.
Atilius, 31.
Attalus, 51.
attero, 55.
atque, 2.
auctor, 50.
audax, 65.
audio, 44.
Augustus, 73.
Aulus, 36.
aureus, 20.
aunim, 19.
Auninculeius, 66.
aut, 56.
autem, 64.
auxilium, 15.
Aventinus, 6.
averto, 28.
avus, 49.
barbarus, 69.
bello, 76.
bellum, 3.
bene, 46.
Bestia, 52.
bibo, 47.
Bibulus, 66.
bis, 50.
Bithynia, 47.
Bocchus, 53.
Bosponis, 64.
Britanni, 66.
Britannicus, 66.
Bruttii, 26.
Brutus, 11.
Byzantium, 63.
C, 20.
Caecilius, 53.
caedo, 17.
Caenninensis, 3.
Caepio, 55.
caesus, 56.
Caius, 20.
calamitas, 67.
calidus, 40.
Calpumius, 52.
Camillus, 18.
Campania, 22.
campus, 77.
Cannae, 40.
capio, 15.
Capitolium, 7.
Cappadocia, 58.
captivus, 8, 26.
captus, 45.
Capua, 61.
caput, 22.
Carbo, 61.
career, 54.
Carthaginiensis, 30,
Carthago, 41.
Casca, 72.
Cassius, 72.
castrum, 24.
casus, 42.
Catilina, 65.
catena, 32.
catenatus, 54.
Catulus, 36.
Caudinus, 23.
causa, 11.
celeritas, 64.
censor, 23.
census, 8.
centeni, 66.
centum, 2.
centurio, 64.
certamen, 20.
cesso, 17.
ceter, 39.
Chalcedon, 63.
Cicero, 65.
Cimbri, 55.
Cimbricus, 55.
Cincinnatus, 17.
Cineas, 27.
cingo, 3.
Cinna, 58.
circa, 47.
circuitus, 66.
circum, 8.
circumduco, 45,
circus, 7.
civis, 9.
civitas, 2.
clarus, 49.
classis, 36.
Claudius, 23.
claudo, 11.
cloaca, 7.
Cnaeus, 30.
Coelius, 5.
coelum, 25.
coepi, 12.
coerceo, 12.
cognitus, 69.
cognomen, 20.
cognosce, 27.
cogo, 63.
Collatinus, 10.
collega, 55.
colligo, 13.
colloquium, 60.
collum, 20.
colo, 17.
comes, 64.
commissus, 39.
committo, 21.
commoror, 63.
commoveo, 3.
communis, 14.
compareo, 3.
compello, 60.
compleo, 3.
complexus, 35.
compono, 72.
concido, 16.
concito, 11.
concludo, 23.
conditio, 27.
condo, 2.
conficio, 51.
confligo, 39.
confluo, 76.
confodio, 72.
confugio, 74.
congrego, 67.
conjicio, .32.
conjungo, 44.
conjuratus, 72.
conjuro, 65.
Conor, 73.
consido, 20.
consilium, 2.
conspectus, 10.
conspicio, 69.
Constantinopolis, 63
constituo, 1.
consuetudo, 4.
consul, 12.
consularis, 17.
consulatus, 29.
consumo, 63.
contemno, 27.
contendo, 15.
contentio, 69.
contingo, 25.
contra, 6.
contradico, 67.
converto, 61.
convenio, 69.
copia, 33.
Corioli, 15,
Cornelius, 29.
corpus, 70.
corrigo, 51.
corrumpo, 52.
Corvinus, 21.
corvus, 21.
Cotta, 63.
credo, 3. creo, 4.
cruentus, 53.
Crustumini, 3.
cum, 1.
cupiditas, 77.
curia, 72.
Curius, 29.
currus, 54.
Cursor, 22.
cursus, 28.
Cyzicus, 63.
damno, 18.
damnum, 41.
datus, 46.
de, 10.
decedo, 4.
decern, 4.
Decemviri, 17.
decemo, 55.
decimus, 5.
decipio, 30.
decretus, 56.
dedecus, 23.
deditio, 51.
deduce, 33.
defendo, 19.
defensor, 14.
defero, 9.
deinde, 3.
delatus, 55.
delendus, 65.
deleo, 22.
demerge, 36.
denique, 71.
Dentatus, 29.
denuntie, 37.
depopulor, 26.
deprecatio, 15.
deprehendo, 65.
describe, 4.
desere, 44.
desino, 34.
despere, 77.
deterge, 17.
detraho, 41.
deus, 3.
dico, 21.
dictator, 14.
dicta tura, 14.
dies, 3.
differo, 39.
difficilius, 28.
diffugie, 39.
dignitas, 13.
dimice, 6.
dimitto, 24.
direptus, 69.
diripio, 64.
diruo, 49.
Eumenes, 51.
filius, 1.
disciplina, 53.
evado, 45.
finis, 25.
ditissimus, 18.
evenio, 73.
finitimus, 2.
diu, 18.
everto, 51.
fio, 23.
diutumitas, 12.
ex, 2.
flagitiossimus, 52.
divide, 18.
excidium, 1.
Flamininus, 46.
divinus, 43.
excludo, 11.
Flaminius, 39.
divisus, 75.
exerceo, 51.
fleo, 44.
do, 19.
exercitus, 11.
fletus, 15.
dominus, 25.
exigo, 14,
flumen, 19.
Domitius, 62.
exiguus, 1.
fluvius, 20.
domo, 66.
existimo, 43.
foedus, 50.
domus, 5.
exordium, 1.
fore, 58.
dubius, 67.
expavesco, 25.
fortis, 68.
ducenti, 56.
expello, 12.
fortuna, 63.
duco, 8.
explorator, 24.
fossa, 8.
Duilius, 30.
exsecror, 67.
f rater, 1.
dum, 55.
exstinctus, 59.
fraus, 30.
duo, 5.
exstinguo, 35.
fuga, 56.
duodecim, 36.
exsulo, 19.
fugio, 11.
duodecimus, 5.
extorqueo, 74.
fugo, 20.
duplico, 7.
fulmen, 5.
durus, 32.
Fabius, 16.
fundo, 47.
dux, 15.
Fabricius, 27.
funestissimub, 62
facile, 69.
farcula, 23.
e, 2.
facio, 7.
Furius, 21.
edo, 1.
factus, 43.
educo, 45.
Falisci, 18.
Gabii, 10
ejicio, 15.
fames, 19.
galea, 21.
elephantus, 25.
familia, 16.
Gallia, 66.
eligo, 2.
faveo, 73.
Gallus, 19, 77.
enim, 13.
favor, 22.
gener, 9.
Ephesus, 59.
fecerat, 44.
gens, 13.
Epirus, 24.
felicissime, 22.
genus, 65.
Germani, 55.
eques, 14.
felicitas, 64.
equitatus, 48.
felicius, 56.
Germania, 66.
ergo, 13.
fere, 2.
gero, 4.
erro, 33.
fero, 24.
gesturus, 67.
Esquilinua, S.
ferrum, 26.
gigno, 8.
esse, 8.
Fidenatea, 3.
Glabrius, 46.
et, 1.
fides, 31.
gloria, 45.
etiain, 7.
filia, 9.
Gracchus,, 38.
Graecia, 61.
grandis, 55.
gratior, 30.
gravis, 37.
habeo, 1.
habeor, 48.
Hamilcar, 31.
Hannibal, 37.
Hasdrubal, 38.
haurio, 64.
i Helvetii, 66.
heres, 51.
Hiarbas. 62.
hie, 2.
Hiempsal, 52.
hiems, 63.
hinc, 12.
Hirtius, 73.
Hispania, 37.
homo, 16.
honestas, 28.
honestus, 35.
honor, 22.
honorifice, 26.
Hostilius, 5
hostis, 17.
ibi, 48.
ibidem, 43.
ico, 5.
idem, 7.
igitur, 12.
ignavus, 51.
ignis, 26.
ignobilis, 50.
ignominia, 50.
ignominiose, 52.
illatus, 52.
ille, 28.
illic, 58.
illustris, 77
Illyricum, 66.
immanis, 66.
impatiens, 40.
impatientia, 40.
imperium, 1.
impero, 3.
impetus, 39.
impono, 20.
improbo, 52.
inchoo, 7.
incognitus, 8.
inde, 39.
indico, 24.
indictus, 38.
induco, 23.
industria, 62.
infamis, 50.
infero, 37.
infestus, 64.
infinitus, 4.
infringo, 50.
ingenium, 65.
ingens, 14.
ingredior, 58.
ingressus, 60,
initium, 77.
injuria, 3.
insequor, 52.
insidiae, 66.
insolens, 12.
insolentius, 72.
instituo, 7.
insto, 76.
instruo, 45.
insum, 43.
integer, 42.
inter, 22.
interea, 27.
interemit, 77.
interfector, 75.
interfectus, 73.
interficio, 21.
interim, 76.
interim©, 39.
Lnterjicio, 24.
intemecio, 55.
intervenio, 68.
intra, 57.
intro, 7.
intueor, 69.
intuli, 66.
invado, 59.
invenio, 17.
inventus, 39.
invicem, 14.
invictus, 30.
invidia, 18.
invito, 2.
invius, 38.
ipse, 2,
irascor, 15.
iratus, 58.
is, 1
ita, 19.
Italia, 18.
Italicus, 62.
itaque, 16.
iteriim, 50.
jaceo, 25,
jam, 22.
Janiculum, 6.
jubeo, 24.
judex, 77.
judico, 73.
jugenim, 17.
jugum, 23.
Jugurtha, 52.
Jugurthinus, oo.
Julius, 66.
jungo, 26.
junior, 9.
Junius. 12.
Jupiter, 10.
jusserat, 73.
jussus, 54.
juvenilis, 69.
juvenis, 10.
juxta, 55.
Kaeso, 16.
L, 17.
laboro, 19.
Lacedaemonii, 32.
lacrima, 69.
lacrimabilis, 67.
Laevinus, 24.
lateo, 59.
Latini, 6.
latro, 4.
lectus, 59.
legatus, 15.
legio, 21.
Lentulus, 29.
Lepidus, 74.
lex, 4.
liberi, 11.
libero, 17.
libertas, 72.
Libumus, 30.
Libyssa, 47.
Lilybaeum, 36.
literae, 59.
locus, 13.
longe, 61.
longius, 12.
lorica, 70.
Lucani, 26.
Lucius, 10.
Lucretia, 12.
Lucullus, 63.
lugeo, 14.
Lutatius, 36.
M, 55.
M', 46.
Macedonia, 67.
Macedonicus, 46.
magis, 42.
magister, 14.
Magnesia, 47.
major, 69.
male, 18.
malum, 34.
malus, 12.
Mancinus, 50.
mando, 37.
maneo, 13.
Manius, 29.
Manlius, 20,
manus, 17.
Marcellus, 67.
Marcius, 6.
Marcus, 21.
mare, 30.
Marianus, 62.
maritus, 10.
Marius, 53.
Mars, 1.
Martins, 77.
Masinissa, 44.
mater, 15.
matrona, 14.
Mauritania, 53.
Maximus, 22.
medicus, 28.
medius, 22.
melior, 69.
memoria, 7.
mensis, 4.
mereo, 49.
mergo, 30.
meritum, 21.
Metellus, 33.
metus, 42.
Micipsa, 52.
migro, 13.
miles, 21.
militaris, 19.
milito, 48.
millia, 9.
milliarium, 5.
minor, 64.
minus, 4.
missus, 28.
Mithridates, 57.
Mithridaticus, 57.
mitto, 18.
moderatio, 53.
modius, 41.
moneo, 40.
mons, 5.
morbus, 4.
morior, 25.
mors, 64.
mortuus, 51.
mos, 4.
moveo, 75.
mox, 11.
muliebris, 77.
multitude, 2.
multo, 64.
multus, 13.
Munda, 71.
mums, 7.
muto, 61.
nam, 4.
nascor, 1.
Nasica, 52.
natio, 2.
natus, 43.
navalis, 47.
navigatio, 64.
navis, 30.
ne, 12.
ne , . . quidem, 66.
nee, 19, 68.
necessitas, 23.
nego, 35.
nepos, 6.
neque, 19.
Xicomedes, 58.
Nicomedienses, 47.
nihU, 34.
Nilus, 70.
nisi, 15.
nobilis, 8.
nobilissimus, 10.
nobilitas, 67.
noctumus, 46.
nolo, 32.
nomen, 2.
nomino, 2.
non, 2.
nonagesimus, 1.
nonus, 14.
Norbanus, 61.
noster, 7.
novem, 66.
novus, 14.
nox, 25.
nudus, 59.
nuUus, 4.
Numa, 4.
Numantia, 51.
Numantini, 50.
numen, 43.
numenis, 7.
Numidae, 33.
Numidia, 44.
nunc, 63.
nunquam, 69.
ob, 18.
obeo, 77.
obsequor, 14.
obses, 66.
obsideo, 17.
obsidio, 63.
obtineo, 27.
occasio, 22.
occido, 7.
occisus, 71.
occupo, 19.
occurro, 39.
oceanus, 66.
Octavianus, 73.
octavus, 5.
octingenti, 25.
octo, 30.
octodecim, 1.
octoginta, 9.
oculus, 21.
offero, 21.
onmino, 16.
omnis, 2.
opera, 74.
oppidum, 3.
opprimo, 63.
oppugno, 10.
optimus, 21.
opto, 77.
opulentissimus, 50.
orator, 65.
orbis, 8.
ordino, 8.
I Oriens, 75.
j orior, 3.
j omamentum, 49.
! oro, 61.
ostendo, 24.
Ostia, 6.
P, 40.
paene, 45.
Palatinus, 1.
palus, 59.
Pansa, 73.
Paphlagonia, 59.
Papirius, 22.
paratissimus, 48.
parens, 11.
pareo, 73.
pariter, 53.
paro, 30.
pars, 27.
PartM, 76.
partim, 51.
partus, 1.
passus, 66.
patefacio, 38.
pateo, 66.
pater, 10.
j patior, 58.
patria, 15.
paucus, 64.
paulisper, 57.
Paulus, 40.
pauper, 27.
pax, 10.
pecunia, 52.
pedes, 38.
pello, 59.
per, 3.
percussor, 73.
perdo, 10.
pereo, 6.
pergo, 26.
periculum, 60.
peritus, 45.
permaneo, 7.
permutatio, 34.
perpetuus, 20.
Persae, 76.
persequor, 61.
pestilentia, 76.
peto, 15.
Petreius, 68.
Phamea, 48.
Phamaces, 64.
Pharsalia, 68.
Philippi, 75.
Philippus, 46.
Picenum, 22.
pirata, 64.
placeo, 12.
plurimum, 30.
poena, 37.
Poeni, 35.
polliceor, 28.
pompa, 33.
Pompeius, 62.
Pompilius, 4.
pondus, 36.
pono, 10.
Pontus, 58.
populus, 2.
porta, 11.
posco, 67.
positurus, 53.
possideo, 17.
possum, 13.
post, 1.
postea, 4.
posterior, 43.
posterus, 20.
postquam, 15.
postremo, 45.
postremus, 69.
Postumius, 36.
potens, 22.
potestas, 12.
potior, 70.
potitus, 73.
potuerat, 28
praeda, 18.
praecipio, 22.
praecipuus, 27.
praeficio, 62.
praelium, 4.
Praeneste, 26.
praepono, 77.
praesens, 66.
praesto, 72.
praesum, 48.
praeter, 67.
praetextus, 17.
praetorius, 41.
prandium, 45.
pravus, 65.
pretium, 26.
primo, 66.
primum, 18.
primus, 7.
principatus, 77.
Priscus, 7.
prius, 28.
pro, 12.
procedo, 21.
produoo, 68.
profectus, 29.
proficiscor, 16.
promitto, 28.
propter, 2.
proscribo, 60.
prospere, 46.
prosum, 4.
protraho, 55.
provincia, 51.
provoco, 20.
Prusias, 47.
Ptolemaeus, 70.
Publicola, 13.
Publius, 24.
pudicitia, 14
puerilis, 16.
pugna, 14.
pugno, 22.
Punicus, 30.
punio, 51.
puto, 4.
Pylaemenes, 59.
Pyrenaeus, 38.
Pyrrhus, 24.
Q. 22.
quadragesimus, 4,
quadraginta, 64.
quadringenti, 36.
quadringenties, 66,
quaestor, 54.
qualis, 45.
quam, 4.
quare, 27.
quarto, 55.
quartus, 1.
quasi, 14.
quattuor, 9.
quattuordecim, 30.
que, 4.
queror, 10.
qui, 1.
quia, 55.
quicunque, 24.
quidam, 21.
quiddam, 43.
quidem, 4. 66.
quindecim, 59.
quingentesimus, 40.
quingenti, 32.
quini, 3.
quinquagesimus, 46.
quinquaginta, 47.
quinque, 11.
Quintius, 15.
quinto, 56.
quintus, 9.
Quirinalis, 8.
quisquam, 13.
quod, 18.
quondam, 69.
quoque, 8.
quum, 2.
rapio, 2.
rebello, 18.
recedo, 14.
recessit, 29.
recipe re se, 31.
recipio, 2.
reddo, 12.
redeo, 22.
redigo, 36.
redimo, 26.
reduce, 28.
regina, 76.
regius, 72. regno, 3.
regnum, 3.
regredior, 35.
Regulus, 31.
relictus, 38.
relinquo, 11.
reliquisse, 44.
reliquus, 33.
remaneo, 31.
remanserat, 75.
removeo, 15.
Remus, 1.
renuntio, 14.
reparo, 60.
reperio, 22.
repeto, 47.
repudio, 15.
res, 20.
respondeo, 58.
restituo, 13.
retro, 31.
reverentia, 48.
revoco, 19.
rex, 4.
Rhenus, 66.
Rhodanus, 55.
Roma, 2.
Romanus, 1.
Romulus, 1.
rumpo, 63.
rupit, 76.
nirsua, 63.
Sabini, 3.
sacrum, 4.
saepe, 15.
saepius, 31.
saevio, 64.
Saguntini, 37.
Saguntum, 37.
Samnites, 22.
sanguis, 61.
saucio, 41.
scelus, 9.
scilicet, 49.
scio, 68.
Scipio, 38.
se, 26.
secundo, 50.
secundus, 37-
secutus, 19.
sed, 4. seditio, 64.
semel, 66.
semibarbarus, 4.
Sempronius, 38.
senator, 2.
senatus, 23.
senectus, 2.
senior, 2.
Senones, 19.
sepelio, 25.
septem, 23.
Septimus, 3.
septingentesimus 49
septuaginta, 31.
sepultus, 77.
Sequani, 66.
sequor, 17.
Sergius, 05.
sermo, 43.
Servilius, 72.
servio, 35.
j Servius, 8.
j sestertixun, 66.
{ severitas, 53.
sex, 33.
sexagesimus, 57.
sexaginta, 31.
sexcentesimus, 57.
sexies, 57.
sextus, 5.
Sextus, 71.
si, 12.
sic, 27.
Sicilia, 29.
signum, 19.
simul, 56.
sine, 26.
singularis, 20.
Sipylus, 47.
socer, 14.
socialis, 57.
socius, 37.
sol, 28.
sollicito, 27.
solum, 51.
solus, 16.
solutus, 50.
solvo, 23.
soror, 70.
spectaculum, 2,
spolium, 44.
spondeo, 28.
Spurius, 52.
statim, 13.
stemo, 23.
stipendiarius, 66.
strangulo, 54.
suadeo, 35.
sub, 9.
subactunis, 69.
subigo, 8.
subito, 3.
subitus, 3.
subjugo, 50.
sublatus, 13.
subvenio, 61.
succedo, 5.
successus, 53, 66.
sudor, 17.
Suessa, 10
sufficio, 11.
sui, 10.
Sulla, 54.
Sulpicius, 20.
sum, 8.
summus, 17.
superbus, 9.
superior, 36.
supero, 5.
supersum, 16.
supplicium, 35.
susceptus, 64.
suscipio, 6.
suus, 2.
Syphax, 44.
Syriacus, 46.
talis, 25.
tamen, 8.
tandem, 43.
tantum, 32.
tantus, 16.
Tarentini, 24.
Tarentum, 29.
Tarquinius, 7.
tempestas, 3.
templum, 4.
tempus, 23.
teneo, 27. ter, 66.
Terentius, 40.
tergum, 60.
terminus, 54.
terra, 8.
terror, 26.
tertio, 55.
tertius, 4.
testamentum, 51.
Teutobodus, 56.
Teutones, 55.
Thessalia, 68.
Tiberius, 38.
Tigranes, 64.
Tigurini, 55.
timor, 55.
Titurius, 66.
Titus, 16.
toga, 17.
toUo, 13.
Torquatus, 20.
torques, 20.
tot, 66.
totus, 25.
tracto, 25.
trado, 38. traho, 62.
trajicio, 38.
trans, 20.
transeo, 3.
transfero, 31.
transgredior, 62.
transigo, 46.
transmarinus, 24.
transtulisset, 63.
Trebia, 39.
trecentesimus, 1.
trecenti, 16.
tredecim, 36.
tres, 8.
tribunus, 21.
tribuo, 36.
tributum, 66.
tricesimus, 3.
tricies, 66.
triduum, 59.
triginta, 5.
triumpho, 7.
triumphus, 54.
Troja, 1.
trux, 25.
tulisse, 25.
Tullius, 8.
Tullus, 5.
turn, 21.
tunc, 2.
turbo, 73.
Tusci, 10.
Tuscia, 39.
tutor, 69.
tutus, 64.
tyrannicus, 72.
ubi, 41.
ubicunque, 59.
uilus, 30.
ultimus, 10.
undique, 13.
unguis, 21.
universus, 61.
unus, 1.
urbs, 1.
usque, 15.
ut, 12.
uterque, 45.
uxor, 2.
vacuus, 68.
Valerius, 13.
validus, 68.
varius, 49.
Varro, 40.
vasto, 26.
Veientes, 3.
vel, 48.
venenum, 28.
venio, 11.
verbero, 21.
verum, 40.
vestalis, 1.
veto, 22.
Veturia, 15.
via, 23.
vicesimus, 6=
eicinus, 2.
victor, 14.
victoria, 21.
victus, 31.
vicus, 40.
video, 25.
viginti, 11.
Viminalis, 8
vincio, 28.
vmco, 3.
vindico, 14.
vir, 27.
Virginius 16.
virgo, 1.
virtus, 36.
vitiosus, 51.
vito, 48.
vix, 45.
voce, 2.
volo, 12.
Volsci, 10.
Volso, 31.
Volumnia, 15.
voluntas, 72.
vox, 25.
vulnero, 36.
vulnus, 25.
vultus, 25.
Xantippus, 32.
able (to be), 13.
absent (to be), 5, 22.
abstain from (to), 37
according to, 2.
Achaia, 46.
acre, 17.
act (to), 2.
add (to), 5.
Adherbal, 52.
admire (to), 27.
adopt (to), 74.
advise (to), 35.
Africa, 31.
African, 30.
Africanus, 47.
after, 1.
afterwards, 4.
against, 6, 20.
age. 16.
Alban, 5.
Alexandria, 69.
Algidus, 17.
all, 2.
alone, 16.
also, 7.
although, 2.
among, 22.
ancient, 18.
Ancus, 6.
angry (to be), 15.
Anio, 20.
another, 5.
answer (to), 58.
Antiochus, 46.
Antony, 65.
anything, 13.
Appian, 23.
appoint (to), 8.
apprehend (to), 65.
approach (to), 15.
Apulia, 22.
Ardea, 10.
arm (to), 21.
army, 11, 18.
arrival, 38.
arrogantly, 72.
as, 14.
as far as, 15.
Asia. 47.
ask (to), 34.
assassin, 73.
assistance, 15.
Atilius, 31.
attempt (to), 73.
Augustus, 73.
author, 50.
avenge (to), 14.
Aventine, 6.
avoid (to), 48.
badly, 18.
banish (to), 12.
battle, 14.
be (to), 8.
beaked, 30.
bear (to), 24.
bear off (to), 2.
beat (to), 3.
because, 18, 55.
befall (to), 67.
before, 72.
begin (to), 12.
behold (to), 69.
benefit (to), 4.
besiege (to), 17.
best, 21.
Bestia, 52.
betake oneself (to),
26, 31.
betray (to), 38.
Bibulus, 66.
bind (to), 28.
blockade (to), 17.
bloody, 53.
Bocchus, 53.
body, 70.
booty, 18. both, 40.
Bosphorus, 64.
bravery, 36.
breakfast, 45.
bribe (to), 27, 52.
bring (to), 24.
bring back (to), 36.
brother, 1.
Brutus, 11.
build (to), 1.
burn (to), 5.
bury (to), 25.
but, 4.
by, 1.
C, 20.
Caesar, 66,
call (to), 2.
Camillus, 18.
camp, 24.
Cauipania, 22,
Campus, 77.
Cannae, 40.
Capitol, 7.
captive, 26.
capture (to), 15.
Carbo, 61.
carry on (to), 4.
carry over (to), 81.
Carthage, 31.
Carthaginian, 30.
Catiline, 65.
Catulus, 36.
Caudine, 23.
cavalry, 14, 48.
cease (to), 34.
celebrate (to), 2.
census, 8.
centurion, 64.
ceremony, 33.
certain one (a), 21.
chain, 32.
Chalcedon, 63.
challenge (to), 20.
change (to), 61.
chastity, 14.
chief, 17.
children, 11.
Cicero, 65.
Cimbri, 55.
Cincinnatus, 17.
Cineas, 27.
Cinna, 58.
circus, 7.
citizen, 0.
city, 1.
Claudius, 23.
Cleopatra, 70.
close (to), 11.
collar, 20.
colleague, 55.
CoUatinus, 10.
collect (to), 13.
combat, 20.
come (to), 11.
come on (to), 68.
come to pass (to),
line 531.
come up (to), 15.
command (to be
in), 48.
commence (to), 21.
commit (to), 35.
complete (to), 3.
condemn (to), 18.
condition, 27.
confer (to), 72,
conquer (to), 3, 5.-
conqueror, 14.
considered (to be),
conspire (to), 65.
conspirator, 72.
construct (to), 23.
consul, 12.
consulship, 29.
(vorioli, 15.
Cornelius, 29.
correct (to), 51.
Corviuus, 21.
country, 15.
course, 28.
crime, 73.
cross over (to), 3.
cuirass, 70,
cultivate (to), 17.
Curius, 29.
Cursor, 22.
daughter, 9.
day, 3.
dead, 25.
death, 'page 64.
Decemvirs, 17.
declare (to), 24.
defeat (to), 3.
defend (to), 19.
defender, 14.
defer (to), 39.
delay (to), 39.
demand (to), 67.
desire (to), 77.
despair (to), 77.
despise (to), 27.
destroy (to), 22.
dictator, 14.
dictatorship, 14.
difficult, 28.
dignity, 13.
dinner, 45.
disapprove (to), 52.
disaster, 67.
disgrace, 23.
disgraceful, 52.
dispo.^ition, 65.
distressed (to be), 19
divide (to), 4, 18.
divine, 43.
do (to), 2, 7.
doctor, 28.
Domitius, 62.
drag off (to), 41.
dread (to), 25.
drive out (to), 12.
Duilius, 30.
eighteen, 1.
eighty, 9.
either ... or, 56.
Egypt, 69.
elephant, 25.
empire, 1.
encamp (to), 20.
end, 25, 54.
end (to), 46.
enemy, 17.
engage (to), 39.
enlarge (to), 5.
ensuing, line 525.
enter (to), 7, 58.
enter on (to), 9.
envy, 18.
Ephesus, 59.
Epirus, 24.
establish (to), 7.
evil, 34.
except, 15.
exchange, 34.
excite (to), 11.
expel (to), 12.
eye, 21.
Fabian, 16.
Fabius, 16.
Fabricius, 27.
face, 25.
fair, 27.
fall (to), 16.
famine, 19.
fear, 26, 42.
field, 9.
fierce, 25.
fifth, 9.
fifty, 47.
fight, 14.
fight (to), 6, 39.
find (to), 17.
fire, 26.
first, 7.
first time (for the),
five, 11.
five hundred, 32.
five hundredth, 40.
Flaminius, 39.
flee (to), 11.
fleet, 36.
fly (to), 11.
follow (to), 17.
for ever, 20.
for fe;ir, line 397.
force (to), 74.
forces, 33.
Forks, 23.
former, 36.
fortieth, 4,
forty, 64.
fortune, 63.
found (toi, 2.
four, 9.
fourth, 1.
free (to), 17.
friend, 10.
friendship, 44.
from, 1.
from all sides, 13.
gain possession of
(to), 70.
Gallus, 77.
game, 2.
gate, 11.
Gaul, 19.
general, 15.
gens, 13.
Germans, 55.
give (to), 19.
glory, 45.
go over (to), 3.
god, 3.
gold, 19.
golden, 20.
grant (to), 19.
great, 14, 55.
greater, 69.
Gracchus, 38.
Hamilcar, 31.
hand, 17.
hand over (to), 38.
Hannibal, 37.
hard, 32.
hardl}', 45.
Hasdrubal, 38.
hasten (to), 15.
have (to), 1.
he, 1, 28.
hear (to), 44.
heir, 51.
helmet, 21.
help, 15.
help (to), 61.
Helvetii, 66.
herself, 2.
Hiempsal, 52.
hill, 1.
himself, 2.
his, 2.
hitherto, 8.
hold (to), 1.
honesty, 28.
honour, 22.
honourable, .35.
honourably, 26,
Hostilius, 5.
house, 5.
hundred, 2.
hunger, 19.
if, 12.
ignoble, 50.
in, 1.
in order that, 13.
in turn, 14.
industry, 62.
infantry, 38.
injure (to), 10.
injury, 3.
insolent, 12.
into, 1.
Italy, 18.
join (to), 8.
Jugurtha, 52.
K, 16.
keep (to), 1.
kill (to), 7, 21.
king, 4.
kingdom, 3.
know (to), 27.
L, 17.
Lacedemonians, 32.
Laevinus, 24.
large, 55.
last, 10.
lay waste (to), 26.
lead (to), 8.
lead back (to), 28.
leader, 15.
leadership, line 1 52.
leave (to), 11, 44.
legate, 15.
legion, 21.
Lentulus, 29.
Lepidus, 74.
less, 64.
letter, 59.
Liburnian, 30.
lightning, 5.
longer, 12.
lord, 25.
lose (to), 31.
loss, 41.
Lucullus, 63.
M, 55.
Macedonia, 67.
Macedonians, 46.
made (to be), 23.
Magnesia, 47.
make (to), 7.
man, 16, 27.
Manlius, 20.
many, 13.
Marcius, 6.
Marius, 53.
marry (to), 8.
Martins, 77.
Masinissa, 44.
master, 14.
master of horse, 14.
matron, 14.
Maximus, 22.
meet (to), 39.
memory, 7.
messenger, 15.
Metellus, 33.
mile, 5.
Mithridates, 57.
money, 52.
month. 4.
more, 12.
more ... than, 42.
mother, 15.
mourn for (to), 14.
mount, 5.
multitude, 2.
Munda, 71.
murderer, 75.
nation, 2.
naval, 47.
near, 19, 55.
nearly, 2.
neck, 20.
neighbouring, 2.
nephew, 6.
never, 69.
new, 14.
Nicomedes, 58.
night, 25.
ninetieth, 1.
no, 4.
no one, 4.
noble, 8,
not, 2.
not ... even, 66.
notice (to give), 37.
Numa, 4.
Numidia, 44.
Xumidians, 33.
Numantini, 50.
offer (to), 21.
old, 43.
on, 1.
on account of, 2.
on the other side,
one, 1.
only, 32.
openly, line 70.
opportunity, 22.
oppose (to), 67.
order, 54.
order (to), 24, 73.
ornament, 49.
other (the), 12.
others, 5.
our, 7.
out of, 2.
over the sea, 24.
overcome (to), 5.
overthrow (to), 51.
P, 24.
Palatine, 1.
Papirius, 22.
part, 28.
partly, 51.
pass, 23.
pass over (to), 3.
peace, 10.
peck, 41.
people, 2.
perish (to), 6.
pestilence, 76.
Philippi, 75.
Pharnaces, 64.
place in command
(to), 62.
place on (to), 20.
place over (to), 77.
pleasing, 30.
plough (to), 17.
poison, 28.
Pompey, 4.
Pompilius, 62.
Pontus, 58.
poor, 27.
position, 13.
possess (to), 17.
posterity, 20.
power, 12.
powerful, 22.
Praeneste, 26.
pray (to), 61.
prayer, 15.
prepare (to), 30.
press hard (to), 76.
Prisons, 7.
prisoner, 26.
promise (to), 28.
protract (to), 55.
province, 51.
Publius, 24.
Punic, 30.
punish (to), 51.
pursue (to), 17.
put (to), 19.
put to death (to), 7.
Pyrrhus, 24.
quarter, 27.
Queen, 76.
Quintius, 15.
raven, 21.
receive (to), 2, 6.
recognize (to), 49.
recover (to), 19.
Regulus, 31.
reign (to), 3.
reject (to), 15.
remain (to), 7, 13,
remove (to), 13.
Remus, 1.
renew (to), 60.
reply (to), 58.
report (to), 24.
resolved, 12.
rest, 33.
restore (to), 13.
restrain (to), 12.
retire (to). 22.
retreat (to), 35.
return (to), 22.
Rhone, 55.
rich (very), 18.
ring, 41.
rise up (to), 72.
river, 20.
Roman, 1.
Rome, 2.
Romulus, 1.
rule (to), 3.
ruler, 77.
Sabines, 3.
sacred, 4.
8aguntum, 37.
same, 7.
.Samnites, 22.
say (to), 25.
say not (to), 35.
Scipio, 38.
scout, 24.
sea, 30.
second, 37,
sedition, 64.
see (to), 25.
seek (to), 15.
seize (to), 19.
Sempronius, 38.
Senate, 23.
senator, 2.
send (to), 18.
send away (to), 24
Senonian, 19.
service, 21.
Servius, 8.
Sequani, 66.
set out (to), 16.
settle on (to), 20.
seven, 23.
seventh, 3.
severity, 53.
sewer, 7.
shed (to), 67.
ship, 30.
shut out (to), 11.
shut up (to), 23.
Sicily, 29.
silver, 36.
sink (to), 36.
single, 20.
situate, 10.
six times, 57.
sixth, 5.
sixty, 57.
skilful, 48.
skill, 2.
slaughter, 55.
slave (to be a), 35.
slay (to), 7.
small, 1.
so, 19, 27.
so great, 16.
social, 57.
soldier, 21.
some, 5.
something, 21.
son, 1.
son-in-law, 9.
soon, 11.
soon afterwards,
Spain, 37.
spoil, 18, 44.
standard, 19.
state, 2.
stir up (to), 3.
strike (to), 5.
strive (to), 57.
subdue (to), 8.
succeed (to), 5.
successfully, 22, 46.
sue (to), 15.
suffer (to), 7, 58.
Sulla, 54.
Sulpicius, 20.
sun, 28.
Superbus, 9.
surname, 20.
surround (to), 3.
survive (to), 16.
T, 16.
take (to), 15.
take away (to), 11.
Tarentiues, 24.
Tareutum, 29.
Tarquinius, 7.
tear, 69.
tempest, 3.
temple, 4.
ten, 4.
terror, 26.
Teutones, 55.
than, 4.
their, 2.
then, 21.
there, 4S.
therefore, 13.
thief, 4.
think (to), 4, 43.
thirty, 5.
this, 2.
thousand, 9.
three, 8.
three hundred, 16.
three hundredth, 1.
throw (to), 32.
through, 3.
throughout, 3.
Tiberius, 38.
to, 2.
together with, 1.
Torquatus, 20.
town, 3.
treaty, 50.
Trebia, 39.
tribe, 13.
triumph, 54.
triumph (to), 7.
Tullius, 8.
Tullus, 5.
turn from (to), 28.
turn out (to), 73.
twelve, 36.
twenty, 11.
two, 5.
under, 9.
undertake (to), 6.
unknown, 8.
unlimited, 4.
unsuccessful, 25,
unwilling (to be),
Valerius, 13.
valour, 36.
Veientes, 3.
vessel, 30.
Vestal, 1.
Veturia, 15.
victory, 21.
village, 40.
virgin, 1.
Volsci, 10.
Volso, 31.
Volumnia, 15.
wage (to), 4.
wall, 7.
wander (to), 33.
war, 3.
warfare, line 702.
waste (to), 63.
way, 23.
wear out (to), 51.
weep (to), 44.
weeping, 15.
weight. 30.
what, 24.
where, 41.
wherefore, 27.
wherever, 59.
when, 2.
while, 55.
who, 1.
whole, 25.
whole world,
page 62.
wicked, 12.
wicked act, 9.
wife, 2.
will, 51, 72.
wish (to), 12.
with, 1.
withdraw (to), 14.
woman, 8.
wound (to), 36.
wrong (to), 10.
year, 1.
yoke, 23.
young, 10.
youth, 16.
Xautippus, 32.
Pott Svo, Eighteenpence each.
The following contain Introductions, Notes, and Vocabularies, and in
some cases Exercises : —
15v \V. WEr.cii, .M.A., uud C. G. Dlkkikld, .M.A.
Aeschylus— PKOM ETHE US VINCTUd. By Rev. H. M. .Stephen.son, MA.
Arrian.— SELECTIONS. With Exercises. By Rev. John Bond, M. A., and
Rev. A. S. Wai.pole. M.A
Aulus Gellius, Stories from. Adapted for Beginners. With Exerci.ses.
liy Rev. G. H. Nai.l. M.A.
Caesar.— THE Helvetian war. Selections from Book I., adapted for
JJctrinners. With Exercises. By W. Welch, M.A.,andC.G. Duffield, M.A.
THE INVASION OF BRITAIN. Selections from Books IV. and V.,
adapted for Beginners. With Exercises. By the same.
SCENES FROM BOOKS V. and VI. By C. Colbeck, M.A.
THE GALLIC WAR. Book I. By Rev. A. S. Walpolk, M.A.
Books II. and III. By the Rev. W. G. Rutherford, M.A., LL.D.
Book IV. By Clement Bryans, M.A.
Book V. By C. Colbeck, M.A., Assistant Master at Harrow.
Book VI. By C. Colbeck, M.A.
Book VII. By Rev. J. Bond, M.A., and Rev. A. S. Walpole, M.A.
THE CIVIL WAR. Book I. Bv M. Montgomrky, M.A.
Cicero.— DE SENECTQTE. By E. S. Shuckburgh, M.A.
UE AMICITIA. Bv the same.
STORIES OF ROMAN HISTORY. Adapted for Beginners. With
Exercises. Bv Rev. G. E. Jeaxs, M.A., and A. V. Jones, M.A.
Curtius (Quintus),— SELECTIONS.— Adapted for Beginners. With Notes,
VocabiUai V, and Exercises. By F. Coverley Smith.
Euripides.— ALCESTIS. By Rev. M. A. Bayfield, M.A.
MEDEA. By Rev. M. A. Bayfield, M.A.
HECLI5A. By Rev. J. Bond, M.A., and Rev. A. S. Walpole, M.A.
Eutropius.- Adajited for Beginners. With Exercises. By W. Welch, M.A.,
and ('. G. DuFFlEf.D, M.A.
BooK.s I. and II. By the same.
Exercises in Unseen Translation in Latin. By w. Welch, m.a.,
:ind Rev. C. G. Dlfiield, .M.A.
Herodotus, Tales from. Atticized. By G. s. Farxell, M.A.
Homer.— ILIAD. Bk. I. ByRev. J.BoND,M.A.,andRev. A. S.Wali>olk, M.A.
Book VI. Bv Walter Leaf, Litt.D., and Rev. M. A. Bayfield.
Book XVIIL' By S. R. James, M. A., Assistant Master at Eton.
Book XXIV. By W. Leaf, Litt.D., and Rev. M. A. Bayfield, M.A.
ODYSSEY. Book I. Bv Rev. J. Bond,M.A., and Rev. A. S. Walpole, M.A.
Horace.— ODES. Books I., II., III. and IV. separately. By T. E. Paqk, M.A.
Li vy.— Book I. By H. M. Stephenson, M.A.
Book V. By M. Alford.
Book XXI. Adapted from Mr. Capes's Edition. Bv J. E. Melhcish. M.A.
Book XXII. Adapted from :srr. Capks's Edition. Bv J. E. Melhuish, M.A.
SELECTIONS FROM BOOKS V. and VI. By W. Cecil Laming, M.A
G. C. Macaulay, M.A.
Books XXIII. and XXIV. Adapted by E. P. CoLERiDnE, B.A.
THE SIEGE OP SYRACUSE. Adapted for Beginnei-s. With Exercises.
Bv G. Richards, M.A., and Rev. A. S. Waliole, M.A.
LEGENDS OF ANCIENT ROME. Adapted for Beginners. With
Exercises. Bv H. Wilkinson. M.A.
Lucian.— EXTRACTS FROM LUCIAN. With Exercises. By Rev. J. Bond,
M.A., and Rev. A. S. Walpole. Af.A.
HISTORY. With Exercises. Bv G. S. Farnell, M.A.
Vol. I. GREEK LIVES. By H. Wilkinson M.A.
Ovid.— SELECTIONS. By E. S. Shuckburgh, M.A.
By H. WiLKixsox, M.A.
J. Bond, M.A., and Rev. A. S. Walpole, M.A.
TRISTIA. Book I. By E. S. Shuckburgh, M.A.
Book III. By E. S. Shuckburgh, M.A.
G. H. Peacock, M.A., and E. W. W. Bkll, M.A.
Phaedrus.— FABLES. By Rev. G. H. Nall, M.A.
SELECT FABLES. Adapted for Beginners. By Rev. A. S. Walpole, M.A.'
Pliny.— SELECTIONS Illustrative of Roman Life. By C. H. Keene, M.A.1
LETTERS. I.-XII. By C. J. Phillips, B. A.
SallUSt.— JUGURTHINE WAR. By E. P. Coleridge, B.A.
Suetonius.— STORIES OF the CAESARS. By H. Wilkinson, M.A.
Thucydides.— THE rise of the Athenian empire. Book
Chs. 89-117 and 228-238. With Exercises. By F. H. Colson. M.A.
Books II. and III. By W. T. Sutthery, M.A., and A. S. Graves, B.A,
Book VII. Athenian Disaster in Sicily. By E. C. Marchant, M.A.
Valerius Maximus. By c. H. Ward, m.a.
Virgil.— SELECTIONS. By E. S. Shuckburgh. M.A.
BUCOLICS. By T. E. Page, M.A.
GEORGICS. Book L By T. E. Pagf., M.A. Book III. By T. E. Page, M.A-
Book II. By Rev. J. H- Shrine, M.A. Book IV. Bv T. E. Page, M.A.
AENEID. Book L By l!ev. A. S. Walpole, M.A.
Book L By T. E. Page, M.A. Book VII. By Rev. A. Calvert.M.A.
Book II. ByT. E. Page, M.A. Book VIII. By Rev. A. Calvert.M.A.
Book IIL By T. E. Page, M.A. Book IX. By Rev. H. M. Stephen
Book IV. By Rev. H. M. son, M.A.
Stephen.son, M.A. Book X. Bv S. G. Owen, M.A.
Book V. By Rev. A. Calvert, Book XL By T. E. Page, M.A.
M.A. Book XII. By T. E. Page, M.A
Book VL By T. E. Page, M.A.
Xenophon.— ANABASIS. Selections, adapted for Beginners. Wltl
Exercises. By W. Welch, M.A., and C. G. Duffield, M.A.
Book I. With Exercises. By E. A. Wells, M.A.
Book I. By Rev. A. S. Walpole, :M.A.
Book II. By Rev. A. S. Walpole, ]\I.A. ^
Book III. By Rev. G. H. Nall, M.A.
Book IV, By Rev. E. D. Stone. M.A.
Book V. By Rev. G. H. Nall, M.A.
Book VI. By Rev. G. H. Nall, M.A.
Book VII. By Rev. G. H. Nall, M.A
SELECTIONS FROM BK. IV. With Exercises. By Rev. E. D. Stone. M.A.
SELECTIONS from the CYROPAEDIA. Exercises. Bv A. H. Cooke, M. A.
TALKS FROM THE CYROPAEDIA. With Exercises. ByC. H. Keene, M.A.
The following contain Introductions and Notes, but no Vocabulary
Cicero.— SELECT letters. By Rev. G. E. Jeans, M.A.
Herodotus.— SELECTIONS FROM BOOKS VII. and VIII. The Expedition
of Xerxes. By A. H. Cooke, M.A.
Rev. W. J. V. Baker, M.A.
Terence.— SCENES FROM THE ANDRIA. By F. W. Cornish, M.A.,
Vice-Provost of Eton.
The Greek Elegiac Poets.— FROM CALLINUS TO callimaCHUS.
Selected bv Rev. Herbert Kynaston, D.D.
Tbucydides.- Book IV. Chs. 1-41. THE CAPTURE OF SPHACTERIA.
By C. E. Graves, M.A.
Los Angeles
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